Difference between major, minor and specialist program

In summary, the difference between a major, minor, and specialist program varies among institutions and countries. In the US, a major is the main field of study for a bachelor's degree, while a minor is a supplementary set of courses. The term "specialist" is not commonly used in the US, but in some countries, it may refer to a degree between a master's and PhD. The number of required courses differs for each program, with a specialist program typically requiring the most. It is advisable to choose the undergraduate option that involves taking the most courses in your desired field if you plan on pursuing graduate studies in that field. It is best to contact the university's department for more information on which program would be the best fit for
  • #1
I have been going on some university websites and what is the difference between a major, minor or specialist program? I'm considering going into physics, and is Specialist better than major? what about the workload? is it advisable to major in physics and minor in math (whatever that means?)

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
In the US, a "major" is the field that you get a bachelor's degree in. A "minor" is a smaller set of courses in some other field that you supplement the major with. For example, one might have a major in physics and a minor in computer science. I don't remember seeing the term "specialist" used for academic programs in the US.

If you're not in the US, "your mileage may vary."
  • #3
It looks like, according to Wikipedia, that a Speicalist degree is beyond a masters but before PhD. Apparently there's only one school that offers it in the States, and it's in education. Never heard of it!
  • #4
As the others have pointed out, usage of terms like major and minor vary from institution to institution. As it happens, my undergraduate uni (in Canada) did have specialist, major, and minor tiers—but I can't guarantee those terms mean exactly the same thing at the universities you're considering. Generally, the difference is in the number of credits you need to complete within that program. A major requires more courses than a minor, and specialist requires more than a major. In all cases, there is generally a mix of required courses and lists of courses you can choose from, though selection tends to be more limited for minors since you don't really go beyond the core courses.

As a general rule, if you want to go to graduate school in a certain field then you should do whatever undergraduate option involves taking the most courses in that field. It's really something you can't work out in more detail until you pick a university. Then you can contact the department, tell them your goals, and ask them which of their programs is likely to be the best fit. There's no one size fits all answer.
  • #5
thank you!

FAQ: Difference between major, minor and specialist program

1. What is the difference between a major, minor, and specialist program?

A major program refers to the primary field of study that a student chooses to focus on during their undergraduate degree. A minor program is a secondary field of study that a student can choose to complement their major. A specialist program is a more focused and intensive version of a major, often requiring more credits and specialized courses.

2. Can I have more than one major or minor?

Yes, it is possible to have more than one major or minor. However, it may require taking additional courses and extending the duration of your degree. It is important to consult with an academic advisor to ensure that you can manage the workload and complete all requirements.

3. How do I choose a major or minor program?

When choosing a major or minor program, it is important to consider your interests, career goals, and academic strengths. You can also explore different courses and talk to upper-year students or professors in the subject area for guidance. It is also beneficial to consider the job market and potential career opportunities related to your chosen program.

4. Are major and minor programs equally important?

Both major and minor programs are important in their own ways. A major program provides in-depth knowledge and skills in a specific field, while a minor program allows for a broader understanding and can complement your major. Ultimately, the importance of each program will depend on your individual academic and career goals.

5. Can I change my major or minor program?

Yes, it is possible to change your major or minor program. However, it may require taking additional courses and extending the duration of your degree. It is important to consult with an academic advisor to ensure that you can manage the workload and complete all requirements for the new program.

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