My Physics Class Rules: 5 Reasons to Love It!

In summary, the physics class is fun and the kids who have dropped out so far are probably not the best students. However, the class is still useful because it helps to improve one's English skills.
  • #1
My physics class rules.


1: It's not a "school-required class", Which means that the speed of learning is adequate for not ripping my hair out in disgust. However, it IS a collegebound-required course, so I still have quite a few potential dropouts. Lucky for me, 5 kids've dropped out of it already.

2: It gives me something to procrastinate, then finish in my school-required Engrish class right before it. ^_^

3: I FINALLY LOVE MATH! I finally get how numbers can represent real situations, and I love it. I knew they did, but now I UNDERSTAND.

4: It may be simple mechanics, motion, forces, and such, but It's still something somewhat new, not really challenging, but better then, say, Engrish.

5: Physics is just fun, you know? All science is, and poo on those who don't think they are.
Physics news on
  • #2
It makes me sad you think there is a science/language (in this case, English) conflict. All science concepts have to be imparted via verbal language, and it should be clear from reading threads around here that the majority of misunderstanding are language-based: posters can't express themselves and readers lack reading comprehension.
  • #3
Why is it lucky for you that kids have dropped out of the class? :confused: It seems sad for them, and seems odd that you'd be happy for their difficulties.

I also suggest you give just as much focus to your English class. I'll echo what Zooby said; language and science are not divorced from one another. It is absolutely essential that any good scientist be able to communicate clearly, precisely, and concisely. In the publish or perish world, written communication skills can truly make or break a scientist's career. True scholars need a broad knowledge-base that encompasses more than just their specialty. Put your best effort forward in every one of your subjects.
  • #4
Moonbear said:
Why is it lucky for you that kids have dropped out of the class? :confused: It seems sad for them, and seems odd that you'd be happy for their difficulties.

I also suggest you give just as much focus to your English class. I'll echo what Zooby said; language and science are not divorced from one another. It is absolutely essential that any good scientist be able to communicate clearly, precisely, and concisely. In the publish or perish world, written communication skills can truly make or break a scientist's career. True scholars need a broad knowledge-base that encompasses more than just their specialty. Put your best effort forward in every one of your subjects.

If they didn't drop out, most teachers would slow the whole class down so they learn.

I don't agree with approach by most teachers. The good students suffer, meanwhile the slower students can simply just take an easier version of the course. Most good students don't have the option of taking a more advanced class because even the advanced class itself might have its slow students that shouldn't be there.

I love the fact that any student is interested in pursuing mathematics just don't slow me down too much. Slow me down a little, but not too much.
  • #5
JasonRox said:
If they didn't drop out, most teachers would slow the whole class down so they learn.
I don't agree with approach by most teachers. The good students suffer, meanwhile the slower students can simply just take an easier version of the course. Most good students don't have the option of taking a more advanced class because even the advanced class itself might have its slow students that shouldn't be there.
I love the fact that any student is interested in pursuing mathematics just don't slow me down too much. Slow me down a little, but not too much.
I think it's okay to appreciate that your school has an AP track -- I felt very lucky that my small high school had AP math for the few of us who could keep up. It really helped me a lot to be able to be pushed all through HS, rather than just being lazy.

Take my advice for what it's worth -- rock in all your subjects, not just math and physics. Even if you find English boring, do something to spice it up. If you have boring teachers or dull instructors in English, volunteer to do extra credit work, and go into more depth. Maybe even help to teach some of the classes or something. It's so true that English, grammar, composition, debating, giving persuasive speeches, etc., are extremely important skills for your future accomplishments in science and math. Now if you find history boring, well, yeah, it's okay to blow it off as long as you carry the grades... :-)
  • #6
I've never gotten lower then a 96% in english, even while reading unrelated fiction books, and such. It's just that the class is SO EASY, as to allow me to work on unrelated material within my own free will.

And besides, my spelling is impeccable, so don't diss me. >_>
  • #7
Blahness said:
I've never gotten lower then a 96% in english, even while reading unrelated fiction books, and such. It's just that the class is SO EASY, as to allow me to work on unrelated material within my own free will.
And besides, my spelling is impeccable, so don't diss me. >_>
Grammar needs a bit of work though, as does word choice. :biggrin:
  • #8
Meh, you should see more of the internet.

Also, I'm typing this at 5 contrast during my marketing class, while the other kids finish up some worksheet(I'm done), so I can't exactly see what I'm typing that well, and can't accordingly fix the errors made.

Oh, and this isn't exactly "Exam Paper" quality typing. It's informal, you know?

But still, for age 15, it works.
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  • #9
Blahness said:
Meh, you should see more of the internet.
Also, I'm typing this at 5 contrast during my marketing class, while the other kids finish up some worksheet(I'm done), so I can't exactly see what I'm typing that well, and can't accordingly fix the errors made.
Oh, and this isn't exactly "Exam Paper" quality typing. It's informal, you know?
But still, for age 15, it works.
I'm only picking on you because you were bragging about your impeccable spelling and high grades in English. :biggrin:
  • #10
Blahness said:
It's just that the class is SO EASY, as to allow me to work on unrelated material within my own free will.
Yeah, if that part in bold doesn't strike you as a bizarre choice of words you still have a lot of work ahead of you. If your spelling is authentically impeccable, that's a good thing, though.
  • #11
zoobyshoe said:
Yeah, if that part in bold doesn't strike you as a bizarre choice of words you still have a lot of work ahead of you. If your spelling is authentically impeccable, that's a good thing, though.

I type what comes into my mind quickly, so things tend to coalesce into unusual phrases.

For example, I was talking about Bush a few days ago, and I started mentioning how my friend thought that "George's Bush was a retard".


Now, quit teasing me. =<
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  • #12
you're going to need those english skills when you hit the stage of writing physics reports. physics is confusing enough without having poor grammar (in the future, not saying you're incompetent just now :D).

and, doesn't everyone love that eureka moment? the moment when, after many hours of study on a single topic/method/subject you read the line that makes everything click. open up the textbook and there it is. suddenly everything makes sense. and it's time for a break.

I'm studying for exams. that happened earlier and I'm still on a high.
  • #13
Woah, another one from Arizona
What school do you go to?

By the way, I have never been that good at english for the reason that I can't write good essays on random topics. However, I usually do good on any science based research papers/essays and whatnot...
  • #14
Peoria, Arizona.

Sunrise Mountain High School, specifically.

FAQ: My Physics Class Rules: 5 Reasons to Love It!

What are the 5 reasons to love my physics class?

The five reasons to love my physics class are:

  1. Interactive and engaging lessons
  2. Real-world applications of concepts
  3. Hands-on experiments and projects
  4. Collaborative learning environment
  5. Opportunities for critical thinking and problem-solving

How is my physics class different from other science classes?

My physics class focuses on the fundamental principles and laws that govern the physical world, rather than simply memorizing facts. It also incorporates hands-on activities and real-world examples to help students understand and apply the concepts.

What makes the lessons in my physics class interactive and engaging?

The lessons in my physics class often involve demonstrations, simulations, and group activities that allow students to actively participate and apply what they are learning. This makes the material more interesting and memorable for students.

Can students from different backgrounds excel in my physics class?

Yes, my physics class is designed to be accessible and engaging for students from all backgrounds. The lessons are structured to build upon previous knowledge and provide support for students who may be struggling with certain concepts.

How does my physics class prepare students for the future?

My physics class not only teaches students about the principles and laws that govern the physical world, but also emphasizes critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills. These are essential skills for any future career in science, engineering, or technology.
