Verify about the solution of wave equation of potential.

In summary, the conversation discusses the wave equation for a point charge at the origin, where the potential satisfies a homogeneous equation except at the origin. The conversation also explores finding solutions for a time harmonic potential and discusses the use of δ and k for lossy and lossless media, respectively.
  • #1
I read in the book regarding a point charge at the origin where [itex]Q(t)= \rho_{(t)}Δv'\;[/itex]. The wave eq is.

[tex]\nabla^2V-\mu\epsilon\frac{\partial^2 V}{\partial t^2}= -\frac {\rho_v}{\epsilon}[/tex]

For point charge at origin, spherical coordinates are used where:

[tex] \nabla^2V=\frac 1 {R^2}\frac {\partial}{\partial R}\left( R^2 \frac {\partial V}{\partial R}\right)[/tex]

This is because point charge at origin, [itex]\frac {\partial}{\partial \theta} \hbox{ and }\; \frac {\partial}{\partial \phi}[/itex] are all zero.

My question is this:

The book then said EXCEPT AT THE ORIGIN, V satisfies the following homogeneous equation:

[tex]\frac 1 {R^2}\frac {\partial}{\partial R}\left( R^2 \frac {\partial V}{\partial R}\right)-\mu\epsilon \frac {\partial^2 V}{\partial t^2}=0[/tex]

The only reason I can think of why this equation has to exclude origin is because R=0 and origin and this won't work. Am I correct or there's another reason?


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  • #2
Yep, you're right. Nothing complicated here.
  • #3

  • #4
I have another question follow up with the original wave equation:

[tex]\frac 1 {R^2}\frac {\partial}{\partial R}\left( R^2 \frac {\partial V}{\partial R}\right)-\mu\epsilon \frac {\partial^2 V}{\partial t^2}=0[/tex]

According to the book, to simplify this equation, Let:

[tex]V_{(R,t)}=\frac 1 R U_{(R,t)}[/tex]

This will reduce the wave equation to:

[tex]\frac {\partial^2U_{(R,t)}}{\partial R^2}-\mu\epsilon\frac {\partial^2U_{(R,t)}}{\partial t^2}=0[/tex]

One of the solution is [itex]U_{(R,t)}=f\left(t-\frac R {\mu\epsilon}\right)[/itex]

My question is I want to find the solution if U(R,t) is time harmonic which is a continuous sine wave. The book does not show the anything. So I am using the regular solution of time harmonic wave equation and using direction to be [itex]\hat R[/itex]. So the formula become:

[tex]\frac {\partial^2U_{(R,t)}}{\partial R^2}-\mu\epsilon\frac {\partial^2U_{(R,t)}}{\partial t^2}= \frac {\partial^2U_{(R,t)}}{\partial R^2}+\omega^2\mu\epsilon U= 0.[/tex]
[tex] δ^2=-\omega^2\mu\epsilon\;\Rightarrow\; \frac {\partial^2U_{(R,t)}}{\partial R^2}-δ^2 U= 0.[/tex]

This is a 2nd order ODE with constant coef and the solution is:

[tex]U_{(R,t)}= V_0^+ e^{-δ R}+V_0^- e^{δ R}[/tex]

For potential that reach to infinity space, there will be no reflection so the second term disappeared, whereby:

[tex]U_{(R,t)}= V_0^+ e^{-δ R}[/tex]

Do I get this right? This might look very obvious, but I am working on retarded potential and I am interpreting what the book don't say, I have to be careful to make sure I get everything right.


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  • #5
[itex]\frac {\partial^2U_{(R,t)}}{\partial R^2}-\mu\epsilon\frac {\partial^2U_{(R,t)}}{\partial t^2}= \frac {\partial^2U_{(R,t)}}{\partial R^2}+\omega^2\mu\epsilon U= 0.[/itex]
just from the last in it you can write the periodic solution.Don't substitute any δ after.
  • #6
andrien said:
[itex]\frac {\partial^2U_{(R,t)}}{\partial R^2}-\mu\epsilon\frac {\partial^2U_{(R,t)}}{\partial t^2}= \frac {\partial^2U_{(R,t)}}{\partial R^2}+\omega^2\mu\epsilon U= 0.[/itex]
just from the last in it you can write the periodic solution.Don't substitute any δ after.

Thanks for the reply, I just finished updating the last post, please take a look again. The reason I use δ is because this will be used in phasor form which is going to be in form of:

[tex]U_{(R,t)}= V_0^+ e^{\alpha R} e^{j\beta R}\; \hbox { where } δ=\alpha + j\beta[/tex]
  • #7
a plus sign before ω2 in eqn is necessary for periodic solution.First write solution in terms of ω and then introduce other definitions.
  • #8
andrien said:
a plus sign before ω2 in eqn is necessary for periodic solution.First write solution in terms of ω and then introduce other definitions.

This is because for lossy dielectric medium ε=ε'+jε'' therefore [itex] δ=j\omega \sqrt{\mu(ε'+jε'')}[/itex] is a complex number where [itex]δ=\alpha + j \beta[/itex]. Solution of:

[tex]\frac {\partial ^2 U}{\partial R^2} -δ^2U=0 \hbox { is }\; U_{(R,t)}= U_0^+ e^{-δR}\;=\; U_0^+ e^{-\alpha R} e^{-j\beta R}[/tex]

This is a decay periodic function.

For lossless, we use [itex] k=\omega\sqrt{\mu\epsilon}\hbox { where ε is real.}[/itex]


[tex]\frac {\partial ^2 U}{\partial R^2} +k^2U=0 \hbox { is }\; U_{(R,t)}= U_0^+ e^{-jkR}[/tex]

Actually because you brought this up, I dig deep into this and answer the question why the books use δ for lossy media and k for lossless media. I never quite get this all these years until now.
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  • #9
that is why it is better to go with + sign.but it is ok,now.In case,ε is complex it is still possible to define things after.But you already got it.
  • #10

FAQ: Verify about the solution of wave equation of potential.

1. What is the wave equation of potential?

The wave equation of potential is a mathematical equation that describes the behavior of a wave in terms of its potential. It is written as ∇²Ψ = -k²Ψ, where ∇² is the Laplace operator, Ψ is the wave function, and k is the wave number.

2. How is the wave equation of potential derived?

The wave equation of potential can be derived from the Schrödinger equation, which is a fundamental equation in quantum mechanics. By separating the time-dependent and time-independent parts of the Schrödinger equation and using the definition of the Laplace operator, we can arrive at the wave equation of potential.

3. What does the solution of the wave equation of potential represent?

The solution of the wave equation of potential represents the spatial distribution of the wave function at a given time. It describes the amplitude and phase of the wave at each point in space.

4. How is the solution of the wave equation of potential verified?

The solution of the wave equation of potential can be verified by comparing it to experimental data. This can be done by measuring the properties of a physical system and then using the wave equation of potential to calculate the expected results. If the calculated results match the experimental data, it provides evidence that the solution of the wave equation is accurate.

5. What factors can affect the accuracy of the solution of the wave equation of potential?

The accuracy of the solution of the wave equation of potential can be affected by various factors such as the initial conditions of the system, the potential energy function, and the boundary conditions. In addition, any errors in the mathematical calculations or limitations in the measuring equipment can also impact the accuracy of the solution.

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