Focus in work deeply needed help

In summary, the individual is facing academic decline in university and believes it is due to a lack of focus and distracting thoughts while studying. They also mention the challenge of learning in English as their second language. They are seeking advice and suggestions for improvement, and it is recommended to approach the issue with a scientific mindset, identify problem areas, practice good study habits, and seek support from professors and academic advisors. Language proficiency can be improved with dedication and hard work.
  • #1
Not to belong: i was good at school, and focussing on classes wad not a question for me, i was not studying too much every day, but i was able to focus many hours on studying on the exams night...

The Problem is i lived in the middle east for the most in my life, and since i was young, so my english "supposedly my mother tongue?" becomes really damn weak and my arabic is much better. I wen to high school in UK, then i am now at U.S in Uni.

What i am sad about is i am having a great academic decline since high school, after a i was -without prasing myself- a really exceptional student, and i analyze the problem and found it mostly in "not focusing" while studying, and distracting thoughts...I am not sure if it is because of change in language, since my english is "good" i guess for studying, and i found a bunch of non-natives going so far here...

I might sounds stupid in presenting this, but i do really seek advice since no body hope to be in shoes, deadly serious!
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  • #2

Hello there,

First of all, I want to commend you for recognizing the issue and seeking advice. It takes a lot of courage and self-awareness to admit that there is a problem and to actively try to find solutions.

It is not uncommon for individuals who have grown up speaking multiple languages to face challenges with language proficiency. It is possible that the switch from Arabic to English as your primary language of education has contributed to your academic decline. However, it is important to note that language proficiency is not the only factor that affects academic performance.

I would suggest that you approach this issue with a scientific mindset. Start by identifying the specific areas where you are struggling in your studies. Is it a particular subject or a certain type of assignment? Once you have identified the problem areas, you can work on finding solutions. For example, if you struggle with reading and comprehending English textbooks, you can try listening to audio lectures or watching educational videos in English to supplement your understanding. You can also seek help from a tutor or academic support services at your university.

I also recommend practicing good study habits, such as setting a schedule, breaking down your study sessions into smaller chunks, and minimizing distractions. It may take some time and effort, but with persistence and determination, you can improve your focus and academic performance.

Lastly, do not hesitate to seek support from your professors or academic advisors. They are there to help you and can provide valuable guidance and resources.

Remember, language proficiency is something that can be improved with practice and dedication. Do not let it discourage you or define your academic abilities. Keep working hard and seeking help when needed, and I am confident that you will overcome this challenge and excel in your studies.

Best of luck to you.
  • #3

Hello there,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. It sounds like you have been facing some challenges when it comes to focusing on your studies and maintaining the same level of academic performance that you had in the past. I can understand how difficult it must be for you to adjust to a new language and educational system, especially after living in the Middle East for most of your life.

First of all, I want to commend you for recognizing the problem and trying to analyze it. That shows a lot of self-awareness and determination to improve. It's also important to remember that it's not uncommon for students to struggle with focus and distractions, regardless of their language or cultural background.

My advice would be to try and find ways to improve your focus while studying. This could include finding a quiet and comfortable study space, creating a study schedule and sticking to it, and minimizing distractions such as turning off your phone or finding a study buddy who can help keep you accountable. Additionally, you could also try different techniques such as breaking down your study sessions into smaller chunks, using flashcards or other study aids, and practicing mindfulness or meditation to help clear your mind.

It's also important to remember that it's okay to ask for help. You could reach out to your professors or academic advisors for guidance and support. There are also resources available on campus such as tutoring services or study groups that may be beneficial for you.

Lastly, don't be too hard on yourself. Adjusting to a new language and educational system takes time and patience. Celebrate your progress and remember that every small step counts. I wish you all the best in your academic journey and I have no doubt that with determination and hard work, you will overcome this challenge.

FAQ: Focus in work deeply needed help

1. What is the importance of focus in work?

Focus in work is crucial for achieving productivity and efficiency. When we are focused, we are able to give our full attention to a task or project, resulting in better quality work and faster completion times. It also allows us to block out distractions and stay on track towards our goals.

2. How can I improve my focus in work?

There are several ways to improve focus in work, such as setting specific goals, creating a distraction-free work environment, taking breaks, and practicing mindfulness techniques. It is also important to prioritize tasks and manage time effectively.

3. What are the consequences of not having focus in work?

Not having focus in work can lead to decreased productivity, poor quality work, missed deadlines, and increased stress and anxiety. It can also result in a lack of motivation and satisfaction in our work, as well as negative impacts on our personal and professional relationships.

4. How can I overcome distractions and maintain focus in work?

To overcome distractions and maintain focus in work, it is important to identify and eliminate potential distractions, such as turning off notifications on our devices or finding a quiet place to work. Additionally, using techniques like the Pomodoro method, which involves setting specific work intervals and taking short breaks in between, can help improve focus.

5. Can focus in work be improved through practice?

Yes, focus in work can be improved through practice. It is a skill that can be trained and strengthened, just like any other skill. By implementing strategies and techniques to improve focus, and consistently practicing them, we can gradually increase our ability to stay focused and productive in our work.

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