Have You Ever Considered How Many People There Are in the World?

In summary, the video is mesmerizing and shows the mechanization of society and nature. It is also ironic because it makes you appreciate life more.
  • #1

I really like the airport scene.
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  • #2
That is neat. Kind of mesmerizing.
  • #3
Cool, the planes landing and taking off looked interesting.
  • #4
  • #5
Wow that's great.

EDIT: http://www.599productions.com/599/Timelapse%20480p.html

High DEF version.
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  • #6
Yeah they also have high res versions at the 599 productions website.
  • #7
Ironic that time lapse appears the same as fast forward. Here is Earth 12 months. I don't know what method was used.

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  • #8
Ugh, you HAVE to watch the high res version, its breathtaking. The image quality is simply fantastic. Dont even bother looking at the Youtube.

I do have to complain though. They ruined what would be a great piece by stopping it right in the middle of the song.
  • #9
I thought it was somewhat boring. It's just cars moving around, and planes in one.
  • #10
It shows the mechanization of the society that we live in, but at the same time it contrasts mechanization of nature herself. The cars are always shooting by, trying to go somewhere...then they go to the airport, as seen by the huge LAX. Then you see the airplanes doing their aerial dance, which finally goes to a scene of the stars moving around in their respective worlds.

Yet at the same time, it shows that life will pass you by if you don’t stop and take the time to appreciate it, which is exactly what this video does, in an ironic kinda way. It makes you appreciate the rush from an outsiders perspective.

Theres much more to it than 'cars going around and airplanes', but you have to open your mind to see it. And your interpretation of it will be different than mine, that's why its art. :smile:
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  • #11
For me, been there done that, my dad had some films in the 80's made by a Japanese filmmaker which will leave you laughing,crying, and wondering all at the same time, using same technique only a factor of 10 more intense than this derivitave stuff.
  • #12
I was just watching it and thinking how it reminded me of a few moments I've spent in Warsaw, Boston, NYC, LA, etc. When I was rather young I never really considered how many people there were in the world, and still today I often forget. When I spend the night at a hotel near a tall building, I usually spend a good hour or two simply watching the building. There are a few moments during which I realize just how many people there are and that each single one of them has their own life. They each go to work and go on with their business. We all rush to do everything and don't even realize that there are tons of people doing the same thing. Yet we still think we are unique and that our worries matter.

This ^^ on top of what cyrus said.

FAQ: Have You Ever Considered How Many People There Are in the World?

What is a time lapse movie?

A time lapse movie is a video created by capturing a series of photographs at regular intervals and then playing them back at a faster rate, creating the illusion of time passing quickly.

What equipment is needed to create an excellent time lapse movie?

To create an excellent time lapse movie, you will need a camera (preferably a DSLR), a tripod, an intervalometer, and a stable location to set up your equipment.

What is the ideal interval between photographs for a time lapse movie?

The ideal interval between photographs for a time lapse movie varies depending on the subject and the desired speed of the final video. Generally, intervals between 2-5 seconds work well for capturing movement, while intervals of 10-30 seconds can be used for slower changes in scenery.

What is the best time of day to capture footage for a time lapse movie?

The best time of day to capture footage for a time lapse movie is during the golden hour, which is the hour after sunrise or before sunset. This lighting creates a warm and soft glow that is ideal for capturing beautiful and dramatic scenes.

What are some tips for creating an excellent time lapse movie?

Some tips for creating an excellent time lapse movie include using a tripod to avoid shaky footage, choosing an interesting subject or location, making sure the camera is level and in focus, and experimenting with different intervals and camera settings to achieve the desired effect.

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