How Can I Solve a Modulo Equation with Large Values?

  • Thread starter mathnub31
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In summary, a modulo equation is a mathematical equation that uses the modulo operation to calculate the remainder when dividing two numbers. To solve a modulo equation, one can use properties of the modulo operation, trial and error, or a systematic approach. Real-world applications of solving modulo equations include computer programming, cryptography, and economics. A modulo equation can have multiple solutions, but there are limitations, such as the solutions being integers and possibly having an infinite number of solutions. Context and constraints should also be considered when solving a modulo equation.
  • #1
How would one normally solve this type of equation

x^a = b (mod n)

Is there any trick to solve it if I know that n = 465992738619896000 and a = 23407534262244700, or perhaps an algorithm?
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  • #2
The existence can be checked with the help of reciprocity laws, but it's a formidable task ( to speak nothing about HOW to find x).
  • #3
i.e, google quadratic reciprocity, for the case of a = 2.
  • #5

Solving modulo equations involves finding the value of x that satisfies the given equation in modular arithmetic. To solve an equation of the form x^a = b (mod n), one would typically use a technique called "exponentiation by squaring." This involves breaking down the exponent a into its binary representation and using repeated squaring to simplify the calculation.

In the case of n = 465992738619896000 and a = 23407534262244700, we can use the following algorithm to solve the equation:

1. Write a in binary form: a = (1011010110101010011001010110001100111100100100)

2. Start with x = 1 and b = b (mod n).

3. For each bit in a (starting from the right), if the bit is 1, multiply x by itself and then multiply by b (mod n). If the bit is 0, simply square x.

4. After going through all the bits in a, the final value of x will be the solution to the equation x^a = b (mod n).

Using this algorithm, we can solve the equation x^23407534262244700 = b (mod 465992738619896000) in a relatively efficient manner. However, it should be noted that solving this equation for such large values of n and a may still be a computationally intensive task.

FAQ: How Can I Solve a Modulo Equation with Large Values?

1. What is a modulo equation?

A modulo equation is a type of mathematical equation that involves the modulo operation, denoted by the % symbol. This operation calculates the remainder when dividing two numbers. For example, 7 % 3 = 1, since 7 divided by 3 leaves a remainder of 1.

2. How do you solve a modulo equation?

To solve a modulo equation, you can use the properties of the modulo operation, such as the fact that (a + b) % c = (a % c + b % c) % c. You can also use the fact that a % c = b % c if and only if a and b have the same remainder when divided by c. Additionally, you can use trial and error or a systematic approach to find a solution that satisfies the equation.

3. What are some real-world applications of solving modulo equations?

Modulo equations are commonly used in computer programming to perform tasks such as generating random numbers, calculating time and dates, and creating algorithms. They are also used in cryptography to ensure the security of data and in economics to model repeating patterns in financial markets.

4. Can a modulo equation have multiple solutions?

Yes, a modulo equation can sometimes have multiple solutions. For example, the equation x % 2 = 0 has the solutions x = 0, 2, 4, 6, and so on. However, some modulo equations may have no solutions or only one unique solution.

5. Are there any limitations to solving modulo equations?

Yes, there are some limitations to solving modulo equations. For one, the solutions can only be integers. Additionally, in some cases, there may be an infinite number of solutions, making it impossible to list them all. It is also important to consider the context of the equation, as certain constraints or assumptions may limit the possible solutions.

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