Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics

In summary, "This is an unusual book that utilizes the Scheme programming language to explain the concepts of classical mechanics at a graduate level. It is highly recommended for students with a strong programming background. The use of functional notation is heavily emphasized and has proven to enhance understanding of mechanics. The text is available online and there is also a useful resource for learning Scheme. While there are no video lectures from MIT, other schools may use this book and have posted lectures."
  • #1
This is an unusual book which uses the Scheme programming language to functionally describe the various components of classical mechanics. I would say it is at the level of a graduate mechanics course (think Goldstein), however students with a strong programming background will find it easier.

I read some of this text online and then quickly decided I needed a real copy. So far I have read 1/3 of it and am simply in awe at the power of Scheme and functional notation (another technique it uses heavily). I feel I now write more elegant and generic code when I write simulations, as well as have a more powerful understanding of mechanics. Some day I would love to teach a course based on this text.

I can only imagine that many others would find this fascinating.

The FULL TEXT is available for viewing at this url:

And, if you are curious about the Scheme language, here is the best resource:

Physics news on
  • #2

Do you know of any video lectures to go with this book? I know that none exists from MIT, but maybe another school uses this book and posted lectures.

  • #3

I find the concept of using a programming language to describe classical mechanics to be intriguing and innovative. It seems like a unique approach to teaching this subject and I can see how it could provide a deeper understanding of mechanics as well as improve coding skills. I am impressed by the author's use of functional notation and I can see how it could lead to more elegant and generic code in simulations. I am also interested in exploring the Scheme language further, as it seems to be a valuable resource for this book. I can understand your enthusiasm for wanting to teach a course based on this text and I am sure many others would find it fascinating as well. Thank you for sharing these resources, I look forward to delving into them further.

FAQ: Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics

1. What is the main focus of "Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics"?

The main focus of "Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics" is to provide a deep understanding of the fundamental principles and concepts of classical mechanics, including how to formulate and solve problems using mathematical equations and physical reasoning.

2. Who wrote "Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics"?

"Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics" was written by Gerald Jay Sussman and Jack Wisdom, both renowned computer scientists and educators in the field of classical mechanics.

3. Is "Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics" suitable for beginners?

No, "Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics" is not recommended for beginners as it assumes a strong foundation in mathematics, physics, and computer programming. It is better suited for advanced students and professionals in these fields.

4. How is this book different from other textbooks on classical mechanics?

This book takes a unique approach to teaching classical mechanics by incorporating computer programming concepts and techniques to aid in understanding and solving problems. It also emphasizes the importance of understanding the underlying structure and principles of classical mechanics rather than just memorizing formulas.

5. What are the key takeaways from "Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics"?

Some key takeaways from this book include a deep understanding of the mathematical foundations of classical mechanics, the ability to formulate and solve problems using computational methods, and a strong grasp of the underlying principles and concepts that govern classical mechanics and other physical systems.
