Proving F is an Isometry for C^1 Functions in Elementary Geometry

In summary, if you take a function from one set to another and apply it to a curve using the composition of the functions, the curve will be a straight line if and only if the function is a straight line.
  • #1
Gold Member
I might have forgotten about it cause I took a similar course two years ago.

So I have this assertion:
Let F be a [tex]C^1[/tex] function from R^n to R^n, show that if F is injective, and for each curve [tex]\gamma : I\rightarrow R^n[/tex] [tex]Length(\gamma)=Length(F o \gamma)[/tex] then F is an isometry.

So I thought basically if I pick [tex]\gamma[/tex] to be a straight line, and if the metric is the euclidean metric then basically I have [tex]Length(\gamma)=d(\gamma(a),\gamma(b))[/tex]
and from what is given I get that the metric is conserved as well under F, so it's an isometry.
But I am not sure I should use here a specific metric.

Any other thought of this question?
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  • #2
Well, give your definitions! I assume that the length [itex]\ell(\gamma)[/itex] is defined by

[tex]\ell(\gamma):=\int_I |\gamma'(t)|dt[/tex]?


[tex]\ell(F\circ\gamma):=\int_I |F'(\gamma(t))||\gamma'(t)|dt[/tex]

by the chain rule.

Also, "isometry" could mean precisely


for all a,b in R^n, with d some fixed metric, probably the Euclidean metric. But it might mean something else?
  • #3
Take [tex]\gamma[/tex] to be parameterized by arc length. Then

[tex]0 = \int^{t}_{0}(|F'(\gamma(s))|- 1)ds[/tex]

Differentiating with respect to t gives

[tex]0 = (|F'(\gamma(t))|- 1) d/dt|F'(\gamma(t))|[/tex]

I think by the Chain Rule. Is this right?

If [tex]|F'(\gamma(t))|[/tex] does not equal one in some interval then

[tex] d/dt|F'(\gamma(t))| = 0 [/tex] in the interval and so [tex]|F'(\gamma(t))| [/tex] must be constant. But the only possible constant is 1.

Something like this must work. Thie idea of this is to write the length of the image curve in a Taylor approximation with respect to the length of the original curve
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  • #4
Landau said:
Well, give your definitions! I assume that the length [itex]\ell(\gamma)[/itex] is defined by

[tex]\ell(\gamma):=\int_I |\gamma'(t)|dt[/tex]?


[tex]\ell(F\circ\gamma):=\int_I |F'(\gamma(t))||\gamma'(t)|dt[/tex]

by the chain rule.

Also, "isometry" could mean precisely


for all a,b in R^n, with d some fixed metric, probably the Euclidean metric. But it might mean something else?

Yes these are the definitions I am using (F should also be injective in order to be an isometry), but I am not sure I can use here the Euclidean metric.

Is there a general way to show this without assuming what type of a metric I have here?
  • #5
MathematicalPhysicist said:
But I am not sure I should use here a specific metric.

You can use any metric on the domain and any other metric on the range.

Parametrize the curve by arc length in the first metric.

(<dF([tex]\gamma[/tex]'(s),dF([tex]\gamma[/tex]'(s)>[tex]^{1/2}[/tex] - 1) integrates to zero over any interval.

The derivative of the integral also equals zero.

So 0 ={ (<dF([tex]\gamma[/tex]'(s),dF([tex]\gamma[/tex]'(s)>[tex]^{1/2}[/tex] - 1)/<dF([tex]\gamma[/tex]'(s),dF([tex]\gamma[/tex]'(s)>[tex]^{1/2}[/tex] }d/dt<dF([tex]\gamma[/tex]'(s),dF([tex]\gamma[/tex]'(s)>

This means that <dF([tex]\gamma[/tex]'(s),dF([tex]\gamma[/tex]'(s)> is constant and so must equal 1.

dF carries vectors of length 1 in the first metric into vectors of length 1 in the second.

There are technicalities that make this argument wrong for all cases in that even though F is injective dF might have a non-trivial kernel at some points and also since F is only C[tex]^{1}[/tex] the last derivative may not exist.
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  • #6
Well obviously we know that F is onto its image (so I guess that we assume its surjective by default).

Anyway, I think I solved with some help from my TA.

If we take [tex]\gamma[/tex] to be a striaght line then from the fact that
[tex]d(\gamma(a),\gamma(b)) \le Length(\gamma)[/tex] (in general, for a straight line they are equal)
and from the equality that d(x,y) > = d(F(x) , F(y))

Now if I pick gamma to be a curve such that the composition of F with gamma equals a straight line then I get with the same reasoning that
d(F(x),F(y)) >= d(x,y).

FAQ: Proving F is an Isometry for C^1 Functions in Elementary Geometry

1. What is an isometry in elementary geometry?

An isometry in elementary geometry is a transformation that preserves the shape and size of a figure. In other words, the transformed figure is congruent to the original figure. This can be achieved through translation, rotation, or reflection.

2. How do you prove that F is an isometry for C^1 functions?

To prove that F is an isometry for C^1 functions, we use the definition of an isometry and the properties of C^1 functions. First, we show that F preserves distance by demonstrating that the distance between any two points in the original figure is equal to the distance between their images under F. Then, we use the differentiability of C^1 functions to show that F preserves angles and thus preserves the shape of the figure.

3. What are the properties of C^1 functions?

C^1 functions are continuously differentiable, meaning that their derivative exists and is continuous. This implies that they are also smooth, meaning that they do not have any sharp corners or cusps. Additionally, C^1 functions have a tangent line at every point on their graph.

4. Can F be an isometry for non-C^1 functions?

No, F cannot be an isometry for non-C^1 functions. The properties of C^1 functions, such as continuity and differentiability, are essential for preserving distance and angles. Without these properties, F would not be an isometry and would not preserve the shape of the figure.

5. What are some examples of isometries in elementary geometry?

Some examples of isometries in elementary geometry include translations, rotations, and reflections. These transformations preserve distance and angles, thus preserving the shape and size of a figure. Other examples include dilations and glide reflections.

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