KDE on XGL - Watch the 252MB XviD Video

In summary, Dduardo recommends that people uninstall their proprietary NVIDIA drivers, go back to OpenGL, and install XGL. He also recommends that people try out XGL because it is a good alternative to compiz.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
This video basically shows KDE running on top of XGL.

The file is 252MB and is encoded using XviD.


:cool: :cool: :cool:
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Computer science news on Phys.org
  • #2
dduardo said:
This video basically shows KDE running on top of XGL.

The file is 252MB and is encoded using XviD.


:cool: :cool: :cool:

Doesn't XGL currently run on top of X?

Ya compiz and xgl are good stuff. But currently does not support many video outputs, and dual screen. But fun to test out.
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  • #3
This looks interesting. I might try this out because I have problems with my NVIDIA (proprietary drivers). For some reason, the AGP doesn't seem to be initialising (cat /proc/drivers/nvidia/agp/status = 'disabled').

Dduardo, would you recommend that I uninstall the proprietary NVIDIA drivers, go back to OpenGL and install XGL on top of it ? BTW, I'm using an NVIDIA GEForce MX400 64 MB card on an Intel 586 architecture with a Mandriva 2.6.12-18 kernel.

  • #4
I got XGL running on a SUSE 10.1 installation. Really sweet, except that i can't get it to run from a VNC viewer, which means i have to sit on the floor to enjoy it, but it's worth it. :smile:
I think SUSE is going to be very popular. It comes with a lot of nice tools and it's a very easy transition from a windows environment not to mention it works very well within a windows network. If i didn't have to keep Windows Server on constantly because of my site, this is the OS i would use.
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  • #5
Curious3141 said:
This looks interesting. I might try this out because I have problems with my NVIDIA (proprietary drivers). For some reason, the AGP doesn't seem to be initialising (cat /proc/drivers/nvidia/agp/status = 'disabled').

Dduardo, would you recommend that I uninstall the proprietary NVIDIA drivers, go back to OpenGL and install XGL on top of it ? BTW, I'm using an NVIDIA GEForce MX400 64 MB card on an Intel 586 architecture with a Mandriva 2.6.12-18 kernel.


well... i don't use mandriva, so I am not sure if the package has the same name there too, but on my ubuntu i installed nvidia-kernel-common (which contains nvidia files shared between nvidia module packages)
and nvidia-glx (XFree86 4.x/X.Org binary drivers)
oh, and xserver-xorg-driver-nv...

i run compiz with gnome (and the golden (default) E17 theme for GTK), and its so much better looking then anything I've tried so far... :biggrin:

and -job-, yeah, i think linux is getting to the point where it really can replcae windows for most users... the only reason keep winXP is because i play TES4:eek:blivion...
and the only reason my family's computer doesn't run linux is because their lexmark printr doesn't have linux drivers...
but everyone who see me work with my ubuntu think to switch.

i think linux will be very popular after winXP stops getting updates because of vista, i think people would migrate to linux instead of "upgrading" to vista.

FAQ: KDE on XGL - Watch the 252MB XviD Video

1. What is KDE on XGL?

KDE on XGL is a desktop environment that utilizes the XGL display server to create a visually stunning and highly interactive user interface. It combines the power and flexibility of KDE with the advanced graphics capabilities of XGL.

2. How does KDE on XGL work?

KDE on XGL works by using the XGL display server to render 3D graphics and animations in real time. This allows for smooth transitions and effects, making the user experience more immersive and engaging.

3. What are the benefits of using KDE on XGL?

The main benefit of using KDE on XGL is the enhanced visual experience it provides. It also allows for a more efficient use of system resources, as well as improved productivity with its customizable interface and advanced features.

4. Is KDE on XGL compatible with all systems?

No, KDE on XGL requires a system with a dedicated graphics card and capable of running the XGL display server. It also requires a certain level of technical expertise to set up and configure.

5. Where can I find more information about KDE on XGL?

You can find more information and resources on KDE on XGL by visiting the official KDE website or by joining online communities and forums dedicated to this topic. You can also find tutorials and guides on how to install and use KDE on XGL.

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