How music and personality are linked?

  • Thread starter Avichal
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In summary, the article linked to claims that music and personality can be linked. It was correct in pointing out that introverted people generally like indie music, and that this is likely due to the influence of less popular bands. I think it's reasonable to say that music is influenced by a person's life experiences, and that this is why some people get so obsessed with horoscopes or their Myers-Briggs type. However, I don't think it is possible to accurately predict someone's taste in music based on limited information.
  • #1
I was reading this article - which links type of music with different personalities and I was very surprised at its correctness.

I'm very introverted and the article was correct pointing out that I generally like indie music and seek less popular bands. I wonder how music and personality can be linked? Maybe it's not generally true but I guess it is in most cases.

I know there isn't a definite answer for this question yet but still I wanted to ask this and perhaps get some thoughts or insights from you guys.
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  • #2
My daughter is extremely outgoing, very popular and loves indie music. I also love Indie and underground music, I hate pop music. We're also workaholics, neither of us are creative. These types of "personality" things are as accurate as horoscopes, IMO. They're right some of the time, just based on the odds.
  • #3
I agree with evo, that's like saying only black people like rap or only psychopaths and smart people like classical music. I don't think sabermetrics can be applied in that way.
  • #4
My impression is that you can usually summarise a song by giving a list of less than 5 emotions and positioning them in a particular order to represent what emotions and personalities that the song is trying to appeal to. I am trying to refine this skill but I don't have a lot of spare time to invest into it but I do have a musician who is sending me her material for review in this way as she finds my input useful.
  • #5
I also agree with Evo. All "music genome" projects to date have failed miserably. Pandora is probably the most well-known (having coined and copyrighted the phrase themselves). It's also hard to tell with Pandora since they shove their crappy marketed songs down your channel.

I kept getting Ellie Goulding on my dubstep channel, right next to the visual advertisement of her album. Ugh.
  • #6
I think it's not unreasonable to say that, since everyone has different tastes in music, there must be some differentiable variables within you that are correlated with your taste in music.

The problem is that people try to make vast oversimplifications like listening to Metallica means you take drugs or love to rebel, because stuff like this appeals to people. Your taste in music is far more likely to be influenced by the multitudes of interactions that have affected you in your life.

It's like why some people get so obsessed over horoscopes, as Evo said. Or people who get obsessed over their Myers-Briggs type (which would indicate that there are only 16 people in the world and we keep meeting them over and over again). It seems like an easy way to make sense of the world.

You probably could predict someone's taste in music in my opinion, but you would need a ton of information on that person, and a far deeper understanding of the mechanics of our brain than we currently have.

FAQ: How music and personality are linked?

1. How does music influence personality?

Music has been found to have a significant impact on an individual's personality. It can affect mood, emotions, and behavior, which are all important components of personality. For example, listening to upbeat and energetic music can make a person feel more extroverted and outgoing, while listening to sad and melancholic music can make a person feel more introverted and reflective. Music can also shape a person's values, beliefs, and attitudes, which are all important aspects of personality.

2. Is there a specific type of music that is linked to certain personality traits?

Research has shown that there is a correlation between specific music genres and certain personality traits. For example, those who prefer classical music tend to be more introverted and intellectual, while those who enjoy heavy metal music tend to be more rebellious and open to new experiences. However, it is important to note that these correlations are not absolute and do not apply to everyone.

3. Can music influence and change a person's personality?

While music can have a temporary impact on a person's mood and behavior, it is unlikely to have a long-term effect on their personality. Personality is a complex and stable trait that is influenced by various factors, including genetics, upbringing, and life experiences. While music can shape a person's values and attitudes, it is unlikely to fundamentally change their personality.

4. Are there any negative effects of music on personality?

There is limited research on the negative effects of music on personality. However, some studies have shown that exposure to violent or aggressive music can lead to increased aggression and antisocial behavior. Additionally, certain genres of music, such as heavy metal or rap, have been associated with rebellious and risky behaviors. It is important for individuals to be mindful of the messages and themes present in the music they listen to and how they may impact their personality and behavior.

5. Can personality influence music preferences?

Yes, personality can play a role in an individual's music preferences. People with similar personalities tend to enjoy similar types of music. For example, extroverted individuals may prefer more energetic and upbeat music, while introverted individuals may prefer music that is more calming and reflective. However, as with any correlation, there are exceptions and individuals may have a diverse range of music preferences regardless of their personality.

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