Galilean invariance and conserved quantities

In summary, according to this expert, the conserved quantities associated with Galilean and Lorentz invariance are energy, momentum and angular momentum, but these quantities are different because the symmetries are different.
  • #1
Hi I have a simple question

what is the conserved quantity corresponding to the symmetry of galilean invariance?

and Lorentz invariance?


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  • #2
Energy, momentum and angular momentum in both cases.
  • #3
Vanadium 50 said:
Energy, momentum and angular momentum in both cases.

Um, really? I'm pretty sure they correspond to time translation, spatial translation and rotation respectively...

As I understand it (but I may be wrong), not every symmetry in the laws of physics leads to a conserved quantity, only those that leave the Lagrangian unchanged. Hence there is no conserved quantity associated with Galilean or Lorentz invariance.
  • #4
Momentum for Galileo; momentum and energy for Lorentz. Angular momentum follows from rotational invariance.
  • #5
Gallilean and Lorentz invariance describe how translations through space, time and angle affect (or, in this case, don't) the Lagrangian.
  • #6
clem said:
Momentum for Galileo; momentum and energy for Lorentz. Angular momentum follows from rotational invariance.

Nope. Ordinary momentum is associated with translations of space, not Galilean transformations of spacetime. Momentum and energy, considered together as four-momentum is associated with translations in spacetime, not Lorentz transformations.

cortiver said:
[...]not every symmetry in the laws of physics leads to a conserved quantity, only those that leave the Lagrangian unchanged.Hence there is no conserved quantity associated with Galilean or Lorentz invariance.

Wrong. All laws of nature have Lorentz symmetry. If γ is a spacetime path of a system, then L(γ) where L is a lorentz transformation is also a possible spacetime path of the system (relativity). Therefore these two paths must have the same action S[γ] = S[L(γ)]. A simpe geometric argument shows that this leads to the following conserved quantity for a Lorentz transformation in the xt plane: -xE + tPx*, and similarly for yt and zt planes. This can be thought of as a 'spacetime angular momentum'.

*Formally, this can be obtained from Noether's theorem. The killing vector of lorentz transformations in the xt plane is μ = x∂t + t∂x, and the consrved quantity is dS⋅μ = -xE + tPx.
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  • #7
This may be a little advanced, but fundamentally what is happening is that Lorentz boosts, translations and rotations form what is called the "Poincaré Group". These transformations are, of course, intertwined - a rotation and a translation is equivalent to a (different) translation and (different) rotation, and if you boost something, after a period of time it's now translated.

You can do the same thing with Newtonian mechanics, and I am pretty sure what you get is the Euclidian Group. (I am less sure because this doesn't describe the world we live in, so I haven't thought about it very hard).

In both cases, the conserved quantities associated with these symmetries are energy, momentum and angular momentum. However, the algebraic expressions for these quantities (i.e. the way they are interrelated) are different, because the symmetries are different. Quantities that are invariant (which is different than being conserved) are also different.

One can pick off these conserved quantities one by one, but it's often more efficient to exploit the whole symmetry in one go.

If this is more confusing than enlightening, just ignore it.
  • #8
dx said:
Nope. Ordinary momentum is associated with translations of space, not Galilean transformations of spacetime. Momentum and energy, considered together as four-momentum is associated with translations in spacetime, not Lorentz transformations.
You're right. I was careless in my thinking-- too early in the AM.
  • #9
*Formally, this can be obtained from Noether's theorem. The killing vector of lorentz transformations in the xt plane is μ = x∂t + t∂x, and the consrved quantity is dS⋅μ = -xE + tPx.

Is this essentially why we don't care of the corresponding conserved quantity to these symmetries because they are some combination of other more "fundamental" quantites i.e. energy and momentum?

FAQ: Galilean invariance and conserved quantities

1. What is Galilean invariance?

Galilean invariance is the principle that the laws of physics remain the same in all inertial reference frames. This means that the laws of motion and other physical laws will produce the same results regardless of the frame of reference in which they are observed.

2. What are conserved quantities in physics?

Conserved quantities are physical quantities that remain constant in a closed system over time. This means that the total amount of these quantities cannot be created or destroyed, but can only be transferred or transformed from one form to another.

3. How are Galilean invariance and conserved quantities related?

Galilean invariance is closely related to the conservation laws in physics. The principle of Galilean invariance ensures that the fundamental laws of physics are consistent across different reference frames, which in turn leads to the conservation of quantities such as energy, momentum, and angular momentum.

4. What are some examples of conserved quantities in physics?

Some examples of conserved quantities include energy, linear momentum, angular momentum, charge, and mass. These quantities are conserved in various physical processes, such as collisions, chemical reactions, and nuclear reactions.

5. Is Galilean invariance always valid?

No, Galilean invariance is only valid in classical mechanics, which describes the behavior of macroscopic objects at relatively low speeds. At high speeds, the laws of motion are governed by Einstein's theory of relativity, and Galilean invariance does not hold. However, in the limit of low speeds, the principles of Galilean invariance can still be used as a good approximation.

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