Problem with calculating magnetic flux for a single coil of wire.

In summary, the student is confused about flux in a uniform magnetic field. He does not understand why the area used should be the blue shaded area in the diagram when the wire is a straight conductor. He also does not understand how flux works for a coil of wire. He has found a link to a hyperphysics article that explains flux better, but he still does not understand. He has attempted to solve the problem himself but is still confused. He has asked the question but has not provided a link to a passage in his textbook that he does not understand.
  • #1

Homework Statement

This is more of a general question about magnetic flux in a uniform magnetic field, but I think this is the correct place to post it.

I understand that magnetic flux through an area A is the product of the magnetic flux density B and the projection of area A onto a surface perpendicular to the field.

What I don't understand is the way it works for a coil of wire, say just one loop lying perpendicular to the field. I don't understand why you take the area as being the area of the physical circle created by the loop - i.e. pi*r2 where r is the radius of the circle created by the loop. Surely it should be just the area of the wire?

Homework Equations

φ = BAcosθ
(which becomes φ = BA for this example)

The Attempt at a Solution

If you take a straight wire, the area you take would be the length of the wire times the diameter. So why is it that when you coil that wire around the flux changes because you apparently take the area of the circle it describes? How does the empty space in the middle of the coil cut any of the field?

Perhaps I am understanding magnetic flux wrong entirely?

Any help would be appreciated.

-Confused A-level student
Physics news on
  • #2
Welcome to PF!

Hi Zatman! Welcome to PF! :smile:
Zatman said:
If you take a straight wire, the area you take would be the length of the wire times the diameter.


I think you're thinking of the square loop in this hyperphysics diagram.
So why is it that when you coil that wire around the flux changes because you apparently take the area of the circle it describes? How does the empty space in the middle of the coil cut any of the field?

the field lines go through the loop

that's what flux is!

study the links from that hyperphysics page :smile:
  • #3

Thanks for the reply, tiny-tim.

I have read your links, but I still don't understand.

I think my problem is more fundamental than that. So how would you calculate the flux for a straight conductor?

As for the coil, my original post might not have been clear, so I made a quick diagram (attached). The ring represents a coil of wire. From what I understand about magnetic flux, the area used should be the blue shaded area - I don't see how the part inside matters because only the wire is cutting the field.

I am sure this is simply because I don't understand what 'flux' really means, I doubt my textbook would make such a mistake.


  • loop.png
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  • #4
Zatman said:
So how would you calculate the flux for a straight conductor?

i don't understand the question :confused:

what flux? what is doing what?
… I made a quick diagram (attached). The ring represents a coil of wire. From what I understand about magnetic flux, the area used should be the blue shaded area - I don't see how the part inside matters because only the wire is cutting the field.

the flux looks like zero :confused:

can you provide a link to an actual passage in your textbook that you don't understand?​
  • #5
tiny-tim said:
i don't understand the question :confused:

what flux? what is doing what?
Right, so the wire has to be moved for there to be a 'flux'? Then the flux is simply B times the area of the rectangle 'swept' through?

[...]the flux looks like zero :confused:
Actually... would this case be zero because current in the wire would not be perpendicular to the field?

What about the new case (attached).
>is there a magnetic flux only when the coil is moved? (I think the answer is "no"?)
>regardless of whether the coil needs to be moved or not, what area do you use?

can you provide a link to an actual passage in your textbook that you don't understand?
Not really; I'm having trouble with the general principle.


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  • #6
Zatman said:
Right, so the wire has to be moved for there to be a 'flux'? Then the flux is simply B times the area of the rectangle 'swept' through?

that's right :smile:

flux is through an area, not a 1D line …

a moving line sweeps out an area, so we can talk about the flux through that area (usually the rate of change of that flux per time) :wink:
Actually... would this case be zero because current in the wire would not be perpendicular to the field?

What about the new case (attached).
>is there a magnetic flux only when the coil is moved? (I think the answer is "no"?)
>regardless of whether the coil needs to be moved or not, what area do you use?

it's an area (not a 1D line), so there's a flux anyway (moving or not)

you use the whole inside area, and you multiply it by the field

(that's assuming the field is constant … if not, the flux is ∫∫ field dxdy)
  • #7
Good, that made perfect sense until:

tiny-tim said:
that's right :smile:
it's an area (not a 1D line), so there's a flux anyway (moving or not)

you use the whole inside area, and you multiply it by the field

This is what I am having trouble with. Is there any way of explaining, in relatively simple terms, why you use that area -- to me it seems like only the wire is 'cutting' the field, so the field lines that do not pass through the physical wire should not be taken into account.

(that's assuming the field is constant … if not, the flux is ∫∫ field dxdy)
Yes, we only consider uniform constant magnetic fields at A-level.
  • #8
Zatman said:
Is there any way of explaining, in relatively simple terms, why you use that area -- to me it seems like only the wire is 'cutting' the field, so the field lines that do not pass through the physical wire should not be taken into account.

think "cookie-cutter"! :-p
  • #9
think "cookie-cutter"! :-p
Ha, that will suffice I think!

Thanks for your assistance, tiny-tim. Much appreciated.

FAQ: Problem with calculating magnetic flux for a single coil of wire.

1. What is magnetic flux and why is it important to calculate it for a single coil of wire?

Magnetic flux is a measure of the amount of magnetic field passing through a given area. It is important to calculate it for a single coil of wire because it helps determine the strength of the magnetic field produced by the coil, which is crucial for many applications such as electromagnets, motors, and generators.

2. How do you calculate magnetic flux for a single coil of wire?

To calculate magnetic flux for a single coil of wire, you can use the formula Φ = B x A, where Φ is the magnetic flux, B is the magnetic field strength, and A is the area of the coil. The magnetic field strength can be calculated using the formula B = μ0 x N x I, where μ0 is the permeability of free space, N is the number of turns in the coil, and I is the current flowing through the coil.

3. What factors can affect the accuracy of calculating magnetic flux for a single coil of wire?

There are several factors that can affect the accuracy of calculating magnetic flux for a single coil of wire. These include variations in the magnetic field strength, variations in the area of the coil, and variations in the current flowing through the coil. Additionally, external magnetic fields and the shape and material of the coil can also impact the accuracy of the calculation.

4. Can magnetic flux be negative when calculating it for a single coil of wire?

No, magnetic flux cannot be negative when calculating it for a single coil of wire. This is because magnetic flux is a scalar quantity and can only have positive values. However, the direction of the magnetic field and the area of the coil can affect the sign of the calculated value, with a negative sign indicating a reverse direction of the magnetic field.

5. How can the calculated magnetic flux for a single coil of wire be used in practical applications?

The calculated magnetic flux for a single coil of wire can be used in various practical applications, such as designing and constructing electromagnets, motors, and generators. It can also be used in the study and analysis of magnetic fields and their effects on materials and systems. Additionally, the calculated magnetic flux can be used to determine the inductance of a coil, which is an important parameter in many electronic circuits.
