Design Boost Converter | Need Help Now

In summary: Looks like you have the tri wave generator in the lower left corner of the circuit. You will want to include a max duty cycle limiter in the circuit in some way (Quiz Question -- Why?). Also, why are you including inductor current in the control equation? It could be included for a cycle-by-cycle current limit, but that doesn't appear to be its use here (I could be missing it).
  • #1
i need help please, now i try to design boost converter that robust to the variation of the input votlage. I'm using PSIM to simulate the design, but I'm kinda confused to make the variation of the input. What i should do? what circuit that i should create to make the input varies in PSIM??..
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  • #2
i_m_man said:
i need help please, now i try to design boost converter that robust to the variation of the input votlage. I'm using PSIM to simulate the design, but I'm kinda confused to make the variation of the input. What i should do? what circuit that i should create to make the input varies in PSIM??..

First a cascade buck design, and now a boost design... sounds like a fun class. Normally I'd move this to Homework Help, but since it's a relatively complicated project, I'll leave it here in EE for now.

Handling variations in input voltage is called "line regulation", as opposed to "load regulation" which has to do with how steady your output voltage is with variations in output current demand. You test your line regulation by varying the input voltage -- doesn't PSIM let you do that? Try searching for "line regulation" in the Help menus and the manual of PSIM.
  • #3
berkeman said:
First a cascade buck design, and now a boost design... sounds like a fun class. Normally I'd move this to Homework Help, but since it's a relatively complicated project, I'll leave it here in EE for now.

Handling variations in input voltage is called "line regulation", as opposed to "load regulation" which has to do with how steady your output voltage is with variations in output current demand. You test your line regulation by varying the input voltage -- doesn't PSIM let you do that? Try searching for "line regulation" in the Help menus and the manual of PSIM.

lol...actually this is for my final project, for the cascade buck, i scrapped it, because it was hard to implemented and complicated for its controller...after month delayed, now i continue do my project, and i need your guidance berkeman..

currently i design boost converter with specs :
Vin = 24 V
L = 2mH
C = 470uF
Vout = 48 V
Iout = 4 A
IL = 8 A
Fswitching = 5000Hz
Vref = 48 V
i use current mode control,so an error signal is generated by comparing output voltage Vo with reference voltage Vref. Then this error signal is used to generate control signal I. The inductor current is then sensed and compared with control signal I to generate the duty cycle of the switch and drive the switch of the converter.
and i have create block diagram for controller
a. Diagram block for the whole controller
b. Diagram block for voltage controller(assumed that current controller had worked well)
c. Diagram block for current controller(assumed that voltage controller had worked well)
Gv = PI(proportional Integral) for voltage controller
Gc = PI for current controller
Gc* = Vout/Vin
Vo* =Vref
what i want to ask are?:
1. was my diagram block correct?
2. How can i determined the PI constant for both current controller and voltage controller?
thanks very much..i am looking forward for your help...
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  • #4
i_m_man said:
currently i design boost converter with specs :
Vin = 24 V
L = 2mH
C = 470uF
Vout = 48 V P = 4 Watt
Iout = 4 A
IL = 8 A
Fswitching = 5000Hz
Vref = 48 V

Some of those specs look wrong. If output is 48V at 4W, then Iout is not several amps. And what's IL?

5kHz is too slow for a practical switcher. Should be more like 50kHz at least, especially with a 2mH inductor.

Where is the triangle wave oscillator in your block diagram? I may be missing it...
  • #5
berkeman said:
Some of those specs look wrong. If output is 48V at 4W, then Iout is not several amps. And what's IL?

5kHz is too slow for a practical switcher. Should be more like 50kHz at least, especially with a 2mH inductor.

Where is the triangle wave oscillator in your block diagram? I may be missing it...

oopss..sory, i mean P = 192 W since Ioutput = 4 A, IL is inductor current,in boost
IL = (Vout/Vin)*Iout ;IL = 8 A
what i want to control in this boost converter are the current input(IL) and the Voltage output(Vo)..
actually i kinda confuse how to put triangle wave in my block diagram, but this is how i simulate the circuit in PSIM.
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  • #6
Looks like you have the tri wave generator in the lower left corner of the circuit. You will want to include a max duty cycle limiter in the circuit in some way (Quiz Question -- Why?). Also, why are you including inductor current in the control equation? It could be included for a cycle-by-cycle current limit, but that doesn't appear to be its use here (I could be missing it tho').
  • #7
yes,this is current mode control(or i thought so),so an error signal is generated by comparing output voltage Vo with reference voltage Vref. Then this error signal is used to generate control signal I. The inductor current is then sensed and compared with control signal I then compared with triangular wave generator to generate the duty cycle of the switch and drive the switch of the converter... it wrong if i make the controller like that??Is it possible?cause i taught that it will be much easier, all i have to do is find the PI constant by looking the step response of the system,bode plot, effect of disturbance,etc..and also the current controller must work faster than voltage controller...
nb:sorry my English is not good because I'm still learning :D
  • #8
Don't worry, your English is fine.

I have mainly worked with voltage mode feedback. I've only used current sensing at the switch element to use for cycle-by-cycle current limiting, not as part of the main control loop. So sorry, but I won't be able to be much help on that part. Maybe others here have done what you are trying...

You didn't answer my Quiz Question yet on max duty cycle...

FAQ: Design Boost Converter | Need Help Now

1. What is a boost converter and how does it work?

A boost converter is a type of DC-DC converter that is used to step up or increase the output voltage from a power source. It works by using an inductor to store energy when a switch is closed, and then releasing that energy into the output circuit when the switch is opened, resulting in a higher output voltage.

2. What are the advantages of using a boost converter?

Boost converters have several advantages, including efficient power conversion, compact size, and the ability to step up the output voltage without the use of a bulky transformer. They are also useful for applications where the input voltage is lower than the required output voltage.

3. What are the common applications of boost converters?

Boost converters are commonly used in a variety of electronic devices, such as battery-powered devices, LED lighting, and portable electronic equipment. They are also commonly used in renewable energy systems, such as solar panels, to step up the low voltage output to a higher usable voltage.

4. What factors should be considered when designing a boost converter?

When designing a boost converter, several factors should be considered, including the desired output voltage, input voltage range, output current requirements, efficiency, and the type of load the converter will be powering. The choice of components, such as the inductor and capacitor, also plays a crucial role in the design.

5. What are some common issues that may arise when designing a boost converter?

Some common issues that may arise when designing a boost converter include instability, voltage spikes, and electromagnetic interference. These issues can be mitigated through careful component selection, proper circuit layout, and the use of feedback control to regulate the output voltage.

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