What exactly does integration signify?

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In summary, integration in physics is the process of finding the total amount of a quantity represented by a continuous distribution, such as charge or velocity. It is represented by the area under a curve and can be thought of as the opposite of differentiation. In mathematics, it has both an indefinite and definite form, with the latter representing the total change in the quantity between two points. Integration is also related to the concept of summing infinitesimal elements and can be better understood by using it to derive formulas in physics.
  • #1
I thought about posting this in the math forums, but I'm curious about what integrals actually represent as applied to physics so I'm posting it here. I feel that others will conceptually benefit from this conversation as well.

Differentiation has a clear and easily understandable meaning and application since there are rates everywhere in the physical world.

We also all know that integration is simply the "opposite" of differentiation and it can be thought of as the area under a curve by summing the infinitely many rectangles of ever decreasing width.

... So that all makes sense, but can someone talk about how integration fits into the physical world? Derivatives are to rates as integrals are to... what?
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  • #2
As far as physics goes I just view them as sums of infinitesimal elements. Mathematically this isn't really correct since summation is a specific type of integration but its fine for physics. For example if I have charge distributed over a region I would start with an infinitesimal element of the region on which there is some charge and add up all such elements throughout the region to get the total charge. This ends up just being the integral of the charge density over that region. Geometrically it's a way of dealing with quantities associated with continuous distributions as opposed to discrete distributions. However as I said this is my handwavy way of looking at integrals in physics because mathematically summation is a special case of integration.
  • #3
An indefinite integral, as you probably know, is merely the antiderivative of a function. A definite integral is the change in the antiderivative's value between the two points equal to the limits. For example, if you have velocity as a function of time and you take the integral from t=0 to t=3 then the result will be the total displacement between time 0 and time 3. An integral represents the change in the antiderivative between two values of the independent variable. If you want me to explain how that has anything to do with the area under the curve, I will.
  • #4
The two fundamental theorems of integration. I think i studied somewhere in high school. So for me the definite and the indefinite integrals are two different things.

The first fundamental theorm states that
if df/dx = g, then
{integral}g*dx = f + C

This means that the indefinite integration is inverse function of diffrenciation.

The second fundamental theorem of integration talks about the definite integrals. It states that

{integral_a to b} f(x)*dx = Area under the curve from a to b.

From the second fundamental theorem the concept of sum of infinitesimal elements is derived.

As you said that difrentiation has a clear meaning so is indefinite integration.

Even the definite integral has a clear meaning in physics, it is the are under the curve or the sum of infinitesimal elimens(both are same things).
  • #5
WannabeNewton said:
As far as physics goes I just view them as sums of infinitesimal elements. Mathematically this isn't really correct since summation is a specific type of integration but its fine for physics. For example if I have charge distributed over a region I would start with an infinitesimal element of the region on which there is some charge and add up all such elements throughout the region to get the total charge. This ends up just being the integral of the charge density over that region. Geometrically it's a way of dealing with quantities associated with continuous distributions as opposed to discrete distributions. However as I said this is my handwavy way of looking at integrals in physics because mathematically summation is a special case of integration.

I think this is the best way of seeing integrals. Both in physics and in mathematics. Using the usual epsilon-delta theory of analysis, this isn't a rigorous approach. However, you might be interested that we can make this rigorous in nonstandard analysis. There, an integral really is adding up infinitesimal elements.
  • #6
cytochrome said:
Differentiation has a clear and easily understandable meaning and application since there are rates everywhere in the physical world... So that all makes sense, but can someone talk about how integration fits into the physical world? Derivatives are to rates as integrals are to... what?

You could try "derivatives are to the rate of change of a quantity as integrals are to the quantity itself"...Although to really make it click, you might try using integration to derive ##s=\frac{1}{2}at^2+x_0## from ##v=at##; and to derive the formula for the volume of a sphere.

(That's what worked for me many many years ago)
  • #7
Nugatory said:
You could try "derivatives are to the rate of change of a quantity as integrals are to the quantity itself"...

Although to really make it click, you might try using integration to derive ##s=\frac{1}{2}at^2+x_0## from ##v=at##; ...
(That's what worked for me many many years ago)

Totally agree, the same worked for me. And, to take the derivative of 1/2 at^2 + x_0 to realize that it is just at, so that if you forget either but remember one of them you can still easily find the other.

FAQ: What exactly does integration signify?

What exactly does integration signify?

Integration is the process of combining different elements or parts into a cohesive whole. In science, it often refers to the incorporation of new information or ideas into existing knowledge or systems.

Why is integration important in science?

Integration allows scientists to build upon previous research and knowledge, leading to a deeper understanding of complex phenomena. It also helps to bridge different fields of study and encourages collaboration and innovation.

What are some examples of integration in science?

Examples of integration in science include the integration of different disciplines, such as biology and chemistry, to study the molecular basis of diseases; the integration of data from multiple sources to create a comprehensive model of a complex system; and the integration of new technologies into existing research methods.

How does integration differ from synthesis?

While integration refers to the combination of different elements or parts into a cohesive whole, synthesis involves the creation of something entirely new from those elements. In science, synthesis often involves the development of new theories or models based on existing research and knowledge.

What are some challenges of integration in science?

One of the main challenges of integration in science is the need for interdisciplinary collaboration and communication, which can be difficult due to differences in terminology, methods, and perspectives. Additionally, integrating new information or ideas may require re-evaluating existing theories or models, which can be a lengthy and complex process.

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