Bohmian Mechanics: Recent Readings & Experimental Evidence

In summary: Broglie-Bohm theory' was too complicated and unnecessary. After all, it is possible to accept the de Broglie pilot wave idea, and even the idea of a particle, and then to deny that they have any important physical consequences. Thus I did not believe that the objections were very serious, since the theory had some advantages over the usual theory. Nevertheless, they must have been serious enough to have prevented the de Broglie-Bohm theory from becoming widely accepted. In any case, I myself was not particularly concerned about these objections, and I did not feel any strong need to publicize the theory, so I did not think about it very much in subsequent years.In summary, Boh
  • #1
George Isaac
Recently, I read Bohm's articles explaining his interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. I did not find anything "bad" with it, so why didn't anybody pursue it further? Any experimental evidence against its predictions?
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  • #2
Did you not notice the central role of the position representation ? In Copenhagen interpretation, there is no well-defined trajectory, because one cannot speak about objects by themselves outside measurement. Bohm attempts to keep classical concepts valid, which is very questionable ! Do you not think that QM teach us that the microworld is very different from the macroworld ? In the same context, the process of decoherence is well understood in Copenhagen interpretation, but quite artificial in Bohm's theory. The worse IMHO, is the fact that this interpretation is in conflict with elementary Lorentz invariance (which is due to the central role of non-locality. In Copenhagen interpretation, non-locality is also here but limited to EPR-like phenomena). Bohmian mechanics cannot be formulated in a Lorentz-invariant way, which is not the case for Copenhagen interpretation.

For instance :
  • #3
There's still quite a bit of interest in it. You might want to take a look at Shelly Goldstein's review article (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) here:
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  • #4
Yes, Doc Al is right. Plus the fact that Stanford Encycl. Phil. is such a great ressource. Actually it is quoted in the wikipedia link. Wikepedia is more scientific : less discussion (which is bad) but more equations (which is useful)

I also wanted to add a welcome for you George Isaac :smile:
  • #5
George Isaac said:
Recently, I read Bohm's articles explaining his interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. [...] Any experimental evidence against its predictions?

As I recall, Bohm's version of QM doesn't make any experimental predictions that distinguish it from "standard" QM, so there isn't even a possibility of experimental evidence one way or the other.
  • #6
What's your opinions about Landau's work on QM?
  • #7
BM is only an equivalent model of QM (formally). Only the interpretations of BM are questionable (as well as the QM interpretations ;).

BM is the explicit display of the QM statistics through the Q observable. we replace the schroedinger equation (evolution of the state |psi(t)>) by 2 equations : the rho(q,t) time evolution (probability conservation law) and the v(q,t) time evolution (the Hamilton-jacobi equation).
As long as we stay with these two variables, we always recover the QM results (including the measurement postulate). However, to solve the rho(q,t) and v(q,t), we almost always need to solve the schroedinger equation first. Thus, this model is not much useful to get initial results. This may explain why this model is not much used today (even if some experts are using it).

The questionable interpretation of BM concerns the v(q,t) field: you can attach an extra equation "the bohmian particle path": dq/dt=v(q,t). However, this path cannot be measured (included in the statement of the BM). Therefore, it is quite a philosophy to accept or not its "reality" (no testable results of QM depends on the existence of this path).

The Lorentz invariance is more hidden in BM but we still have it as a formally equivalent QM model. It is analogue to the Lorentz invariance of EM field with either the coulomb gauge (you have an instantaneous V pontential) or the lorenz gauge (we can view BM as QM with “the coulomb gauge”, ie the Q observable).

However, in my humble opinion, BM model is a very interesting tool to understand how QM works. It also helps in demystifying the measurement problem of QM and some paradoxes.

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  • #8
Dear George:
I think Bohm's Mechanics is the last resort to those who needs particle trajectory. I would like to show you (one of these papers in that directory ) in which the author finally says if one needs to calculate the tunelling time without the debate about larmor times then turn your sight to BM in which you can navigate the electron in defined path with a defined propagation time. Unfortunately (as you know about me from myself my friend) I do not practice BM so I do not "know" how to calculte such thing in BM. I hope someone else give us more info
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  • #9
The decoherent histories interpretation actually allows you to describe paths for any particles at any times in the history of the universe from just after the big bang. There are some restrictions, however, that distinguish the paths from classical ones.

If you choose to describe particle positions, then you can't describe particle momenta at the times you describe positions, and you need to course-grain these fine-grained particle descriptions by only looking at some particles at some times to get useful probabilities. Also, if a particle lacks sufficient entanglement with the rest of the universe then the particle histories interfere, as in the two particle paths in the two-slit experiment.

Other than that, you can talk of a particle going from here to there in almost a classical sense.
  • #10
zhangpujumbo said:
What's your opinions about Landau's work on QM?

And he said ... what? would you explain or give link(s) to what the legendary Landau said?
  • #11
sifeddin said:
And he said ... what? would you explain or give link(s) to what the legendary Landau said?
AFAIK, the work of Landau in his famous lectures is a (very good) restatement of Bohr's work and the Copenhagen interpretation.
  • #12
In Bohm's words ...

George Isaac said:
Recently, I read Bohm's articles explaining his interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. I did not find anything "bad" with it, so why didn't anybody pursue it further? Any experimental evidence against its predictions?
Here are Bohm's own words on the subject, written around the time of his retirement in 1987:
These proposals did not actually 'catch on' among physicists. The reasons are quite complex and difficult to assess. Perhaps the main objection was that the theory gave exactly the same predictions for all experimental results as does the usual theory. I myself did not give much weight to these objections. Indeed, it occurred to me that if de Broglie's ideas had won the day at the Solvay Congress of 1927, they might have become the accepted interpretation; then, if someone had come along to propose the current interpretation, one could equally well have said that since, after all, it gave no new experimental results, there would be no point in considering it seriously. In other words, I felt that the adoption of the current interpretation was a somewhat fortuitous affair, since it was affected not only by the outcome of the Solvay Conference but also by the generally positivist empiricist attitude that pervaded physics at the time. This attitude is in many ways even stronger today, and shows up in the fact that a model that gives insight without an 'empirical pay-off' cannot be taken seriously.

I did try to answer these criticisms to some extent by pointing out that the enriched conceptual structure of the causal interpretation was capable of modifications and new lines of development that are not possible in the usual interpretation. These could, in principle, lead to new empirical predictions, but unfortunately there was no clear indication of how to choose such modifications from among the vast range that was possible. And so these arguments had little effect as an answer to those who require a fairly clear prospect of an empirical test before they will consider an idea seriously.

In addition, it was important that the whole idea did not appeal to Einstein, probably mainly because it involved the new feature of non-locality, which went against his strongly-held conviction that all connections had to be local. I felt this response of Einstein was particularly unfortunate, both during the Solvay Congress and afterwards, as it almost certainly 'put off' some of those who might otherwise have been interested in this approach.
  • #13
IMHO, BM is just another interpetation of QM. Personally, I like the idea that in time, particle trajectories then to collapse. That theory, using time as a parameter, can vary all the way from the Copenhagen Interpetation to the Bohm Interpetation.
I should find that reference- about 6 months ago in

Personally, I think it just points out how little we are really sure about in physics. Avtually that just justifies how little I know.

  • #14
Today has posted a reasoned paper review by Oliver Passon of BM. Turns out that there are two relevant equations: the potential equation and the guidance equation. Bohm and his followers emphasized the potential equation as fundamental; whereas Durr and his school emphasized the guidance equation as fundamental, and called that approach "Bohmian Mechanics"-- hence some confusion about what BM means.

An essential part of BM is a distribution of initial particle positions given by the squared modulus of the eigenfunctions. Given that, then Passon concludes that there is no experimental way to discern BM from ordinary QM.

Here is the link to the paper:

Ten pages long, it is the most concise review I am aware of.

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FAQ: Bohmian Mechanics: Recent Readings & Experimental Evidence

1. What is Bohmian Mechanics?

Bohmian Mechanics, also known as the De Broglie–Bohm theory, is a quantum theory that provides an alternative interpretation of quantum mechanics. It was developed by David Bohm and Louis de Broglie in the 1950s and is based on the idea that particles have definite positions and trajectories, unlike in traditional quantum theory where particles exist in multiple states simultaneously.

2. How does Bohmian Mechanics differ from traditional quantum mechanics?

In traditional quantum mechanics, the behavior of particles is described by a wave function that can only predict the probability of a particle's position. In Bohmian Mechanics, particles have well-defined positions and trajectories, and the wave function is seen as a guiding pilot wave that influences the behavior of the particles.

3. What are some recent readings on Bohmian Mechanics?

Recent readings on Bohmian Mechanics include "Bohmian Mechanics and Quantum Theory: An Appraisal" by James Cushing, "Bohmian Mechanics as the Foundation of Quantum Mechanics" by Detlef Dürr and Sheldon Goldstein, and "The Pilot-Wave Perspective on Quantum Scattering and Tunneling" by Travis Norsen.

4. Is there any experimental evidence to support Bohmian Mechanics?

There have been several experiments that support the predictions of Bohmian Mechanics, such as the delayed-choice quantum eraser experiment and the double-slit experiment with particles guided by a pilot wave. However, there is still ongoing debate and further research is needed to fully validate the theory.

5. How does Bohmian Mechanics impact our understanding of quantum phenomena?

Bohmian Mechanics challenges the traditional interpretation of quantum mechanics and offers a different perspective on how particles behave at the quantum level. It also raises questions about the nature of reality and determinism, as well as the role of consciousness in the behavior of particles. Its continued exploration and research could potentially lead to a deeper understanding of quantum phenomena and how the universe operates at a fundamental level.

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