Gauss' Law and electric fields in non-conducting cylinder

In summary: No, it doesn't have any net charge. It will have equal and opposite surface charges on the inside and...
  • #1
A long non-conducting cylinder has a charge density ρ = α*r, where α = 4.95 C/m4 and r is in meters. Concentric around it is a hollow metallic cylindrical shell.

1. What is the electric field at 2 cm from the central axis? Assume the length L is very long compared to the diameter of the shell, and neglect edge effects. Answer in units of N/C.
- I used the Gauss' Law and derived the equation α*r3/(3*ε0). And got the answer 7.454e+07 N/C and it was right.

2. What is the electric field at 5.84 cm from the central axis? Answer in units of N/C.
- But when I use the same equation here I get the wrong answer. Can some one help me please!

4. What is the electric field at 18.4 cm from the central axis? Answer in units of N/C.
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  • #2
You mean α*r^2/(3*ε0), right? Do they say anything about the diameter of the shell?
  • #3
Yes, sorry about the mistake, the formula I found was α*r^2/(3*ε0). No the question doesn't say anything about the diameter of the expect the values given in the drawing.
  • #4
Is the value in the drawing? Your formula is only valid if r is inside of the cylinder. If it's outside, you'll need to get the charge by integrating over the whole cylinder and then applying Gauss' law.
  • #5
For part b of the question the value is between in the inner cylinder and the outer shell
  • #6
dragonrider said:
For part b of the question the value is between in the inner cylinder and the outer shell

Then when you are integrating to get the charge, only integrate out to the radius of cylinder. Not all of the way to r.
  • #7
Do you mean just use r = 5.48 cm in the equation α*r^2/(3*ε0) because I did that and I still got it wrong.
  • #8
dragonrider said:
Do you mean just use r = 5.48 cm in the equation α*r^2/(3*ε0) because I did that and I still got it wrong.

No, no, no. You will get a different formula if you apply Gauss' law when r is greater than the radius of the charge. What is the radius of the charged cylinder??
  • #9
radius of the charged cylinder from the figure is 15.2 cm for outer radius and 10.5 cm for inner radius
  • #10
dragonrider said:
radius of the charged cylinder from the figure is 15.2 cm for outer radius and 10.5 cm for inner radius

I wish I could see your figure. I'm very confused. Are you sure those aren't diameters? You said for part b) that 5.84cm was outside of the inner cylinder.
  • #12
Doh. Now it has to be approved. Hope you're not in a hurry.
  • #13
Dick said:
Doh. Now it has to be approved. Hope you're not in a hurry.

How about the link can you see using that?
  • #14
dragonrider said:
How about the link can you see using that?

Yes, thanks. Ok, so when you use Gauss' law, to compute the charge only integrate out to 5.48cm. When you compute E*Area, use r=5.84cm.
  • #15
So you want me compute E using the equation α*r3/(3*R*ε0) where r = 5.48 cm and R = 5.84cm?
  • #16
dragonrider said:
So you want me compute E using the equation α*r3/(3*R*ε0) where r = 5.48 cm and R = 5.84cm?

That seems right, doesn't it? It's Gauss' law. Can't go wrong with that.
  • #17
Dick said:
That seems right, doesn't it? It's Gauss' law. Can't go wrong with that.

It still says it is wrong am I supposed to cube or square the small r. Because when I used the equation that I showed you and cubed the small r and got 5.251e+08 but it was still wrong.
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  • #18
I cubed the small r and used that formula and I got a different number. Be sure all of your lengths are in meters.
  • #19
Oh well I just ran out all my tries for that part but how about the last part when it's asking for E at 18.4 cm do I use the same equation or does it become different since it's outside the shell?
  • #20
dragonrider said:
Oh well I just ran out all my tries for that part but how about the last part when it's asking for E at 18.4 cm do I use the same equation or does it become different since it's outside the shell?

You tell me. You still use Gauss' law. Does the shell carry any net charge?
  • #21
Dick said:
You tell me. You still use Gauss' law. Does the shell carry any net charge?

Yes but the only formula that I know on how to find qenclosed is qenc= [(2*π*l)*(α*r3)]/(3*ε0) and when I finally derive the equation I end up with the same as the one from part b.
  • #22
dragonrider said:
Yes but the only formula that I know on how to find qenclosed is qenc= [(2*π*l)*(α*r3)]/(3*ε0) and when I finally derive the equation I end up with the same as the one from part b.

No, it doesn't have any net charge. It will have equal and opposite surface charges on the inside and outside, but they cancel. You should end up with the same formula as part b.
  • #23
So use the equation α*r3/(3*R*ε0) where r = 15.2 cm and R = 18.4cm?
  • #24
Why would you say r=15.2cm??! There is only charge out to a radius of 5.48cm.
  • #25
Dick said:
Why would you say r=15.2cm??! There is only charge out to a radius of 5.48cm.

Oh! I got it. Thank you very much.

FAQ: Gauss' Law and electric fields in non-conducting cylinder

1. What is Gauss' Law and how does it relate to electric fields in non-conducting cylinders?

Gauss' Law is an important principle in electromagnetism that relates the electric flux through a closed surface to the charge enclosed within that surface. In the case of a non-conducting cylinder, Gauss' Law can be used to determine the electric field at any point outside the cylinder by considering the charge distribution along its surface.

2. How is the electric field inside a non-conducting cylinder affected by the distribution of charge on its surface?

The electric field inside a non-conducting cylinder is not affected by the distribution of charge on its surface. This is because the electric field inside a non-conducting material is zero, and therefore the charge on the surface does not have any influence on it.

3. Can Gauss' Law be used to determine the electric field inside a non-conducting cylinder?

No, Gauss' Law cannot be used to determine the electric field inside a non-conducting cylinder as the electric field inside a non-conducting material is zero. Gauss' Law can only be used to calculate the electric field at points outside the cylinder.

4. How is the electric field outside a non-conducting cylinder affected by the distribution of charge on its surface?

The electric field outside a non-conducting cylinder is affected by the distribution of charge on its surface. The electric field at a point outside the cylinder is directly proportional to the charge enclosed within a surface surrounding that point. Therefore, the distribution of charge on the surface of the cylinder will determine the strength and direction of the electric field at any point outside the cylinder.

5. What are some real-life applications of Gauss' Law and electric fields in non-conducting cylinders?

Gauss' Law and electric fields in non-conducting cylinders have various applications in everyday life. Some examples include the design of capacitors, electrostatic precipitators used for air pollution control, and the operation of Van de Graaff generators. They are also important in understanding the behavior of lightning and electric fields in the atmosphere.

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