Can someone help me understand Taylor and MacLaurin series?

In summary, Taylor and MacLaurin series are infinite polynomials that converge to a given function. There is a theorem that states there can only be one such series, so any series found must be the correct one. The geometric series is often the most natural and best possible series, and it is equal to a/(1-r) for |r| < 1. A problem involving finding the MacLaurin series for 1/(x^2 + 4) can be easily solved by converting it to a geometric series. There is also a theorem that allows for differentiating a convergent MacLaurin series term by term. The final Taylor series for a function can be notated as f(x0) + f
  • #1
Wee Sleeket
I am having difficulty understanding Taylor and MacLaurin series. I need someone to go through step by step and explain a problem from beginning to end. You could use the function f(x) = cos x. Also, could someone find the MacLaurin series of 1/(x^2 + 4) ? I just don't understand the basics of evaluating these problems. If someone could help, that'd be great :smile:
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  • #2
a maclaurin series is an infinite polynomial that "converges" to your function. there is a theorem that there si at most one such series, so anyone you find by hook or crook must be it.

the most natural best possible seriews in the world is the geometric series.

i.e. a + ar + ar^2 + ar^3 +... = a/(1-r). (true for |r| < 1.)

Your problem example is so easy it actually equals a geometric series. just change

1/(4+x^2) to (1/4) [1/(1 + (x/2)^2)] = (1/4) [1/(1 -{- (x/2)^2)}] = and then you get the series

(1/4) [ 1 -(x/2)^2 +(x/2)^3 - (x/2)^4 + - ...].

Then there is a theorem that you can differentiate a convergent maclaurin series term by term. so the only possible series representing f, is

f(0) + f'(0)x + f''(0)/2 x^2 + [f'''(0)/3!] x^3 +...

But as in your case above, taking derivatives is not always the easiest way to proceed.

Remark: maclaurin had nothing to do with these things, according to reliable scholars, so let's call them all taylor series. i.e. maclaurin rediscovered a special case of taylor series, decades after taylor had already explained them in general.

try reading courants calculus book. or send me you email and i will send you my notes on the topic.
  • #3
good old Courant!
  • #4
I think I'm ok with finding the terms of the series... I just don't know how to notate the final answer. How would you write the final Taylor series for each one?
  • #5
Wee Sleeket said:
I think I'm ok with finding the terms of the series... I just don't know how to notate the final answer. How would you write the final Taylor series for each one?

IF you can find a general form for f(n) at x0 (the nth derivative), Then the Taylor series is just what Mathwonk said:
f(x0) + f'(x0)(x-x0) + f''(x0)/2 (x-x0)^2 + [f'''(x0)/3!] (x-x0)^3 +...
with the general term being (f(h)/n!)(x-x0)n.

As Mathwonk said, any power series that converges to the same function must have exactly the same coefficients, so however you find the coefficients, you have the Taylor series.

By the way, one thing Mathwonk said might be misleading:
"a maclaurin series is an infinite polynomial that "converges" to your function. there is a theorem that there si at most one such series, so anyone you find by hook or crook must be it."

It is quite possible for a function, f, to be infinitely differentiable and have a Taylor's or Maclaurin series that converges for all x but doesn't converge to the function f itself! An example is f(x)= exp(-1/x2) if x is not 0, 0 if x is 0. One can show that f is continuous and, indeed, infinitely differentiable at x= 0. All derivatives at 0 are equal to 0 so it's MacLaurin series is just [itex]\Sigma 0*x^n[/itex] which is equal to 0 for all x and not to f(x).

Functions for which the Taylor series at some point does converge to f(x) for some neighborhood around the point are called "analytic". Those are just about all of the functions we work with.

FAQ: Can someone help me understand Taylor and MacLaurin series?

1. What are Taylor and MacLaurin series?

Taylor and MacLaurin series are mathematical representations of functions as infinite power series. They are used to approximate functions and can help us understand the behavior of functions at specific points.

2. How do Taylor and MacLaurin series differ?

The main difference between Taylor and MacLaurin series is that Taylor series are centered at any point, while MacLaurin series are centered at 0. This means that MacLaurin series are a special case of Taylor series.

3. What is the purpose of using Taylor and MacLaurin series?

Taylor and MacLaurin series are used to approximate functions and simplify complicated expressions. They can also provide insights into the behavior of functions at specific points and help solve problems in physics, engineering, and other scientific fields.

4. How do you find the coefficients of a Taylor or MacLaurin series?

The coefficients of a Taylor or MacLaurin series can be found by taking derivatives of the function at the center point and plugging in the values into the Taylor or MacLaurin series formula. Alternatively, we can use known Taylor or MacLaurin series to find coefficients for more complex functions.

5. Are there any limitations to using Taylor and MacLaurin series?

Yes, there are limitations to using Taylor and MacLaurin series. They can only approximate functions within a certain radius of convergence and may not accurately represent a function if the function is not smooth or continuous. Additionally, using higher order terms in the series may result in more complex calculations and less accuracy.

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