Compound Microscope Homework: Angular Magnification & Object Distance

In summary, the microscope has an eyepiece with a magnification of 5.25 cm and an objective lens with a focal length of 1.45 cm. The transverse magnification due to the objective lens alone is -11.5. The angular magnification due to the microscope is 5.25 cm/°. The object should be placed near the center of the eyepiece for the best magnification.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A microscope has an eyepiece that gives an angular magnification of 5.25 cm for a final image at infinity and an objective lens of focal length 1.45 cm. The tube length is 16.1 cm.
a - What is the transverse magnification due to the objective lens alone?
b - what is the angular magnification due to the microscope?
c - how far from the objective should the object be placed?

Homework Equations

M transverse = -I/f obj.
M eyepiece = N/f eyepiece
d of image = tube length - f eyepiece

The Attempt at a Solution

I correctly got -11.5 for a and -60.5 for b. I am having trouble with c!
I used d image = 16.7 - 25/5.25 = 11.94
then (1/d image) + (1/d object) = 1/f obj
1/11.94 + 1/d obj = 1/1.45
I get d obj = 1.65 THIS IS WRONG - answer is 1.58 Please help.
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  • #2
I'm having trouble with your wordings and symbols.

How can "angular magnification" have a unit of "cm"? It should be dimensionless.

What do your symbols I and N mean?

Can I assume that your tube length corresponds to the distance between the back focal plane of the objective and the back focal plane of the eyepiece?
  • #3
I is the tube length
the angular magnification is not in cm
N is the normal point for the eye - 25 cm
d is the distance to the lens (d image is distance of image to lens and d object is distance of object to lens)
  • #4
dvolpe said:
I is the tube length
the angular magnification is not in cm
N is the normal point for the eye - 25 cm
d is the distance to the lens (d image is distance of image to lens and d object is distance of object to lens)

Then there appears to be something wrong with the numbers you specified.

I get for a) M obj = -I/f obj = -16.1 / 1.45 = -11.1
This differs from your outcome -11.5.
How did you arrive at this value?

Using your value of -11.5 for a), I'd get for b) M = 5.25 x 11.5 = 60.4.
The difference is presumably a rounding error.

Can it be that your tube length is actually 16.7 cm instead of 16.1 cm?
  • #5
Note that with the numbers you provided and the answer of 1.58 cm for the objective distance, the objective would make an image at 17.6 cm, which is longer than the tube length.
That can't be right...
  • #6
The tube length is 16.7 and the f of objective lens 1.45 cm

Per the solutions the distance for the objective distance is listed as 1.58. Help.
  • #7
dvolpe said:
The tube length is 16.7 and the f of objective lens 1.45 cm

Per the solutions the distance for the objective distance is listed as 1.58. Help.

Well, according to my calculations the objective distance should be 1.637 cm.
Btw, I calculated this differently from you, but obviously this is not your given answer either.
Can it be that your textbook answer is wrong?
  • #8
I do not know if the answer is wrong but this is for web assign and I am trying to understand why they might be right. Can you tell me how you solved the problem?
  • #9
dvolpe said:
I do not know if the answer is wrong but this is for web assign and I am trying to understand why they might be right. Can you tell me how you solved the problem?

The objective lens projects the object (at distance dobj) to an image within the tube.
Let's say at a distance objim from the focal plane of the objective lens.

Formula is: [tex]\frac 1 {d_{obj}} + \frac 1 {obj_{im}} = \frac 1 {f_{obj}}[/tex]

This image has a distance of I - obj_im from the focal plane of the eye lens.
The eye lens projects it to a distance of -N (virtual).

Formula is: [tex]\frac 1 {I - obj_{im}} + \frac 1 {-N} = \frac 1 {f_{eye}}[/tex]

So: [tex]obj_{im}=I - \frac 1 {\frac 1 {f_{eye}} - \frac 1 {-N}}[/tex]

And: [tex]d_{obj} = \frac 1 {\frac 1 {f_{obj}} - \frac 1 {obj_{im}}}[/tex]

Filling in the numbers gives dobj = 1.637 cm.
  • #10
The tube length is defined as the distance from the back focal plane of the objective to the primary image plane.
So the image distance from the objective is

di=I+f(objective)=16.1+1.45 (cm)

Substitute for di in the lens formula



FAQ: Compound Microscope Homework: Angular Magnification & Object Distance

1. What is angular magnification?

Angular magnification is a measure of how much larger an object appears when viewed through a compound microscope compared to when viewed with the naked eye. It is calculated by dividing the angle subtended by the image seen through the microscope by the angle subtended by the object when viewed with the naked eye.

2. How is angular magnification related to object distance?

Angular magnification is directly proportional to the object distance. This means that as the object distance increases, the angular magnification also increases. This is because a larger object distance results in a larger angle subtended by the object, making it appear larger when viewed through the microscope.

3. What is the formula for calculating angular magnification?

The formula for calculating angular magnification is angular magnification = angle subtended by image / angle subtended by object. The angle subtended by the image can be measured using a protractor or calculated using the image size and focal length of the microscope. The angle subtended by the object can also be measured or calculated using the object size and distance.

4. How does the objective lens affect angular magnification?

The objective lens is a major factor in determining the angular magnification of a compound microscope. A higher magnification objective lens will result in a larger image angle, thus increasing the angular magnification. It is important to note that the objective lens also affects the resolution and clarity of the image, so a balance between magnification and image quality must be maintained.

5. What is the significance of angular magnification in microscopy?

Angular magnification is an essential aspect of microscopy as it allows for the observation of objects that are too small to be seen with the naked eye. It also allows for the study and analysis of minute details and structures of microscopic specimens. By increasing the angular magnification, scientists can gain a better understanding of the microscopic world and make important discoveries in various fields of science.
