Guys: Learn the "Rules" Girls Wish You Knew!

  • Thread starter 0TheSwerve0
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In summary, there are certain rules that girls wish guys knew but may not always tell them. These include planning ahead for dates, keeping up with personal hygiene, being honest and not lying to get out of trouble, being considerate and cleaning up after oneself, and being respectful of women's interests and friendships. It is also important to communicate openly and not expect your partner to read your mind. However, there may be some differences in opinions and preferences in relationships, and it's important to communicate and understand each other's perspectives.
  • #1
I'll let you in on the rules girls wish guys knew but wouldn't tell them because they should already know them!

1. Asking a girl on Friday for a date on Saturday is completely unacceptable. Keyword: Planning
2. Shave every day. One day's growth of facial hair is worse than a girl not shaving her legs for a week.
3. We may be emotional beings, but do not lie to squirm your way out of trouble. We are not as gullible as you think.
4. Learn to clean up the toilet. If peeing standing up is so difficult and you are bound to miss, then may we suggest that you learn to use a toilet brush and sponge to clean up after yourself.
5. We really don't find it attractive when you stand there stratching yourself in the morning, afternoon or night- please do it in private.

6. Don't do it, if you're not going to follow-thru. A woman would rather not have sex at all, than to have it and miss the climax by a mile because you weren't up for the challenge. (checked with LYN on this, sorry if it's inappropriate! Just delete it if so).
7. Don't fix it if it's really not broke. You don't need to take everything apart out of curiosity.
8. Ask for directions
9. If you said you are going to be somewhere at a certain time, then do it. Don't expect us to wait around.
10. Professional Wrestling and Soap Opera's are the same story lines, just different costumes. So don't make fun of us for being hooked on Y&R when you are hooked on WWF.

11. "I don't feel like talking right now" is an acceptable thing to say- Unacceptable thing to do is sit there and pretend you're listening and just say "uh huh" and "yes Dear"- it's condescending.
12. Get rid of your holey underwear.
13. If you can ogle so can we!
14. One remote is ENOUGH... no need to have a control tower in your living room.
15. Couch Potato is not a sport, so don't try to be an All-star at it!

16. Your way is not always the right way. Learn to say- "I was wrong"
17. If we can't talk to you during a football game, then don't try to get our attention during Ally McBeal.
18. If you say you are going to do something, then just do it. Don't sit around thinking of creative excuses why you couldn't get to it.
19. We are not your mothers, so don't expect us to clean up after you like one.
20. SkyLine Chili is not considered a romantic dinner for two.

21. We have other friends of the male sex, so leave your jealousy at the door!
22. If you concede to let us decorate the house without any input from you, then don't complain when everything is in frilly flowers, and pink motif.
23. When wearing a dress shirt, wear an undershirt underneath. Nothing worse than seeing a man's hairy chest and nipples through his shirt.
24. Hey, we CAN be friends with our ex's- so deal with it!
25. We understand that you have to put on a manly act in front of your friends, but in the privacy of your own home, it's okay if you just want to cuddle.
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Physics news on
  • #2
1. Why can't the girl ask
2. Girls should too
3. Yes you are
4. I agree!
5. Evolution at work...
6. hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha
7. yes we do. human knowledge MUST progress! if this means opening everything up, so be it.
8. Ask another man for directions? Isn't that a little contradictory :D
9. As if girls know how to keep appointments
10. No, soap operas suck.
11. uh huh
12. gross!
13. way to be the more mature person, not
14. until the day women stop complaining that they don't know how to use universal remotes, our towers stay
15. Stop watching your soap operas all day
16. Tell women that
17. Deal!
18. As if women don't do this
19. We are not your fathers, don't expect us to get you out of every little problem you make for yourself :P
20. Indeed!
21. Girls are always more jeolous then guys, i did not even know this was a disputable fact
22. I've never seen a guy who conceded this, the woman just failed to listen
23. Be thankful some guys even put their shirts on
24. Refer to #21
25. It's ok to fake your feelings towards people you know in public, just don't expect us to care when you come home nagging everyone in life.

I think I've countered beautifully for my side of the biological war.
  • #3
Hah@LYN. Practice makes perfect, ladies and gents!

I think I have only one rule:

(1) Don't be stupid.

If you aren't sure whether a given action is stupid or not, I will tell you. Wait, I already have one. When I state that a person p is physically attractive, do not assume that this implies that I want to marry p or mate with p or anything else whatsoever. It is sometimes merely an observation.
  • #4
0TheSwerve0 said:
23. When wearing a dress shirt, wear an undershirt underneath. Nothing worse than seeing a man's hairy chest and nipples through his shirt.


I personally know for a fact that its a huge turn on for some FINE chicks. Which brings me to a question.. just how hot are yeE? :biggrin:
  • #5
0TheSwerve0 said:
...checked with LYN on this...
Did you happen to notice him slowly backing out of the door at the time? :biggrin: :smile:
  • #6
Terrible advice.

Relationships are reciprocal. You kind of displayed how selfish girls are in relationships.

If you're unhappy with something, say so. Don't expect your partner to figure it out all the time.

I totally disagree with number 1 though, like it's totally/entirely wrong. I met girls that wouldn't care at all, or most of them don't. Girls who do care are normally uptight and think that their time is so valuable that you can't squeeze anybody in, NOT EVEN THE GUY YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON!

I didn't read them all because I found the first ten just lame.

Half of the rules are just common courtesy that guys must follow, but girls must follow too.

Like honestly, a girl will never get in a good relationship if she's this selfish.

Since relationships are reciprocal, I always think as follows...

If you expect me to do something, then I should expect the same from you.

So, for all the girls out there expecting pretty things for Valentine's Day, etc..., well I'm expecting pretty things too. I like chocolate too you know. :-p

Note: I went back up to read some more. It's just so sad that girls think they are perfect and do better than guys when it comes to relationships.

For the girl who spends time thinking about these rules, get a NEW BOYFRIEND AND STOP WHINING!
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  • #7
I received this in an email and I thought it a great example of the difference between the way the sexes think.

Her Diary said;
Monday 17 November 2003
Saw John in the evening and he was acting really
strangely I went shopping in the afternoon with the girls
and I did turn up a bit late so I thought it might be that.
The bar was really crowded and loud so I suggested we
go somewhere quieter to talk. He was still very subdued and
distracted so I suggested we go somewhere nice to eat.
All through dinner he just didn't seem himself; he hardly
laughed, and didn't seem to be paying any attention to me or
to what I was saying.
I just knew that something was wrong.
He dropped me back home. I wondered if he was going to
come in; he hesitated, but followed. I asked him again if
there was something the matter but he just half shook his
head and turned the television on.
After about 10 minutes of silence, I said I was going
upstairs to bed. I put my arms around him and told him that
I loved him deeply. He just gave a sigh, and a sad sort
of smile.
He didn't follow me up, but later he did, and I was
surprised when we made love. He still seemed distant and a
bit cold, and I started to think that he was going to leave
me, and that he had found someone else.
I cried myself to sleep...

His diary said;
The team lost the game - but we had sex!
  • #8
Tzemach said:
I received this in an email and I thought it a great example of the difference between the way the sexes think.

Her Diary said;
Monday 17 November 2003
Saw John in the evening and he was acting really
strangely I went shopping in the afternoon with the girls
and I did turn up a bit late so I thought it might be that.
The bar was really crowded and loud so I suggested we
go somewhere quieter to talk. He was still very subdued and
distracted so I suggested we go somewhere nice to eat.
All through dinner he just didn't seem himself; he hardly
laughed, and didn't seem to be paying any attention to me or
to what I was saying.
I just knew that something was wrong.
He dropped me back home. I wondered if he was going to
come in; he hesitated, but followed. I asked him again if
there was something the matter but he just half shook his
head and turned the television on.
After about 10 minutes of silence, I said I was going
upstairs to bed. I put my arms around him and told him that
I loved him deeply. He just gave a sigh, and a sad sort
of smile.
He didn't follow me up, but later he did, and I was
surprised when we made love. He still seemed distant and a
bit cold, and I started to think that he was going to leave
me, and that he had found someone else.
I cried myself to sleep...

His diary said;
The team lost the game - but we had sex!

So true. :rolleyes:
  • #9
JasonRox said:
For the girl who spends time thinking about these rules, get a NEW BOYFRIEND AND STOP WHINING!
Now that's the best advice so far. :biggrin: With all these silly rules on both sides, if you're spending your time obsessing about this stuff, you obviously need a new boyfriend or girlfriend.

I also don't agree at all that there's any problem asking on Friday night for a date on a Saturday. The only risk there might be in asking last minute is I might already have plans, but if I don't, I'm happy to go out...heck, you could call me up Saturday night and say, "What are you doing tonight?" and I'd be willing to go out if I wasn't doing anything. If it's bothering someone that they guy is asking last minute, it's probably that you're not really interested in him anyway. But, if your social schedule is so busy that you need 2 weeks notice to fit in a date, then maybe you should ask the guy out. :wink:
  • #10
Well, the rules are of course tongue-in-cheek, but there are probably some people who take some of them seriously.

I strongly object to #2. I haven't shaved in almost 25 years, and then only twice in a one week period, and before that I went about 4 years without shaving. :biggrin: I don't mind if women don't shave, and actually I find hair on womens arms and legs more pleasant to the touch.

As Jason mentioned, relationships are reciprocal, well that is successful relationships are reciprocal and mutual (bilateral). :smile: :cool:

Unilateral relationships (where one partner is mostly giving and not receiving, while the other is receiving and not giving) fail.
  • #11
Astronuc said:
I strongly object to #2. I haven't shaved in almost 25 years, and then only twice in a one week period, and before that I went about 4 years without shaving. :biggrin: I don't mind if women don't shave, and actually I find hair on womens arms and legs more pleasant to the touch.

As my facial expression went from agreeing nod to a NO.. NO... NOO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I can't help but think that Astro is into the freaky type..
  • #12
Pengwuino said:
21. Girls are always more jeolous then guys, i did not even know this was a disputable fact

Actually, men are evolutionarily designed to be more jealous because extra-marital copulations affect them more. They have resources to lose if they've been cuckholded. Thus, men are more violent when it comes to cheating and more suspicious of their mates.
  • #13
I just think it is silly for women to shave their hair.

I also don't think make up is necessary.

I've also been with the same woman for 25 years, of which I've been married for nearly 24, two weeks short of Artman.
  • #14
Moonbear said:
Did you happen to notice him slowly backing out of the door at the time? :biggrin: :smile:

:smile: He was too preoccupied with sports to fully process that bit:wink:
  • #15
Astronuc said:
I just think it is silly for women to shave their hair.

I also don't think make up is necessary.

:!) Perfect attitude. In turn, I don't care if a guy dresses like a slob or never shaves his face. I actually just found these rules on the web and I don't agree with all of 'em.
  • #16
JasonRox said:
For the girl who spends time thinking about these rules, get a NEW BOYFRIEND AND STOP WHINING!

Just a response to the guys rules. Only half serious:-p
  • #17
I don't really mind hairy legs or pits on a girl. Obviously looks a bit better if it's shaved, but it's not the end of the world if there's some fluff there! Some other areas are improved with tactical use of a razor, but it doesn't really matter too much. Make-up is a complete waste of time though, we can see through the disguise!.
  • #18
brewnog said:
Make-up is a complete waste of time though, we can see through the disguise!.

P.S. Whenever I put on make-up, I'm really in a bad mood!:bugeye:
  • #19
Lisa said:
Whenever I put on make-up, I'm really in a bad mood!:bugeye:
Which is the cause and which is the effect? :confused:
  • #20
Danger said:
Which is the cause and which is the effect? :confused:
Perhaps because it's not common for boys to wear make-up?:-p

Cause: make-up
Effect: bad mood
  • #21
Then quit using it. I much prefer you chipper. :biggrin:
  • #22
0TheSwerve0 said:
6. Don't do it, if you're not going to follow-thru. A woman would rather not have sex at all, than to have it and miss the climax by a mile because you weren't up for the challenge. (checked with LYN on this, sorry if it's inappropriate! Just delete it if so).

A dog won't learn a trick if you tell him he's a good boy regardless of whether he's done it right or wrong. Perhaps this has some parallel here? :-p
  • #23
JasonRox said:
Relationships are reciprocal. You kind of displayed how selfish girls are in relationships.

If you're unhappy with something, say so. Don't expect your partner to figure it out all the time.

If you expect me to do something, then I should expect the same from you.


Well Said!

JasonRox for president!
  • #24
Danger said:
Then quit using it. I much prefer you chipper. :biggrin:
chipper or cheaper?:rolleyes:
  • #25
JasonRox said:
If you expect me to do something, then I should expect the same from you.
:smile: That's really funny!
For the girl who spends time thinking about these rules, get a NEW BOYFRIEND AND STOP WHINING!
I thought girls have time thinking about these things, only when they don't have a bf...:biggrin:
  • #26
0TheSwerve0 said:
9. If you said you are going to be somewhere at a certain time, then do it. Don't expect us to wait around.

LYN broke this rule just now. I went to pick him up from class, waited 20 mins, and the I find out he's out eating lunch with friends! Apparently he tried to call but my phone was off. This is the second time this has happened. I think he needs to be demoted to using the bike instead:-p
  • #27
2. Shave every day. One day's growth of facial hair is worse than a girl not shaving her legs for a week.
+ I've found that a lot of girls love the facial hair, makes us seem manly to them which they really do like.

6. Don't do it, if you're not going to follow-thru. A woman would rather not have sex at all, than to have it and miss the climax by a mile because you weren't up for the challenge. (checked with LYN on this, sorry if it's inappropriate! Just delete it if so).
+ Seems a little biased, and some of my friends that are girls don't agree. They equate it to "a really good back massage" if they don't climax and aren't a'ways upset.

9. If you said you are going to be somewhere at a certain time, then do it. Don't expect us to wait around.
+ I have never met a woman that wasn't late. Guys usually have nothing better to do and it only takes us 3.5 minutes to shower + 0.75 minutes to get ready and be out the door. Hence us usually being on time.

16. Your way is not always the right way. Learn to say- "I was wrong"
+ HAH! How about women learn to say "I'm sorry I lied to you about talking to my ex-boyfriend" instead of "(accusingly) Well you were the one who didn't tell me about buying that new blender!" (shifting blame to something completely irrelavent).

23. When wearing a dress shirt, wear an undershirt underneath. Nothing worse than seeing a man's hairy chest and nipples through his shirt.
+ Then why, when out with my friends and girlfriend at the bar do I see so many of those hairy-chested sweaty "bro"'s going home with a girl on each arm?

24. Hey, we CAN be friends with our ex's- so deal with it!
+ Untrue. Women WANT to be able to be friends with their Ex's so that they can feel that their previous realationship wasn't a waste of time and has something to show for it. They also use it as a comparison to their current boyfriend and as a source of drama over theire Ex's new "slutty" girlfriend.

Those were the ones I didnt agree with :p
  • #28
Healey01 said:
2. Shave every day. One day's growth of facial hair is worse than a girl not shaving her legs for a week.
+ I've found that a lot of girls love the facial hair, makes us seem manly to them which they really do like.
I think only one day's growth is bad...but if it's two or three days, and starts to get a little softer rather than sandpaper-ish, then it's just fine. If you're going to grow a beard, just wait a few days before you try snuggling up to your girlfriend (i.e., do it while she's out of town visiting her other friends or relatives, or you head off on a fishing trip with the guys or something like that).
  • #29
Lisa! said:
chipper or cheaper?:rolleyes:
Both would be nice. :-p
  • #30
Are you a guy, Danger ?
  • #31
It's really not asking that much. At least you guys didn't end up like the peacock:biggrin:
  • #32
0TheSwerve0 said:
I'll let you in on the rules girls wish guys knew but wouldn't tell them because they should already know them!

7. Don't fix it if it's really not broke. You don't need to take everything apart out of curiosity.

This is the one I REALLY have a problem with. The "You don't need to take everything apart out of curiousity." line sounds like it's said by some overbearing b!tch. Anytime the "You don't need" words come out I just cringe. Who are you to tell me what I do and don't need? BTW swerve, this isn't directed at you, just the list.
I once dated a gal that I would describe as an overbearing b!tch. I didn't necessarily realize this at the time, but I do now. She came with this joke one time about when God created man and woman he had 2 things that they could have. One for each. He said the first thing was to be able to pee standing up. The guy said: "Oh yeah I want that. Please please please can I have that? I want that sooooo bad. Yada yada yada." God agreed to it and said to the woman: "That leaves you with multiple orgasms." Needless to say, I didn't laugh. It was implied that men have been short changed. If guys were actually jealous of such a thing it would truly be funny. But I'm happy being a guy and someone expecting me to be jealous of such a thing is just retarded. My response was something to along the lines of why women have to do it over and over again? Why can't they just get it done one time like guys? Of course that was just to p!ss her off, I don't really think like that. Sorry for the rant.
  • #33
I'm glad everyone liked my comments. :biggrin:

At first I thought it was rough, but it needs to be said.

I have to say though that some stories about girls and guys are just hilarious. Like how guys forget dates. I always thought that was a joke played on TV, but I guess I was wrong.

We have lots of dates (as in months/days) in my relationship. My girlfriend wanted to add more, but I insisted that we don't go overboard with them because I'll forget them and she will too. At first she felt in way "weird" about that, but then when I caught her forgetting a date, she understood.:-p

In my opinion, I think most guys fail to follow common courtesy is because they lack respect for females. If a guy "breaks" the rules very seldomly, don't draw conclusions that he doesn't respect you or what not because this is perfectly normal.

Why do girls break rules? I think it's because they think since the guys break rules they should too, which is wrong. Show by example.
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  • #34
JasonRox said:
II have to say though that some stories about girls and guys are just hilarious. Like how guys forget dates. I always thought that was a joke played on TV, but I guess I was wrong.

We have lots of dates (as in months/days) in my relationship. My girlfriend wanted to add more, but I insisted that we don't go overboard with them because I'll forget them and she will too. At first she felt in way "weird" about that, but then when I caught her forgetting a date, she understood.:-p
:smile: That's a good thing about us older women...we can't remember the dates either anymore. :biggrin: But, ah, yes, I do recall the high school days when there were 1 week anniversaries, and 1 month anniversaries, and anniversaries of the day we met, and anniversaries of the first date and anniversaries of the first kiss, and anniversaries of the day we agreed to go steady, and...:rolleyes: I'm glad I've outgrown that.
  • #35
:!) :!) :!) :!) :!) Our first phone call anniversary!