Clouds have flat bottoms from condensation

In summary, clouds are formed when the air is cooled and the water vapor in it condenses. The height at which the cloudbase will form depends on the humidity and temperature, and different days can have different cloud bottoms.
  • #1
I know clouds are just condensed water vapor forming tiny droplets. Why do they have flat bottoms and all at the same plane? Is their a air density threshold that clouds form at? Thanks simply curious.
Earth sciences news on
  • #2
because that's the condensation level.
Different days, with other humidity and temperature levels and that base can be lower or higher

Dewpoint is commonly used to calculate the height at which the cloudbase will form

  • #3
Not all clouds have flat bottoms, this only applies to some clouds in some situations.
  • #4
Evo said:
Not all clouds have flat bottoms, this only applies to some clouds in some situations.

Ok we'll for those that do why?
  • #5
davenn said:
because that's the condensation level.

I think I know what you mean by condensation level but what causes it to be there? Is it because the air density is low enough there for water to condense? I can't see the temperature dramatically dropping off there so it must be density of medium
  • #7
Delong said:
I think I know what you mean by condensation level but what causes it to be there? Is it because the air density is low enough there for water to condense? I can't see the temperature dramatically dropping off there so it must be density of medium

read up on dewpoint, it will answer most of your questions

jim also has a good set of links there as well :)

  • #9
edward said:


yup mammatus ... very nice pic, have seen some good ones myself during my years of stormchasing. But there's a really good reason why they form like that during thunderstorms.

I wonder if you know the reason ? :)

You will normally see them on the underside of the anvil ahead of the main updraft and occasionally to the rear if its a fast moving storm. But you will still notice that the base of the stormcell is relatively flat. These are much higher in altitude ( 10 - 25,000 ft) compared to the base that may be only a couple of 1000 ft.

Sometimes there can be strong updraft from almost ground level feeding into that base.

If I get a chance when I get home tonite I will post a pic of a storm like that that I photo'ed a couple of years ago



  • mammatus_cloud_canada-620x463.jpg
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  • #10
Delong said:
I think I know what you mean by condensation level but what causes it to be there? Is it because the air density is low enough there for water to condense? I can't see the temperature dramatically dropping off there so it must be density of medium
Due to adiabatic expansion (google that), any homogeneous volume of gas will cool as it rises or if it is large enough have a temperature gradient. So as you increase altitude and keep absolute humidity (humidity ratio) constant, relative humidity rises. Reach a certain altitude and relative humidity will equal 100%. Above that, clouds form.
  • #11
Thank you all I will read the resources when I am able to.
  • #12
What Russ said...

An old timey weatherman will estimate the dewpoint and relative humidity by observing the height of those cloud bottoms. It's a skill they picked up from watching weather balloons in the old days.
Dad was a weather forecaster ~1940-1970 and he explained the uniform cloud bottoms to me this way:

In daytime air is heated by the ground so is warmest at surface. Also its pressure is highest on the ground, that's why your ears pop when going up or down a high hill in an automobile.
Air that's been warmed at the ground rises by convection. Air is a gas that cools as its pressure is lowered so it cools as it rises. It cools by ~3.5 degrees F per thousand feet and that's called the "lapse rate"..

When the moist rising air has cooled to the point the water vapor in it condenses, you get a visible cloud . When the cloud bottoms are all flat and at same level it tells you the vertical mixing of air is pretty good that day.

Knowing the lapse rate and the approximate height of the cloud bottoms, old weathermen can tell you by eye how much below ambient temperature it is to the dewpoint. They also have in their memory banks the tables of relative humidity vs dewpoint for various temperatures...

If you pay attention, this time of year you'll notice cloud bottoms are way more regular than in wintertime. I watch the clouds in movies made in S Florida- after growing up there one can tell what time of year a scene was shot by the clouds . They tend to work there in winter.

Maybe there's a genuine meteorologist in the house?

old jim

FAQ: Clouds have flat bottoms from condensation

1. Why do clouds have flat bottoms?

Clouds have flat bottoms because of the process of condensation. As water vapor rises and cools, it condenses into tiny water droplets. These droplets then cling together to form clouds. As the air continues to rise, the water droplets continue to accumulate and form a cloud with a flat bottom.

2. What causes the condensation that creates flat-bottomed clouds?

The condensation that creates flat-bottomed clouds is caused by changes in air temperature and pressure. As warm, moist air rises, it cools and reaches its dew point, which is the temperature at which the air can no longer hold all of its water vapor. This causes the water vapor to condense and form clouds with flat bottoms.

3. Are all clouds flat-bottomed?

No, not all clouds have flat bottoms. The shape and appearance of clouds can vary depending on the atmospheric conditions. Some clouds may have flat bottoms, while others may have rounded or irregular shapes. It all depends on the movement and interaction of air currents and the amount of moisture present in the air.

4. Do flat-bottomed clouds indicate a certain type of weather?

Flat-bottomed clouds do not necessarily indicate a specific type of weather. They can form in a variety of weather conditions, such as before a storm or on a clear day. However, they are often associated with fair weather, as they are typically caused by rising warm air that is not associated with precipitation.

5. Is there a scientific term for flat-bottomed clouds?

The scientific term for flat-bottomed clouds is "stratocumulus." This type of cloud is characterized by its flat, layered shape and can be found at low to mid-level altitudes in the atmosphere. They are often seen in rows or patches and can cover a large portion of the sky.
