Armchair physicist here - What math book should I read after Mary L Boas?

In summary, the speaker is an electrical engineering student who is passionate about physics. They have been working on Mary L Boas' Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences and plan to finish it by the end of the summer. They want to cover all the mathematics they will need for studying Taylor's classical mechanics and Griffith's E&M before starting the books. They have been advised to learn multivariable calculus, ordinary and partial differential equations, Fourier analysis, and complex variables for these books. The speaker also wants to know if there are any other sections in Boas' book that are not complete enough. They have been recommended other math methods books such as Schaum's Advanced Maths for Engineers and Scientists and Advanced Engineering Mathematics.
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I'm an electrical engineer student, with a big passion for physics. I've started working on Mary L Boas' Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, and I'll have finished the book by the end of the summer (I'm in a coop program so I have a lot of free time in the summer to work on personal projects!).

Since my goal is to work through physics books (Taylor's classical mechanics and Griffith's E&M are the first two books I want to study), I wanted to cover all the maths I'll encounter before getting started. I think understanding physics is hard enough as it is, so if I can focus on the physics without getting stuck every 5 seconds with math issues, this will go much smoother.

Basically, is there an area of mathematics that I should learn in a different book? It was suggested to me that the Differential Equation section in Boas isn't complete enough. Is there any other section of the book that has the same problem?

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
You've already covered all the maths you'll need for those books you mentioned. Additionally, those books give you an overview of the mathematics as well. If I were you, I'd just jump right into the Taylor book. If you get stuck on any differential equations there, you can look up that info on a case by case basis.
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tamtam402 said:
I'm an electrical engineer student, with a big passion for physics. I've started working on Mary L Boas' Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, and I'll have finished the book by the end of the summer (I'm in a coop program so I have a lot of free time in the summer to work on personal projects!).

Since my goal is to work through physics books (Taylor's classical mechanics and Griffith's E&M are the first two books I want to study), I wanted to cover all the maths I'll encounter before getting started. I think understanding physics is hard enough as it is, so if I can focus on the physics without getting stuck every 5 seconds with math issues, this will go much smoother.

Basically, is there an area of mathematics that I should learn in a different book? It was suggested to me that the Differential Equation section in Boas isn't complete enough. Is there any other section of the book that has the same problem?

Thanks in advance!

Multivariable Calculus, Ordinary Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, Fourier Analysis, Complex variables are what you need for those books; maybe variational calculus for Taylor.

I have Boas and it's ok but it's too wordy imo, my preferred math methods books are Schaum's Advanced Maths for Engineers and Scientists by Spiegel and Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Kreizig.

FAQ: Armchair physicist here - What math book should I read after Mary L Boas?

1. What is the best math book to read after Mary L Boas?

One highly recommended math book to read after Mary L Boas is "Calculus" by Michael Spivak. It is a comprehensive and challenging text that covers both single and multivariable calculus.

2. Is there a math book that covers both theoretical and applied math?

Yes, "Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences" by Mary L Boas covers both theoretical and applied math. It is a highly regarded text for students studying physics, engineering, and other physical sciences.

3. Are there any math books that cater specifically to armchair physicists?

One option for armchair physicists is "The Theoretical Minimum: What You Need to Know to Start Doing Physics" by Leonard Susskind and George Hrabovsky. It covers the fundamental math and physics concepts needed to understand modern physics.

4. Can you recommend a math book that is easy to follow for non-mathematicians?

"A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper" by John Allen Paulos is a great option for non-mathematicians. It explains how math is used in everyday life and does not require a strong math background to understand.

5. Are there any math books that focus on problem-solving techniques?

"How to Solve It: A New Aspect of Mathematical Method" by George Polya is a classic text that teaches problem-solving techniques. It covers topics such as understanding the problem, devising a plan, and carrying out the plan.
