Minimal and characteristic polynomial

I see my mistake now.In summary, the characteristic polynomial of the given matrix A is x^3-3x+2, which can also be written as (x+2)(x-1)^2. This polynomial does not satisfy Cayley-Hamilton's theorem, which states that a characteristic polynomial of a matrix must also be an annihilating polynomial for that matrix. The correct characteristic polynomial, according to the professor, is (t-2)(t+1)^2. The minimal polynomial for A is (t+1)(t-2). The mistake in the calculation of the characteristic polynomial was writing det(xI-A) instead of det(xI+A).
  • #1
Find the characteristic and minimal polynomials of
A=[[0,1,1][1,0,1][1,1,0]] (3x3 matrix)

So when I work out my characteristic polynomial I went
det(xI-A)= det[[x,1,1][1,x,1][1,1,x]]
= x(x^2-1)-1(x-1)+1(1-x)
= x^3-3x+2
= (x+2)(x-1)^2
It's odd because I worked this out several times, and by Cayley Hamilton's theorem it says that a characterstic polynomial of a matrix is also an annihilating polynomial for that matrix, and I tried plugging in A to the characteristic polynomial and it didn't give me the 0 matrix.

My prof's answer for the characteristic polynomial is (t-2)(t+1)^2
and her minimal polynomail is (t+1)(t-2)

Which works.

I'm really confused, can someone please tell me what I did wrong.

thanks in advance
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  • #2
Note that it's det(xI - A), not det(xI + A), i.e. this line is wrong:

det(xI-A)= det[[x,1,1][1,x,1][1,1,x]]
  • #3
How is this line wrong ??


so xI-A=[[x-0,1,1][1,x-0,1][1,1,x-0]]

I'm pretty sure this looks ok

Thanks for any help in advance
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  • #4
Then look again!

xI- A=[x-0,0-1,0-1][0-1,x-0,0-1][0-1,0-1,x-0]
=[x, -1, -1][-1, x, -1][-1, -1, x].
  • #5
omg lol sorry about that

FAQ: Minimal and characteristic polynomial

1. What is the difference between minimal and characteristic polynomial?

The minimal polynomial of a matrix is the smallest degree polynomial that has the matrix as its root. It is unique and irreducible, meaning it cannot be factored into lower degree polynomials. The characteristic polynomial, on the other hand, is a polynomial that has the matrix's eigenvalues as its roots. It is not necessarily unique and can be factored into linear and quadratic polynomials.

2. How do you find the minimal polynomial of a matrix?

To find the minimal polynomial of a matrix, one can use the Cayley-Hamilton theorem which states that every matrix satisfies its own characteristic polynomial. This means that by substituting the matrix into its characteristic polynomial, one can find the minimal polynomial.

3. Can a matrix have more than one minimal polynomial?

No, a matrix can only have one minimal polynomial. This is because the minimal polynomial is unique and irreducible, meaning it cannot be factored into lower degree polynomials. Therefore, it is the only polynomial that has the matrix as its root.

4. How are minimal and characteristic polynomials related?

The characteristic polynomial can be used to find the minimal polynomial of a matrix. This is because the minimal polynomial is a divisor of the characteristic polynomial. Additionally, the minimal polynomial and characteristic polynomial have the same set of roots, which are the eigenvalues of the matrix.

5. What is the significance of the minimal polynomial in linear algebra?

The minimal polynomial plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior and properties of a matrix. It helps determine the diagonalizability of a matrix, which is important in solving systems of linear equations. It also provides insight into the structure of a matrix and can be used to find the Jordan canonical form of a matrix.
