Using e = hc/λ to find wavelength of light emitted

In summary, the person's instructor wants them to use the Rydberg formula to calculate the wavelenght of light emitted from an electron jumping from the 2nd to the 6th orbital.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hello there, a question that I have been given is to "find the wavelenght of light emitted from an electron jumping from the 2nd to the 6th orbital (or vise versa if that matters). The atom is hydrogen"

Homework Equations

[itex]E= \frac{hc}{λ}[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I've already worked out this question using the Rydberg Formula where I got 410 nm (which I know is correct because I crossed checked it using wikipedia and my textbook). However, this is part of a quatumn mechanics assignment, and I was suppose to use the forumla [itex]E= \frac{hc}{λ}[/itex]

But I have no idea about how to apply the forumla to get the wavelenght. But if I made [itex]λ[/itex] the subject, it would read to be

[itex]\frac{hc}{E} = λ[/itex]

I think what I need to find out is the value of E (well, obviously that's what I need to find). But how do I relate the different energy levels with the orbials in which the electron travels?

Surely its not just 6 -2 = 4 :-p

thanks - miniradman
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  • #2
The Rydberg formula is based on that formula for the energy of a photon; giving an answer that way ought to be sufficient. The way it is derived is to say that the energy levels are given by [tex]E_n = -\frac{13.6\ \text{eV}}{n^2}[/tex] and then to subtract [itex]E_{n_i}[/itex] from [itex]E_{n_f}[/itex].
  • #3
Steely Dan said:
The Rydberg formula is based on that formula for the energy of a photon;
No, it is not. It is based on Rydberg's direct empirical observation that wavenumbers come in series. It was basically a matter of (discrete) curve fitting (and almost two decades before Einstein's relation).


Your instructor probably wants you to use the quantum-mechanical fact that the energy levels in the Hydrogen atom are discrete, the Einstein relation that you give, and the conservation of energy (where the electron's energy is lost as a photon). So:

Ei = (-13.6 eV)/ni2

Ef = (-13.6 eV)/nf2

Eγ = (h⋅c)/λ

Ei = Ef + Eγ

(Of course, you need the hc to be in eV⋅m, not J⋅m.)
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FAQ: Using e = hc/λ to find wavelength of light emitted

1. How do I use the equation e = hc/λ to find the wavelength of light emitted?

To use this equation, you will need to know the energy of the photon (e), Planck's constant (h), and the speed of light (c). Once you have these values, you can plug them into the equation and solve for the wavelength (λ).

2. What is Planck's constant and why is it important in this equation?

Planck's constant (h) is a fundamental constant in physics that relates the energy of a photon to its frequency. It is important in this equation because it allows us to calculate the wavelength of light emitted based on the energy of the photon.

3. Can this equation be used for all types of light, or just visible light?

This equation can be used for all types of light, including visible light, infrared light, UV light, and more. It is a universal equation that relates the energy and wavelength of any type of electromagnetic radiation.

4. Are there any other factors that can affect the accuracy of using this equation to find the wavelength of light emitted?

Yes, there are other factors that can affect the accuracy of this equation, such as experimental error, uncertainty in the measurement of energy or speed of light, and the presence of other particles or substances that can interact with the light and alter its wavelength.

5. Is there a simpler way to find the wavelength of light emitted without using this equation?

There are other methods that can be used to find the wavelength of light emitted, such as using a diffraction grating or a spectrometer. However, this equation is a fundamental and accurate way to calculate the wavelength of light emitted based on its energy and is often used in scientific research and calculations.

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