Where does the energy come from?

  • Thread starter philrainey
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In summary, the conversation discusses a machine with a permanent magnet slotted into a laminated yoke, which has a telescopic piece that can be pulled to increase or decrease the magnetic path resistance. This movement creates electricity through a coil on the yoke. The question is where the energy for this electricity comes from, and it is suggested that it comes from the physical force of moving the telescopic piece and the reduction of eddy currents through lamination. However, it is also mentioned that there may be flaws in this explanation and a potential for a perpetual motion machine. The conversation ends with speculation about the role of magnetic shielding in reducing eddy currents.
  • #1
if you have a permanent magnet slotted into a laminated yoke like a transformer has. But this yoke has a telescopic piece which is made in the from of a bunch of wires running in line with the magnetic field . if this piece is pulled shut and open to increase and decrease the magnetic path resistance and there is a coil on the yoke and the increasing and decreasing magnetic flux creates electricity where does the energy for the electricity come from. I guess it comes from the phsyical force of moving the telespcopic piece but since this hopefully has little current in it is laminated to reduce eddy currents where does it get its' magnetic field from to resist movement. Can someone please explain this so I can stop thinking about it and get on with fixing my house.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Have you seen the "perpetual motion" video of a similar machine? If so, that's a hoax. Enjoy fixing your house.
  • #3
er, the energy comes from work you spend to do so.

There was an ancient, sorry prehistoric machine called ELEKTROPHORUS, sorry if i misspelt, that used to generate static electricity by moving a gatapercha or ebonite disk away and against attraction of a charged one.

BUT THERE might well be flaws in this explanation -- i will probe.
  • #4
To tell the truth I did have in the back of my mind a fantasical machine of a perpetual motion kind. I have learned about magnetic refrigeration so I was dimly hoping that the energy may come from heat energy been absorped somewhere in the apparatus. the energy to move the telescopic ( I'm going to call it a arm but it does not swing )you have the F=ma to accelerate it and a little resistance ? caused by eddy currents in the insulated sections which creates a magnetic field of their own to resist the movement. But perhaps these currents can be nearly eliminated or perhaps a magnetic sheilding material could be inserted and uninserted into the yoke, I don't know anything about magnetic sheilds but perhaps they don't conduct electricity very good so would not conduct eddy currents.
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  • #5
I think I get it now the arm is always trying to shut because it acts like a solenoid so there is a overcoming force that must be applied to open it which is where all the energy comes from.

FAQ: Where does the energy come from?

1. Where does the energy come from?

Energy is all around us and can come from various sources. The most common sources of energy are the sun, fossil fuels, wind, water, and nuclear reactions.

2. How is energy created?

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be converted from one form to another. For example, the sun's energy is created through nuclear reactions, while fossil fuels are formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago.

3. What is renewable energy?

Renewable energy is energy that comes from sources that are naturally replenished, such as sunlight, wind, water, and geothermal heat. These sources of energy are considered sustainable and have a lower impact on the environment compared to fossil fuels.

4. How does energy get to our homes and businesses?

Electricity, which is a form of energy, is transported to our homes and businesses through power lines. These power lines are connected to power plants that generate electricity from various sources, such as coal, natural gas, or renewable sources like wind or solar.

5. Why is it important to use energy efficiently?

Using energy efficiently helps to reduce our dependence on non-renewable sources of energy and reduces our impact on the environment. It also helps to lower energy costs and can improve overall energy security. Conserving energy is beneficial for both the planet and our wallets.

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