E=mc^2 proof. Why use Newtonian kinetic energy?

In summary: Do you know if he ever published a paper that just derived the formula without any calculations?In summary, Einstein proves that the kinetic energy of a body is equal to its mass times the square of the speed of the body. He does this by calculating work.
  • #1
Gold Member
E=mc^2 proof. Why use Newtonian kinetic energy?

In "Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon its Energy-Content?" Einstein says that the difference in kinetic energy of a body before and after it releases some energy is...


In his previous paper, he worked out the kinetic energy of masses as...


Can't we immediately compare the two equations and conclude that E=mc^2? Why does Einstein bother converting the first equation above into


? It seems to me that this is a less precise method since he had to neglect magnitudes of fourth and higher order to get it.

**I know that me writing out gamma looks really dumb but I was having trouble with Latex.
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  • #2

SamRoss said:
In his previous paper, he worked out the kinetic energy of masses as...
Wait, are you sure about this? I don't think he derives this until the "Does the inertia..." paper.

SamRoss said:
Why does Einstein bother converting the first equation above into


? It seems to me that this is a less precise method since he had to neglect magnitudes of fourth and higher order to get it.
This is a good question. I was just puzzling over the same thing myself. I think it's because he wants to make contact with his audience's knowledge of the Newtonian theory, and also because he's about to propose some experimental tests. For example, if you measure the inertia of some radium salts before and after decay, you're doing it under completely Newtonian conditions, i.e., the sample is not moving at speeds comparable to c, so any higher-order corrections aren't negligible.

SamRoss said:
**I know that me writing out gamma looks really dumb but I was having trouble with Latex.
Here is how to write that: [itex]K=mc^2(\gamma-1)[/itex]. To see how I did that, click on the Quote button on my post. Sometimes it shows up after you submit your post without rendering the math, but if you reload the page it will render correctly. Other people will always see it rendered correctly.
  • #3

bcrowell said:
Wait, are you sure about this? I don't think he derives this until the "Does the inertia..." paper.

I often look at the book "The Principle of Relativity" from Dover Publications, which is just a reprinting of a lot of original papers on the subject. Assuming the reprintings are accurate, Einstein derives the kinetic energy formula in section 10 of "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies".

bcrowell said:
I think it's because he wants to make contact with his audience's knowledge of the Newtonian theory, and also because he's about to propose some experimental tests.

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. "Does the Inertia" came out only shortly after "Electrodynamics". Einstein might not have felt confident that his own kinetic energy formula would have been accepted by his audience. His audience might not have even seen the formula if they hadn't read his other paper. Thanks for the insight.
  • #4

SamRoss said:
I often look at the book "The Principle of Relativity" from Dover Publications, which is just a reprinting of a lot of original papers on the subject. Assuming the reprintings are accurate, Einstein derives the kinetic energy formula in section 10 of "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies".

I see. That's interesting. So in "On the electrodynamics..." he proves it by calculating work, and in "Does the inertia..." he derives it in a completely different way. There are some remarks about the definition of force in "On the electrodynamics..." (including footnote 9) that show that he feels the whole thing is problematic.

FAQ: E=mc^2 proof. Why use Newtonian kinetic energy?

1. What is the significance of the equation E=mc^2?

The equation E=mc^2 is a fundamental equation in physics that relates mass (m) and energy (E). It states that the energy (E) of an object is equal to its mass (m) multiplied by the speed of light (c) squared. This equation is significant because it explains the relationship between mass and energy, and has been used in many important scientific discoveries and advancements.

2. How was the equation E=mc^2 proven?

The equation E=mc^2 was first proposed by Albert Einstein in his theory of special relativity. It was later proven through experiments such as the famous E=mc^2 experiment conducted by physicist Lise Meitner and her colleagues in 1905. This experiment involved the conversion of mass into energy through the process of nuclear fission.

3. Can the equation E=mc^2 be applied to all forms of energy?

Yes, the equation E=mc^2 can be applied to all forms of energy, including kinetic energy. This is because all forms of energy have a corresponding mass, as stated in the equation. However, in some cases, such as in nuclear reactions, the energy released may be in the form of radiation, which has no mass.

4. Why do scientists use Newtonian kinetic energy in the equation E=mc^2?

The use of Newtonian kinetic energy in the equation E=mc^2 is based on the principle of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another. In the case of the equation, the kinetic energy of an object is converted into mass and vice versa, and using Newtonian kinetic energy allows for a more accurate calculation of this conversion.

5. Can E=mc^2 be applied to objects with varying speeds?

Yes, the equation E=mc^2 can be applied to objects with varying speeds. However, at very high speeds, the equation needs to be modified to include relativistic effects. This is because at high speeds, the mass of an object increases, which affects the conversion between mass and energy. In these cases, the full equation, E^2=(mc^2)^2+(pc)^2, is used.

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