Particle Phys.; Isospin conservation for cross sections of scattering

In summary: So yes, the same tables can be used for both spin and isospin. In summary, we discussed the concept of isospin conservation in relation to the cross sections of scattering processes involving particles with different isospin values. We also reviewed some basic definitions and theorems related to isospin and its eigenvalues. Additionally, we clarified the isospin assignments for the proton, neutron, and kaon particles and how they form doublets under isospin symmetry. Finally, we addressed the question of whether the same tables can be used for both spin and isospin, to which the answer is yes due to the similarity of the group structures involved.
  • #1

Homework Statement

What relations can you derive from isospin conservation for the cross sections of the following scattering processes:

K[itex]^{+}[/itex] + p → K[itex]^{+}[/itex] + p

K[itex]^{+}[/itex] + n → K[itex]^{0}[/itex] + p

K[itex]^{0}[/itex] + n → K[itex]^{0}[/itex] + n

The Attempt at a Solution

I do not really have my own solution as I've just started learning this, and fail to understand the question: I do not necessarily need the answer, but a starting tip and an explanation of the question at hand would be much appreciated!
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  • #2
You should start by recalling how p and n are related by isospin. Does the form of the reactions, together with isospin conservation, suggest anything about whether or not ##K^+## and ##K^0## should be related by isospin as well? Before asking specifically about the cross-section, you'll next want to ask how the matrix elements describing those processes might depend on the isospin degrees of freedom.
  • #3
Thank you very much, this helped a lot, really: was able to finish and get the exercise approved.

Anyways, if you (or any) got the time, I'd like to tidy up some elementary stuff,

Wikipedia, WolframAlpha and other sources state that the proton and the neutron both have isospin 1/2. This must imply that their isospin is ±1/2, right?

From the exercise over, we may write a two-particle system of particle X and Y as,

[itex]|X, Y > = |\alpha_X , \alpha_Y> = (CG)|\alpha , \beta>[/itex],

where (CG) is a clebsch-gordan coefficient, and the isospin, [itex]I = I_1+I_2+I_3[/itex], and [itex]\alpha_X, \alpha_Y, \alpha, \beta[/itex] are defined by,

I = I_X + I_Y \\
I_3 = I_{X3} + I{Y3}

|\alpha_X - \alpha_Y| \leq \alpha \leq (\alpha_X + \alpha_Y)\\
\beta = \beta_X + \beta_Y

\hat{I}^2 |\alpha,\beta> = \alpha (\alpha + 1) |\alpha,\beta> \\
\hat{I}_3 |\alpha,\beta> = \beta |\alpha,\beta>\\

Now that we have some theory and definitions: let particle X and Y be a proton and a neutron with isospins [itex]\alpha_X = \alpha_p,\alpha_Y = \alpha_n, [/itex]respectively. What values of isospin will these have, and why? To solve my problems I had to set [itex]\alpha_n = -1/2, \alpha_p = 1/2[/itex], but the math would have come out if I changed these two (it seems so at least...).
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  • #4
mhsd91 said:
Now that we have some theory and definitions: let particle X and Y be a proton and a neutron with isospins [itex]\alpha_X = \alpha_p,\alpha_Y = \alpha_n, [/itex]respectively. What values of isospin will these have, and why? To solve my problems I had to set [itex]\alpha_n = -1/2, \alpha_p = 1/2[/itex], but the math would have come out if I changed these two (it seems so at least...).

The proton and neutron form an isospin doublet. This is analogous to a spin 1/2 system. The eigenvalue of ##\hat{I}^2## is ##\tfrac{1}{2}(\tfrac{1}{2}+1)## for both particles. By convention, the eigenvalue of ##\hat{I}_3## is ##+\tfrac{1}{2}## for the proton (isospin up) and ##-\tfrac{1}{2}## for the neutron (isospin down). Hopefully this is what you meant.

We could have reversed this choice of labels for the up and down states and no physics would change.
  • #5
Yes, this is exactly what I mean, thanks!
I'm really sorry about all these follow-up-questions ... but I find this rather intriguing, and not very trivial:

So by convention, the proton gets isospin up, and the neutron down, in their isospin doublet. If we were to consider another doublet, say swap the proton with a [itex]K^+[/itex] as in the original question. Would the neutron still have isospin down (and the Kaon up)? What if we have [itex]K^0[/itex], or [itex]K^-[/itex] instead?

And lastly before i stop bothering you: when I took my first intro course to QM, a year ago, we used the tables for Clebsch-Gordon Coefficients for 'ordinary' spin-particles. As it seems to me now, the same tables are being used for both (ordinary) spin and isospin, independantly. Is this correct? I will be more than satisfied with a yes/no answer, as I suspect it may have a rather long and complicated answer.
  • #6
mhsd91 said:
So by convention, the proton gets isospin up, and the neutron down, in their isospin doublet. If we were to consider another doublet, say swap the proton with a [itex]K^+[/itex] as in the original question. Would the neutron still have isospin down (and the Kaon up)? What if we have [itex]K^0[/itex], or [itex]K^-[/itex] instead?

The kaons have an additional charge called strangeness. Since the proton and neutron have zero strangeness, we can't swap either of them for a kaon. So the kaons form their own doublets under isospin. From the middle reaction, you can guess at the isospin up and down assignments for ##K^+## and ##K^0##.

And lastly before i stop bothering you: when I took my first intro course to QM, a year ago, we used the tables for Clebsch-Gordon Coefficients for 'ordinary' spin-particles. As it seems to me now, the same tables are being used for both (ordinary) spin and isospin, independantly. Is this correct? I will be more than satisfied with a yes/no answer, as I suspect it may have a rather long and complicated answer.

It's not really a long answer. Isospin corresponds to the group ##SU(2)##, which is the same group that appears in the discussion of spin under the rotation group. Isospin is not the same as the rotational symmetry, since isospin is considered an "internal" symmetry, but the generators and multiplets follow the same rules.
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FAQ: Particle Phys.; Isospin conservation for cross sections of scattering

1. What is isospin conservation in particle physics?

Isospin conservation is a fundamental principle in particle physics that states that the total isospin of a system must remain constant during any interaction or scattering process. Isospin is a quantum number that describes the strong nuclear force between particles, and conservation of isospin ensures that this force remains unchanged during interactions.

2. Why is isospin conservation important in cross sections of scattering?

Isospin conservation is important in cross sections of scattering because it allows for the prediction and calculation of the likelihood of particles colliding and interacting with each other. By conserving isospin, scientists can accurately model and understand the behavior of particles during scattering processes.

3. How is isospin conservation related to symmetries in particle physics?

Isospin conservation is related to symmetries in particle physics because it is a manifestation of a larger symmetry called SU(2) symmetry. This symmetry describes the behavior of particles under rotations in isospin space, and isospin conservation is a consequence of this symmetry.

4. Is isospin conservation always observed in scattering experiments?

Isospin conservation is not always observed in scattering experiments, as there are some processes that violate it. For example, in weak interactions, the total isospin of a system may change. However, isospin conservation is still a useful principle for understanding and predicting the behavior of particles in most scattering processes.

5. How does isospin conservation affect the production of new particles in high energy collisions?

Isospin conservation plays a crucial role in the production of new particles in high energy collisions. By conserving isospin, scientists can determine the possible combinations of particles that can be produced in a collision and can predict their properties. This allows for the discovery and study of new particles in experiments such as those at the Large Hadron Collider.
