Does the Laplace Teansform of the function exist?

In summary, the laplace transform of f(t) evaluated at t=0 is not defined, but can be evaluated for the function if it is finite and continuous on the domain.
  • #1
While reading Laplace transform in my book, I came across a problem. where it evaluates the laplace transform of
f(t)=1/√t => √(π/s) .

But is the laplace transform of f(t) really exists? because I thought the function f(t) is not defined at t=0 and it tends to infinite. So How is it possible that the definite intgeration over [0,∞] can be evaluated for such function?
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  • #2
Just because a function goes to infinity at the boundary of a region does not mean the definite integral over that region does not have a finite value. Consider

[itex]\int_0^4 \frac{1}{\sqrt{x}}dx = 2\sqrt{x}|_0^4 =2\sqrt{4} = 4 [/itex]

So for the example above, even though the function goes to infinity as x goes to zero, the anti-derivative does not.
  • #3
MisterX said:
Just because a function goes to infinity at the boundary of a region does not mean the definite integral over that region does not have a finite value. Consider

[itex]\int_0^4 \frac{1}{\sqrt{x}}dx = 2\sqrt{x}|_0^4 =2\sqrt{4} = 4 [/itex]

So for the example above, even though the function goes to infinity as x goes to zero, the anti-derivative does not.

To my understanding, integral means the area under the curve. If fn. tends to infinite at some region, the area should also be infinite under this curve. Please clarify your point.
  • #4
rudra said:
To my understanding, integral means the area under the curve.
That is correct...
If fn. tends to infinite at some region, the area should also be infinite under this curve.
... but that is not necessarily true. Intuitively, if a function goes to infinity "fast enough", the area under the curve can still be finite.

For a mathematical proof of this, you need a course on real analysis (not a beginning "calculus" course that teaches you some "rules" for doing integration and differentiation, but without any proofs).
  • #5
A good way to think about it (unrigorously) is that the function, where it tends to infinity, is very narrow. Again being loose with terminology, if the function is infinitely high but infinitely narrow, the area might be finite.

Thats just an intuitive way to think. By the FTC
[itex]\int_0^x f(t)dt=F(x)-F(0)[/itex] we can also use limits, but for your example that isn't necessary. As long as the antiderivative is finite (and continuous on the domain) the area under the curve must be finite even though the curve tends to infinity
  • #6
DrewD said:
A good way to think about it (unrigorously) is that the function, where it tends to infinity, is very narrow. Again being loose with terminology, if the function is infinitely high but infinitely narrow, the area might be finite.

Thats just an intuitive way to think. By the FTC
[itex]\int_0^x f(t)dt=F(x)-F(0)[/itex] we can also use limits, but for your example that isn't necessary. As long as the antiderivative is finite (and continuous on the domain) the area under the curve must be finite even though the curve tends to infinity

Thank you guys for the clarification. It helped a lot.

FAQ: Does the Laplace Teansform of the function exist?

1. What is the Laplace Transform of a function?

The Laplace Transform is a mathematical tool used to transform a function from the time domain to the complex frequency domain. This allows for the analysis of functions using algebraic operations rather than differential equations.

2. How is the Laplace Transform calculated?

The Laplace Transform is calculated using an integral formula that involves the function and a complex exponential term. The integral takes the function from the time domain and transforms it into the complex frequency domain.

3. When does the Laplace Transform of a function exist?

The Laplace Transform of a function exists when the integral used to calculate it converges. This means that the resulting transform is a finite value and not infinite. Some functions may not have a Laplace Transform if the integral does not converge.

4. Why is the Laplace Transform useful?

The Laplace Transform is useful because it allows for the simplification of differential equations and the analysis of complex systems. It can also be used to solve initial value problems and find steady-state solutions.

5. Are there any limitations to using the Laplace Transform?

Yes, there are limitations to using the Laplace Transform. It can only be used for linear systems, and some functions may not have a Laplace Transform. Additionally, the use of inverse Laplace Transform may lead to multiple solutions, making it important to check for uniqueness.

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