Instantaneous poynting vector for EM radiation

In summary, the Poynting vector S = E x B can be described as the time-averaged energy flux of an electromagnetic wave. The instantaneous value of S depends on time and position, and is given by S = (1/u) EB[cos^2(wt -kr)], where w is the frequency. In a monochromatic plane wave, E and B are always in phase and contribute equally to the energy of the wave. The energy is moved with the wave, and at the zero point (minimum phase), the energy has moved ahead. Circular polarization can help clarify this concept, as it is the sum of two linearly polarized waves at right angles in space and 90 degrees apart in time.
  • #1
Have viewed PF, first time post (have searched for this question on forum):

The energy of EM radiation can be described by the Poynting vector S = E x B (insert conversion factor for cgs, MKS, etc).

For a traveling EM wave, what happens to the instantaneous value of S when E and B are max as compared to when E and B are 0?

Alternatively, how is the energy of the EM radiation shared between E and B with both E and B having maximum and zero values at the same instant of time for a plane wave?

Thank you for your input.

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  • #2
hi WR;
The eqn. you gave is actually the TIME AVERAGED Poynting vector.
The instantaneous Poynting vector whcih depends upon time and position, r, is given by:

S = (1/u) EB[cos^2(wt -kr)]...where w is the freqency.

Good question.
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  • #3
Thank you for your response Creator. Believe my confusion was considering E and B as sharing the energy of the wave (similar to K.E. and potential sharing the total E). Will dig out my undergraduate intermediate EM book and review more throughly (still confused as to where the energy is stored when E and B are both zero as compared to when E and B are both maximum).

  • #4
WRGmedphys said:
Thank you for your response Creator. Believe my confusion was considering E and B as sharing the energy of the wave (similar to K.E. and potential sharing the total E).
No problem;
In a (monochromatic) plane wave Maxwell's equations ensure E and B are always in phase, (in vacuum).
The energy is proportional to the square of the MAX. E field OR the square of the MAX. B field, and yes, alternately it can be written as the sum of 1/2 of each field squared (with appropriate epsilon and mu factors) since each "contributes" half the energy of the wave.

(still confused as to where the energy is stored when E and B are both zero as compared to when E and B are both maximum).

The energy is not 'stored' but rather it is moved ...the energy of the waves moves with the wave. At the zero point (minimum phase) we can say the energy has moved ahead. The energy is still "stored" in the E & B field, but the fields have moved position.
Remember Poynting Vector is an energy FLUX, meaning a rate of transfer of energy.

Your worry is a common concern among those who question that the 'in phase' relation of E & B implies violation of conservation of energy.
But the question is mis-placed since even though the instantaneous energy "disappears" AT ONE LOCATION, it "reappears" simultaneously at another location, namely, 1/4 wavelength ahead in the wave (where the fields are at maximum).

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  • #5
Thinking about circular polarization really helps clarify this. Here there are no nodes. Circular polarization is the sum of two linerly polarized waves at right angles in space and 90 degrees apart in time.

Think of a helix instead of a sinewave.

FAQ: Instantaneous poynting vector for EM radiation

1. What is the instantaneous Poynting vector for EM radiation?

The instantaneous Poynting vector is a mathematical quantity that represents the direction and magnitude of the energy flow in electromagnetic (EM) radiation. It is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction, and is used to describe the rate at which energy is being transferred through space by EM radiation.

2. How is the instantaneous Poynting vector calculated?

The instantaneous Poynting vector is calculated by taking the cross product of the electric field vector and the magnetic field vector at a specific point in space. The resulting vector will point in the direction of energy flow and its magnitude will represent the amount of energy being transferred.

3. What is the significance of the instantaneous Poynting vector?

The instantaneous Poynting vector is significant because it helps us understand and quantify the behavior of EM radiation. It allows us to calculate the intensity and direction of energy flow, which is important in various fields such as telecommunications, optics, and astrophysics.

4. Can the instantaneous Poynting vector change over time?

Yes, the instantaneous Poynting vector can change over time as the electric and magnetic fields of the EM radiation change. This vector is constantly updated to reflect the changing energy flow in the radiation.

5. How is the instantaneous Poynting vector related to the average Poynting vector?

The instantaneous Poynting vector and the average Poynting vector are closely related. The average Poynting vector is calculated by taking the time average of the instantaneous Poynting vector over a certain period. This allows us to get a more accurate representation of the overall energy flow in a given system or area.

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