How Does Dimensional Regularization Simplify Integrals in Quantum Field Theory?

In summary, dimensional regularization works by using analytic continuation to calculate integrals in d-dimensions. This method allows for the calculation of otherwise divergent integrals, such as the one provided in the conversation.
  • #1
how does dimensional regularization work ?

i see , how can you calculate integrals in d-dimensions of the form

[tex] \int d^{d} k F( \vec k ) [/tex] ??

and for other cases , let us suppose we have the integral

[tex] \lim_{\varepsilon\rightarrow 0^+}\int \frac{dp}{(2\pi)^{4-\varepsilon}} \frac{2\pi^{(4-\varepsilon)/2}}{\Gamma\left(\frac{4-\varepsilon}{2}\right)} \frac{p^{3-\varepsilon}}{\left(p^2+m^2\right)^1} [/tex]

there is no way this integral can be calculated
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  • #2
It works by analytic continuation. Consider the integral

[tex]\int_0^\infty dx\,{x^n\over x^2+1}.[/tex]

For [itex]-1<{\rm Re}\,n<1[/itex], the integral converges, and the result is


We now define this to be the value of the integral for all [itex]n[/itex].
  • #3
in the traditional sense as it leads to infinities

Dimensional regularization is a mathematical technique used in quantum field theory to regulate divergent integrals in higher dimensions. It works by extending the number of dimensions in which the integral is calculated, from the usual 3 spatial dimensions and 1 time dimension to a higher number, typically denoted by d. This allows for the cancellation of infinities that arise in traditional calculations.

In the case of integrals in d-dimensions, the integral is calculated using the same techniques as in 4 dimensions, but with d as the number of dimensions. This means that the integral is still dependent on the function F( \vec k ) and the d-dimensional vector k, but now the integral is over d dimensions instead of 4.

For the second integral, the use of dimensional regularization allows for the integration to be performed in d-dimensions, which will lead to a result that is finite. The limit as \varepsilon\rightarrow 0^+ is taken to get the final result in 4 dimensions. This is because the infinities that arise in traditional calculations are dependent on the number of dimensions, and by extending the number of dimensions to d, the infinities can be cancelled out.

Overall, dimensional regularization is a powerful tool in theoretical physics that allows for the calculation of integrals in higher dimensions and helps to regulate infinities that arise in traditional calculations. It is a crucial technique in quantum field theory and has been used to make many important predictions and calculations in the field.

FAQ: How Does Dimensional Regularization Simplify Integrals in Quantum Field Theory?

1. What is dimensional regularization?

Dimensional regularization is a technique used in theoretical physics and mathematical physics to regularize or remove divergences (infinities) that arise in calculations involving integrals. It involves extending the number of dimensions in which the calculation is being performed, usually from 3 to a higher number, and then taking the limit back to 3 dimensions at the end of the calculation.

2. Why is dimensional regularization used?

Dimensional regularization is used because it allows for the calculation of physical quantities that would otherwise be infinite. In theories such as quantum field theory, infinities arise due to the ultraviolet (UV) divergences that occur in the integration of high-energy modes. Dimensional regularization provides a systematic way to remove these infinities and obtain finite results.

3. How does dimensional regularization work?

Dimensional regularization works by introducing a parameter, often denoted as d, which represents the number of dimensions in which the calculation is being performed. This parameter is then used in place of the usual 3 dimensions in the calculation. The final result is then obtained by taking the limit as d approaches 3. This approach has the advantage of preserving certain symmetries, such as gauge invariance, which would be broken in other regularization methods.

4. What are the advantages of using dimensional regularization?

One of the main advantages of dimensional regularization is its ability to preserve important symmetries, such as gauge invariance, in the calculations. It also provides a systematic way to remove infinities and obtain finite results, making it a useful tool in theoretical calculations. Additionally, dimensional regularization is often more elegant and easier to use than other regularization methods.

5. Are there any limitations to dimensional regularization?

While dimensional regularization is a powerful tool in theoretical physics, it does have some limitations. It is not suitable for all types of calculations, and in some cases, other regularization methods may be more appropriate. Additionally, dimensional regularization can lead to complex or non-intuitive results in certain situations, which may require further analysis and interpretation.

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