Calculating Time for Cannon Ball to Orbit Earth at 4000mi Radius

In summary, using the formula Fnet = GMeMc/r^2, the estimated time for a cannon ball to orbit the Earth with a radius of 4000 miles and a hypothetical mountain height of 800 miles is approximately 85.6 minutes. This is similar to the orbit time of the International Space Station, which is approximately 90 minutes and has a height of 200 miles. The estimated orbital velocity for the cannon ball would be around 7,000 m/s.
  • #1
How long would it take a cannon ball to orbit the Earth given that the radius of the
earth is 4000 miles and the height of the (quite fictitious) mountain is 800 miles?

Me = mass of earth
Mc = mass of cannon ball
R = Earth's radius
v = 2piR/T
4000 mi = 6437200 meters
a = acceleration of cannon ball
G = 6.67e-11
Using an applet for a previous question, I found Vo to be 15468 miles/hr. But I didn't use Vo... Instead I used Fnet = GMeMc/r^2 as follows.

Fnet = GMeMc/r^2 = Mca = (Mc(2piR/T)^2)/R -->
GMe/r^2 = (4pi^2*R^2)/RT^2 -->
r^2/GMe = T^2/(4pi^2*R) -->
sqrt(4pi^2*R^3)/GMe = T

my result was 5138s, which is about 85.6 minutes.
Does my work and result look all right?? thanks in advance
Physics news on
  • #2
well, the International Space Station is in Low Earth Orbit and it takes about 90 minutes to orbit the Earth once, so you're in the right ballpark ;)

it's about 200 miles up for comparison, and has an orbital velocity of about 7,000 m/s
  • #3

FAQ: Calculating Time for Cannon Ball to Orbit Earth at 4000mi Radius

1. How do you calculate the time for a cannon ball to orbit Earth at a 4000mi radius?

To calculate the time for a cannon ball to orbit Earth at a 4000mi radius, you can use the equation T = 2π√(r^3/GM), where T is the orbital period, r is the radius, G is the gravitational constant, and M is the mass of Earth.

2. What is the radius of Earth?

The radius of Earth is approximately 3,959 miles.

3. How do you find the mass of Earth?

The mass of Earth can be found using the equation F = GMm/r^2, where F is the force of gravity, G is the gravitational constant, m is the mass of the cannon ball, and r is the radius of Earth. Rearranging the equation to solve for M, we get M = F*r^2/Gm. You can also find the mass of Earth by researching its value, which is approximately 5.972 x 10^24 kilograms.

4. Does the speed of the cannon ball affect the time for it to orbit Earth?

Yes, the speed of the cannon ball does affect the time for it to orbit Earth. The faster the cannon ball is moving, the shorter the orbital period will be. This is because a higher speed means a larger centrifugal force, which balances out the gravitational force and allows for a shorter orbital period.

5. Can this equation be used to calculate the time for other objects to orbit Earth at different radii?

Yes, this equation can be used to calculate the time for any object to orbit Earth at any radius. You just need to plug in the appropriate values for the radius and mass of the object in the equation. However, this equation assumes a circular orbit and does not account for other factors such as atmospheric drag or the gravitational pull of other celestial bodies.
