How is the Legendre transform defined in cases where g(p) equals 0?

In summary: Legendre transform since the momenta are not independent by the "dot" variables "canonical" defined...In summary, the Legendre transform is used to relate a function f(r) to its Legendre transform g(p). However, when g(p) equals 0, the inverse of Dg(p) does not exist and the Legendre transform cannot be defined. This is often seen in Hamiltonians of relativity and in the Lagrangian density of Quantum Field Theory, where the constraint H=0 arises. In these cases, the momenta are not independent and the Legendre transform cannot be used.
  • #1
Legendre transform...

If we define a function f(r) with r=x,y,z,... and its Legnedre transform
g(p) with [tex] p=p_x ,p_y,p_z,... [/tex] then we would have the equality:

[tex] Df(r)=(Dg(p))^{-1} [/tex] (1) where D is a differential operator..the

problem is..what happens when g(p)=0?...(this problem is usually found in several Hamiltonians of relativity) then (1) makes no sense since a 0 matrix would have no do you define Legendre transform then...:frown: :frown:
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  • #2
I don't see any problem with "defining the Legendre transform", just defining its inverse- which does not necessarily exist. What kind of functions, f, and p, give g(p)= 0? Why does that not have an inverse?
  • #3
The problem of Zero Legendre-transform arises for example in Quantum Field theory...let be the "Lagrangian density":

[tex] L= \sqrt (-g)R [/tex] where g is the determinant of the "metric" and R is Ricci scalar?...of course if we use a "dot" to indicate derivative respect to time we have that:

[tex] L=L(g_ab , \dot g_ab,x,y,z) [/tex] now we definte the "momenta"..

[tex] \pi _ab =\frac{ \partial L}{\partial \dot g_ab) [/tex]

then the Legendre transform for Quantum gravity is defined by:

[tex] H=\pi _ab \dot g_ab -L [/tex] where the metric is given by:

[tex] g_ab =N(t)dt^{2}-g_ ij dx^{i}dx^{j} [/tex] i,j=1,2,3 (einstein sum convention)

where N(t) is somehow a "lapse" function with a physical meaning so you get the "constraint"..

[tex] H=0 [/tex]

FAQ: How is the Legendre transform defined in cases where g(p) equals 0?

1. What is a Legendre transform?

A Legendre transform is a mathematical operation that transforms a function of one variable into a function of a different variable. It is used in physics and mathematics to simplify problems by converting between different representations of a system.

2. What is the purpose of a Legendre transform?

The purpose of a Legendre transform is to simplify mathematical problems by converting between different representations of a system. It is often used in thermodynamics and statistical mechanics to convert between energy and entropy representations, and in economics to convert between cost and benefit representations.

3. How is a Legendre transform calculated?

A Legendre transform can be calculated using the Legendre-Fenchel transformation formula, which involves taking the first derivative of the original function and setting it equal to the second variable, and then solving for the second variable. Alternatively, it can be calculated using the Legendre-Fenchel dual formula, which involves taking the inverse function of the first derivative and setting it equal to the second variable.

4. What are some real-world applications of the Legendre transform?

The Legendre transform has many applications in physics, mathematics, and economics. In physics, it is used to convert between energy and entropy representations in thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. In mathematics, it is used in optimization problems and convex analysis. In economics, it is used to convert between cost and benefit representations in decision making.

5. Are there any limitations to the Legendre transform?

One limitation of the Legendre transform is that it can only be applied to convex functions. Additionally, it may not always provide a unique solution, as there can be multiple functions that satisfy the transformation criteria. Finally, it may not always be possible to calculate the Legendre transform analytically, and numerical methods may be required.

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