Proving the Minimum Radius of Convergence for a Sum of Taylor Series

In summary, the radius of convergence of a sum of two series is at least equal to the minimum of their individual radii. This can be proven by considering the sequences of partial sums of each series and using the definition of convergence. However, the sum may have a strictly greater radius of convergence if one of the individual series has a finite radius of convergence and the other has a radius of convergence of zero.
  • #1

Homework Statement

how to prove that radius of convergence of a sum of two series is greater or equal to the minimum of their individual radii

i don't know how to begin, can someone give me some ideas?
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  • #2
Hi Jay,

Welcome to the Forums!

I wouldn't try to do this by working with the coefficients of the series directly. Instead fix some x within the radius of convergence of both sequences. Define fn(x) to be the quantity that x gets mapped to by the first n terms of the first power series, and gn(x) the same thing except for the second series. What do you know about the sequences

f1(x), f2(x), f3(x), ... and
g1(x), g2(x), g3(x), ... ?

Using that what can you say about the sequence (g + f)n(x)?
  • #3
kai_sikorski said:
Hi Jay,

Welcome to the Forums!

I wouldn't try to do this by working with the coefficients of the series directly. Instead fix some x within the radius of convergence of both sequences. Define fn(x) to be the quantity that x gets mapped to by the first n terms of the first power series, and gn(x) the same thing except for the second series. What do you know about the sequences

f1(x), f2(x), f3(x), ... and
g1(x), g2(x), g3(x), ... ?

Using that what can you say about the sequence (g + f)n(x)?

now , i got some ideas. can i say that cause fn(X) gn(x) are both converges to somthing ,assume T ,S .then by definition of convergent we have |fn(x)-T|<esillope/2 for |x|<R1,and |gn(x)-S|<esillope/2 for |x|<R2 (R1 R2 are the radius of f(X) and g(X)) then choose the min{R1,R2} then we can get |fn(X)+gn(x)-(T+S)|<esillope which is convergent for |x|<min{R1,R2},then the new radius K=min{R1,R2} but how to conclude that it is greater than min{R1,R2}??and is the proof above correct?
  • #4
Above proof is correct.

I don't see how the statement that the radius of convergence of the sum is strictly greater than the min(R1,R2) is even true. I mean take the taylor series for g(x)=0 as one of the series. Clearly the radius of convergence of the sum must be exactly equal to the radius of convergence of the other series. So greater than or equal to is best you can hope for.
  • #5
Oh if you're asking why it might be greater, then it's simple because your proof excluded the possibility that

R1 + 2 < min(R1, R2)

So it must be true that

R1 + 2 ≥ min(R1, R2)

That means that it might be greater maybe, or it might be equal. And in fact you could find examples for both.
  • #6
kai_sikorski said:
Oh if you're asking why it might be greater, then it's simple because your proof excluded the possibility that

R1 + 2 < min(R1, R2)

So it must be true that

R1 + 2 ≥ min(R1, R2)

That means that it might be greater maybe, or it might be equal. And in fact you could find examples for both.

sorry, i still cannot understand. from my proof i concluded that |x|<min{R1,R2}then the new radius =min{R1,R2}=K. then the sum of series convergent.but if K can be greater than min{R1,R2}then |x|<min{R1,R2}=<K ,but how can i get this from the proof?
  • #7
kai_sikorski said:
Oh if you're asking why it might be greater, then it's simple because your proof excluded the possibility that

R1 + 2 < min(R1, R2)

So it must be true that

R1 + 2 ≥ min(R1, R2)

That means that it might be greater maybe, or it might be equal. And in fact you could find examples for both.
sorry, i think i get it . because from my proof that |x|<min{R1,R2} then it means that the new radius K cannot smaller than {R1,R2}so K>=min{R1,R2} is this the idea?
  • #8
jaykobe76 said:
sorry, i think i get it . because from my proof that |x|<min{R1,R2} then it means that the new radius K cannot smaller than {R1,R2}so K>=min{R1,R2} is this the idea?

Yes exactly.

  • #9
jaykobe76 said:
then by definition of convergent we have |fn(x)-T|<esillope/2 for |x|<R1

I guess here technically you should say that there exists an N, such that this is true for all fn(x) with n>N.
  • #10
kai_sikorski said:
I guess here technically you should say that there exists an N, such that this is true for all fn(x) with n>N.

ok thank you so much
  • #11
kai_sikorski said:
I guess here technically you should say that there exists an N, such that this is true for all fn(x) with n>N.

sorry, can use give me one example that the T>min{R1,R2}(inequality is strict) cause i cannot find one case that satisfies.
  • #12
just take a taylor series for some function f(x) that has finite radius of convergence. make g(x) the taylor series for -f(x).

FAQ: Proving the Minimum Radius of Convergence for a Sum of Taylor Series

Question 1: What is the radius of convergence problem?

The radius of convergence problem is a mathematical concept that involves determining the interval or region of values for which a given power series converges. It is an important topic in calculus and analysis, and is often encountered when working with infinite series.

Question 2: How is the radius of convergence calculated?

The radius of convergence is typically calculated using the ratio test, which involves taking the limit of the absolute value of the ratio of successive terms in the series. The result of this limit will determine the radius of convergence, which can be either a finite value or infinity.

Question 3: What happens when the radius of convergence is infinite?

If the radius of convergence is infinite, it means that the series converges for all values of the variable. This is also known as a convergent power series. In other words, the series will approach a finite value as the variable approaches infinity.

Question 4: Can the radius of convergence be negative?

No, the radius of convergence cannot be negative. It is always a non-negative value, including zero and infinity. A negative value would not make sense in the context of determining the convergence of a series.

Question 5: How is the radius of convergence used in real-world applications?

The radius of convergence is used in various fields of science and engineering, such as physics, chemistry, and economics, to model and analyze real-world phenomena. It is also used in computer science to approximate functions and in statistics to estimate values. In general, it is a useful tool for understanding and predicting the behavior of functions and series.

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