How can hydrogen and lead crystals be differentiated through x-ray diffraction?

In summary: The atomic form factor is a measure of the localization of the charge in an atom. It is calculated by taking the Fourier transform of the charge density and is larger for lead than for hydrogen. This leads to smaller Bragg angles for lead scattering and a higher intensity of scattering.
  • #1
I was given the following question: A crystal of hydrogen atoms and a crystal of lead atoms have exactly the same crystal structure, including lattice constant. How can they be distinguished by x-ray diffraction? The solutions say that the beams diffracted off the lead crystal would be much brighter, but those diffracted off hydrogen would scatter to larger angles. Can anyone explain why this is?
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  • #2
The atomic scattering factors are different. The scattered intensity depends on the scattering factor squared at a given magnitude of the scattering vector (or angle). I didn't check but if you check the tabulated values for the scattering factor for H and Pb I'm pretty sure you'll see behaviour that explains this in them.
  • #3
Is there a more qualitative way to explain it? This was a question on a test, so we wouldn't have had access to any tables.
  • #4
Tell me if this sounds right. The atomic form factor, which is basically the Fourier transform of the charge density of a single atom, determines the magnitude of the refractions. If the incoming wave vector is k and the refracted wave vector is k', then the magnitude squared of the form factor evaluated at k-k' gives the intensity. So for lead, the charge distribution is more spread out, but larger in magnitude, so the form factor will be more localized and larger in magnitude than for hydrogen. So small k-k', corresponding to small Bragg angles, will scatter with more intensity off lead, but since the form factor is more localized, the refractions will not extend to as large a Bragg angle as those for hydrogen.
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  • #5
That seems ok to me. Magnitude of charge distribution could use rephrasing though. I know what you mean by it but I don't think the magnitude of a distribution really means anything.

FAQ: How can hydrogen and lead crystals be differentiated through x-ray diffraction?

1. What is crystal x-ray diffraction?

Crystal x-ray diffraction is a technique used to study the arrangement of atoms in a crystal. It involves directing a beam of x-rays at a crystal, which causes the x-rays to diffract, or scatter, in a specific pattern. This pattern can then be analyzed to determine the atomic structure of the crystal.

2. How does crystal x-ray diffraction work?

Crystal x-ray diffraction works by directing a beam of x-rays at a crystal, which causes the x-rays to interact with the electrons in the crystal lattice. This interaction results in the x-rays being scattered in a specific pattern, which can then be captured on a detector and analyzed to determine the atomic structure of the crystal.

3. What information can be obtained from crystal x-ray diffraction?

Crystal x-ray diffraction provides information about the arrangement of atoms in a crystal, including the type of atoms present, their positions, and the distances between them. This information can be used to determine the crystal's unit cell, symmetry, and other structural properties.

4. What types of crystals can be studied with x-ray diffraction?

Crystal x-ray diffraction can be used to study a wide range of crystals, including inorganic crystals (such as minerals), organic crystals, and biological macromolecules (such as proteins and DNA).

5. What are the applications of crystal x-ray diffraction?

Crystal x-ray diffraction has many applications in various fields, including chemistry, materials science, geology, and biology. It is commonly used to determine the structures of new or unknown materials, to study the effects of temperature and pressure on crystal structures, and to aid in drug discovery by determining the structures of proteins and other biomolecules.
