Why Do Boundary Layers Form on Aerofoils?

  • Thread starter moust
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In summary: This is why an airfoil will have a smaller angle of attack at the leading edge than at the trailing edge- the leading edge is seeing a smaller curvature than the trailing edge.
  • #1
:confused: :confused: hi everyoone

I am carrying reasearch on BOUNDARY LAYERS OF AN AEROFOIL. I have been looking around for information but so far everything as been in vain. I will really be grateful if someone could help. Please urgent :confused: :confused:
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
What in particular are you looking for? Where did you look?
  • #3
Hi people, i am really in a deep trouble and i will be so happy if anyone can help. Any tips will be so appreciated and make a real different to what i am going through at the moment. i have got two question to answer.

1. Experiment of boundry layer on a flat surface : giving dtails of how the boundry layer are formed

2.Eperiment of pressure distribution on an airfoil at differents angle of attack

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  • #4
The boundary layer exists because of the no-slip condition in real-world flows. Because velocity right at the wall must be zero, there must be some velocity gradient between zero velocity and the free-stream velocity. The part of the flow between the wall and 99.9% of the free-stream velocity is said to be the boundary layer.

If one non-dimensionalizes the Navier-Stokes equations, I believe there is a term that looks something like:
Because the term in front is so large, the velocity gradient must be large to make it "matter" in the equations. (note: I'm 50% sure of the equation, either way its something like that).

That is the reason that the boundary layer is so small (think <1/2" on your car at 60mph).

Hope that's a start.

edit: Also, you can directly apply boundary layer equations for a flat plate for your simple analysis. For the leading edge of the airfoil, you can use the Hiemenz (sp?) stagnation solution. Then, because the boundary layer is thin compared to the curvature of the airfoil, the flow essentially "sees" that its flowing over a flat plate.
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FAQ: Why Do Boundary Layers Form on Aerofoils?

What is a boundary layer?

A boundary layer is a thin layer of air that forms on the surface of an aerofoil when it is in motion. It is created by the friction between the air and the surface of the aerofoil, and it affects the aerodynamic properties of the aerofoil.

What is the purpose of a boundary layer on an aerofoil?

The boundary layer serves to reduce the drag on an aerofoil by minimizing the differences in velocity between the air particles near the surface of the aerofoil and those further away. It also helps to delay flow separation, which can lead to loss of lift and increase in drag.

What factors affect the boundary layer on an aerofoil?

The thickness of the boundary layer is affected by the speed of the air, the shape and surface roughness of the aerofoil, and the viscosity and density of the air. Other factors such as angle of attack and airfoil geometry also play a role.

How does the boundary layer affect the lift and drag of an aerofoil?

The boundary layer has a significant impact on the lift and drag of an aerofoil. As the air particles near the surface of the aerofoil move slower than those further away, the boundary layer creates a pressure gradient that contributes to the lift force. However, if the boundary layer becomes too thick, it can lead to flow separation and increase drag.

What is the difference between a laminar and turbulent boundary layer?

A laminar boundary layer is smooth and orderly, with air particles moving in parallel layers. A turbulent boundary layer, on the other hand, is chaotic and has irregular motion of air particles. Turbulent boundary layers have a higher drag than laminar boundary layers, but they can be more resistant to flow separation.
