Guys: Learn the "Rules" Girls Wish You Knew!

  • Thread starter 0TheSwerve0
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In summary, there are certain rules that girls wish guys knew but may not always tell them. These include planning ahead for dates, keeping up with personal hygiene, being honest and not lying to get out of trouble, being considerate and cleaning up after oneself, and being respectful of women's interests and friendships. It is also important to communicate openly and not expect your partner to read your mind. However, there may be some differences in opinions and preferences in relationships, and it's important to communicate and understand each other's perspectives.
  • #36
But, ah, yes, I do recall the high school days when there were 1 week anniversaries, and 1 month anniversaries, and anniversaries of the day we met, and anniversaries of the first date and anniversaries of the first kiss, and anniversaries of the day we agreed to go steady, and...
Hahaha, did the guy ever get you a present at the 1 week anniversary?
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  • #37
Mk said:
Hahaha, did the guy ever get you a present at the 1 week anniversary?
Nah, nothing that elaborate. I think we toasted with soft drinks in the school cafeteria during lunch. And it was of course an excuse to greet each other with a hug and kiss in the morning (as if high school kids need an excuse to hug and kiss :rolleyes:). I never got past the 1 month anniversary with any high school boyfriend, so don't know what happens after that (didn't often get past the 1 week 'em and leave 'em :devil:).
  • #38
Moonbear said:
Nah, nothing that elaborate. I think we toasted with soft drinks in the school cafeteria during lunch. And it was of course an excuse to greet each other with a hug and kiss in the morning (as if high school kids need an excuse to hug and kiss :rolleyes:). I never got past the 1 month anniversary with any high school boyfriend, so don't know what happens after that (didn't often get past the 1 week 'em and leave 'em :devil:).
Hmmm, let's see, how many weeks or months are there in high school? :smile:

And just think - today one could have 'our first PM anniversary', 'first email anniversary', 'first encounter on PF anniversary', 'first IM anniverary', . . . . :rolleyes:
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  • #39
25 years without shaving?? Wow. I have about a year's worth of beard & I'm feeling the pressure harder than ever. Still fighting it off. You'll pry my hairs from my cold dead face!
  • #40
Lisa! said:
chipper or cheaper?:rolleyes:
:smile: Brilliant! :smile:
  • #41
Thrice said:
25 years without shaving?? Wow. I have about a year's worth of beard & I'm feeling the pressure harder than ever. Still fighting it off. You'll pry my hairs from my cold dead face!
My children have never seen the skin of my chin or cheeks. They have never seen me without a beard!

My wife has seen we without a beard for about 1 week in 1981, the only period when I was shaven, since August 1977. When I met my wife, I looked like the image in my profile (user picture, rather than avatar) - beard, long hair and wearing a bandana. She married me anyway. :biggrin:

I am not planning to shave - ever.
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  • #42
Astronuc said:
My children have never seen the skin of my chin or cheeks. They have never seen me without a beard!

My wife has seen we without a beard for about 1 week in 1981, the only period when I was shaven, since August 1977. When I met my wife, I looked like the image in my profile (user picture, rather than avatar) - beard, long hair and wearing a bandana. She married me anyway. :biggrin:

I am not planning to shave - ever.

I'm the complete opposite.

I'll never grow a beard - ever. :approve:

Not even the little ones. It's irratating, to me anyways.
  • #43
Shaving for me was irritating, and having to do it every day.

The time that I did shave (after I had had a beard for almost 4 years), my skin got irritated. So I stopped shaving. :biggrin:
  • #44
Astronuc said:
Shaving for me was irritating, and having to do it every day.

The time that I did shave (after I had had a beard for almost 4 years), my skin got irritated. So I stopped shaving. :biggrin:

Yeah shaving everyday can be a pain too.

I don't shave everyday though. I let it grow a bit.
  • #45
JasonRox said:
Yeah shaving everyday can be a pain too.

I don't shave everyday though. I let it grow a bit.
I did that for a couple of years before I finally grew a beard. I'd go a week or two without shaving, and pretty much only shaved if I was interested in dating a particular girl. That practice earned me the nickname "Dogface", which became "Hound's Visage" or "Rover Schnoot" (two different friends), which became "Hound". :biggrin:

I had been dating a girl during the summer of 1977, and when our paths diverged, I decided what the heck, I'll just grow a beard, which is what had wanted to anyway.
  • #46
Dumbobaby said:
Are you a guy, Danger ?
You can't tell by my picture?! :bugeye:
That is me in the avatar, which should indicate how often I shave.

Astronuc said:
"Dogface", "Hound's Visage" "Rover Schnoot" "Hound"
I'll try to refrain from greeting you with any of those in PM's. :biggrin:

Actually, I shave about every 2nd or 3rd day out of not liking to waste time on it. I figure that if Brad Pitt can do it, so can I.
  • #47
JasonRox said:
You kind of displayed how selfish girls are in relationships.

Nuh uh, watch those blanket statements.:wink:


One is a bit...too much. Just be happy he asked.
2- I don't think hairy legs are much better.
3- blanket statement
4- I agree
5- Depends upon what he's scratching otherwise a scratch is a scratch.:smile:
Six...wouldn't know anything about that.:biggrin:
7- I've never met a guy who did this.
8- My Dad asks for directions so, again, I've never encountered such a male.
9- goes both ways
10- both suck
11- blanket statement that'll get some poor guy killed
12- Ew
13- I dislike it both ways really.
14- I couldn't care less about the number of remotes laying around just so as long as I can find one to use. Too many is better than none.
15- watching TV is fun
16- goes both ways as well
17- I hate being disturbed when I'm watching something I've waited all day to catch. I don't watch many shows so when my program is on, I'd appreciate it if everyone would shut up until the commercial comes on. I don't see why men can't have that same luxury as long as they're allowing me to have it as well.
18- Yet again, goes both ways.
19- Cleaning up after your boyfriend/husband isn't really all that bad if, one, he appreciates it, two, you get something in return (like a hug or a kiss, something to show he cares), and three, he doesn't make creating messes and letting them into a habit because he knows you'll come behind him and clean it all up. My Dad has done this for years; it's rude and arrogant. There is a line.
20- Wha?
21- Everyone experiences jealousy at one point regardless of gender.
22- Agreed.
23- Don't really know what to say about that one.
24- Makes things difficult. It'd probably be best to just cut them off.
25- Sounds good to me.
  • #48
I hate rules!

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