Do municipal water meters measure entrained air?

In summary: Otherwise, it's just a waste of money. In summary, this device is not likely to be helpful and would only be worth it if you live on a high point.
  • #1
I have just now seen an advertisement on tv that claims to save up to 40% on residential water bills by inducing the meter to not measure the volume of air bubbles represented by entrained air in the supply line. This device is to be placed immediately DOWNSTREAM of the meter and presumably somehow compresses the bubbles upstream of the meter! Not being an engineer but with average knowledge of homeowner issues and a desire to keep my water bill down, I'm curious. Does this device make physical sense. Could entrained air bubbles really significantly affect the measured volume? To whoever wants to respond I'll be grateful and will answer questions about the claims although I think I've stated it succinctly. gw
Engineering news on
  • #2
No, that isn't possible. I don't know if it can do what it says to entrained air (unlikely), but there isn't that much entrained air in a domestic water system to begin with.
  • #3
At the kinds of flow rates I'm interested in when testing engines, entrained air can make a significant (perhaps a few percent) difference to the true reading. The idea that I can fit something downstream of this (rather than spend thousands of pounds on a fancy water meter) is ridiculous, and would make bugger all difference for a domestic supply anyway.

File under C for Cobblers.
  • #4
upstream, maybe downstream, no way
I can't imagine there is actually that much air

I would be concerned that all it was doing is slowing down the flow, making it appear like your getting the same amount of water for less $$$, but in actuality slightly reducing the water you use.

If you are serious about saving water and money there are better ways. improved showerheads, always wash full loads of clothes, hand wash dishes, toilet water reductions, etc
we even re-use the water that I get from the de-humidifyer heating the house for laundry water (we get ~5 gallons per day)

don't skimp oin the showers, though, you can lose friends

  • #5
russ_watters said:
No, that isn't possible. I don't know if it can do what it says to entrained air (unlikely), but there isn't that much entrained air in a domestic water system to begin with.

First of all, there is a lot of air in domestic waterlines, hence "air vacuum assemblies" are installed in high points of waterlines. But for the average homeowner, this meter air strainer would probably only be the most beneficial if you live on a hill or higher than the watermain you're connected to.

FAQ: Do municipal water meters measure entrained air?

1. How do municipal water meters measure entrained air?

Municipal water meters do not typically measure entrained air. These types of meters are designed to measure the volume of water passing through them, not the amount of air present in the water.

2. Can air bubbles affect the accuracy of municipal water meters?

Yes, air bubbles can affect the accuracy of municipal water meters. When air bubbles are present in the water, they can cause the meter to register a lower volume of water than is actually passing through.

3. How does air get entrained in municipal water?

Air can become entrained in municipal water through a variety of sources, such as leaks in the pipes, changes in pressure, or high levels of turbulence in the water. It can also be caused by aeration systems used to treat the water.

4. Are there any methods to remove entrained air from municipal water?

Yes, there are methods to remove entrained air from municipal water. These include using air release valves, installing air separators, or implementing aeration control strategies. However, these methods may not be 100% effective and can be costly.

5. Can entrained air in municipal water pose any health risks?

In general, entrained air in municipal water does not pose any health risks. However, it can potentially cause issues with water meter accuracy and can also lead to problems with water treatment processes. It is important for municipalities to monitor and address any issues with entrained air in their water systems.
