Understanding the Limitations of WKB Approximation in One-Dimensional Problems

In summary, the WKB method is limited to one-dimensional problems because it allows for explicit approximate solutions. In many dimensions, the eikonal approximation can be used, but it results in a Hamilton-Jacobi equation that cannot be solved symbolically. However, it still provides an approximate solution that describes the propagation of waves along "rays" in multiple dimensions.
  • #1
Hi all
I have a question about WKB approximation
Why is it that WKB method can be applied only to problems that are one dimensional or those which can be reduced to forms that are one dimensional ones?
any help is deeply appreciated
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  • #2
InGaAsP said:
Hi all
I have a question about WKB approximation
Why is it that WKB method can be applied only to problems that are one dimensional or those which can be reduced to forms that are one dimensional ones?
any help is deeply appreciated

This is not quite correct. The one-dimensional WKB is widely used because you can have explicit approximate solutions. In many dimensions, there are no such explicit solutions. The analog of WKB approximation in many dimensions is the approximation of geometric optics (or eikonal approximation). This approximation can be applied to a wave equation in many dimensions, and you get a Hamilton-Jacobi equation for the "eikonal" function.

It works like this. Suppose you have a wave equation, let's write it symbolically as Wave([tex]\psi(x)[/tex])=0, where "Wave" is a differential operator and [tex]\psi(x)[/tex] is a function describing the wave; x is a multidimensional position vector. You would like to consider solutions [tex]\psi(x)[/tex] that look like quickly oscillating waves. So then you write the ansatz, [tex]\psi=\exp(\imath \lambda \Omega(x))[/tex], where [tex]\Omega[/tex] is a new unknown function, representing the phase of the oscillation, and [tex]\lambda[/tex] is a large constant (it's large because you want the wave to oscillate quickly). Then you substitute this ansatz into the wave equation and keep only terms of highest order in [tex]\lambda[/tex]. You get a nonlinear equation for [tex]\Omega(x)[/tex], which looks like the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. The function [tex]\Omega[/tex] is called the 'eikonal' but it's just the phase of the wave. This function can be interpreted as the action of a particle, as in the usual Hamilton-Jacobi formalism in mechanics. So in this way you can visualize propagation of waves as motion of particles along "rays".

In one dimensions, you do this and get an ordinary differential equation of first order for the eikonal [tex]\Omega[/tex]. So this can be solved and you get an explicit formula for the eikonal. In many dimensions, you can't solve it symbolically, so you just kind of say "grrr..." but at least the approximate solution exists and looks like a wave propagating in straight lines.
  • #3

The WKB approximation is a method used to solve differential equations in quantum mechanics. It is based on the assumption that the wave function can be expressed as a product of an exponential function and a slowly varying function. This approximation works well for one-dimensional problems because it allows us to ignore the higher order derivatives in the differential equation, reducing it to a simpler form.

However, in higher dimensions, the wave function cannot be expressed in this simple form, and the higher order derivatives become significant. As a result, the WKB approximation is not accurate and can lead to incorrect solutions. Therefore, it is limited to one-dimensional problems or problems that can be reduced to one-dimensional forms.

In addition, the WKB approximation also assumes that the potential energy is slowly varying, which is often not the case in higher dimensions. This further limits its applicability to only one-dimensional problems.

It is important to understand the limitations of the WKB approximation and use it only in cases where it is appropriate. In higher dimensional problems, other methods such as perturbation theory or numerical methods may be more suitable.

Related to Understanding the Limitations of WKB Approximation in One-Dimensional Problems

What is the WKB approximation?

The WKB (Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin) approximation is a method used in quantum mechanics to approximate the solutions to one-dimensional problems. It is based on the assumption that the wave function can be expressed as a combination of a slowly varying amplitude and a rapidly oscillating phase.

What are the limitations of the WKB approximation?

The WKB approximation is only valid for one-dimensional problems and cannot be applied to higher dimensions. It also assumes that the potential is smooth and slowly varying, and does not work well for sharp potential barriers or wells. Additionally, the WKB approximation is only accurate in the semiclassical limit, where the wavelength of the particle is much smaller than the size of the potential.

How does the WKB approximation compare to other methods?

The WKB approximation is a useful method for approximating solutions to one-dimensional problems, but it is not as accurate as other methods such as numerical solutions or perturbation theory. However, it is often easier and quicker to use, especially for problems with smooth potentials.

What types of problems can the WKB approximation be applied to?

The WKB approximation is commonly used for problems involving particles in potential wells or barriers, such as the quantum harmonic oscillator or the particle in a box. It is also used in problems involving tunneling, such as alpha decay.

How can the accuracy of the WKB approximation be improved?

The accuracy of the WKB approximation can be improved by using higher-order terms in the approximation, known as the WKB series. Additionally, it can be improved by using more advanced techniques such as the uniform WKB approximation or the WKBJ method, which take into account the rapid oscillations in the potential. Furthermore, numerical methods can also be used to improve the accuracy of the WKB approximation.

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