Can UV photons spontaneously convert into IR photons, and vice versa?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of high energy photons converting into multiple lower energy photons, or vice versa, in the absence of an external field. It is noted that this process is not allowed by kinematic arguments, but can occur in the presence of an external field or in matter due to non-linear effects. The conversation also mentions Furry's Theorem, which states that an odd number of photons cannot downshift to an even number of photons due to spin-statistics.
  • #1
My general question is: can high energy photons convert into many lower energy photons? Could the reverse reaction occur spontaneously?
Let's say we have a single photon that was emitted from a distant supernova. We detect it here on Earth. The photon hasn't converted into multiple lower energy photons during the path from the supernova to the Earth. It just gets red-shifted as space expands.

So, to start we have: Energy = 12 eV, Spin = 1, Momentum = 12 eV/c, Charge = 0

If the photon could split into 3 lower energy photons of Spin (+1,-1,+1) all in the same direction, we would have:

Energy = 4+4+4=12 eV, Spin = 1-1+1=1, Momentum = 4+4+4=12 eV/c, Charge = 0+0+0=0

Since bosons are allowed to be in the same energy state, we could have all 3 new photons be exactly the same energy. Though, the energy values could have be any number of different combinations.

What law of physics prevents this splitting from happening? And vice versa, what prevents the 3 photons from converting into 1 higher energy photon?
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  • #2
There is no law of physics to describe what you are looking for (either way).
  • #3
edevere said:
My general question is: can high energy photons convert into many lower energy photons? Could the reverse reaction occur spontaneously?

On their own, I don't believe so. (Or the likelihood is too small to be of any consideration.)

There is a process called Spontaneous Down Conversion (and its reverse Up Conversion) in which 1 photon becomes 2 and vice versa. However, a special crystal is required to make that happen.
  • #4
I think this should be possible. You can write down a Feynman diagram with an electron loop with four vertices.
On one vertex, the uv photon is absorbed, on the other three, an ir photon is being emitted.
Probably only very improbable.

Ah, see here:
  • #6
edevere said:
What law of physics prevents this splitting from happening? And vice versa, what prevents the 3 photons from converting into 1 higher energy photon?

In an external electromagnetic field, it is possible to for a single photon to split into two or more lower energy photons. The process is related to the "scattering of light by light" diagram in DrDu's link. In the absence of an external field, the splitting of a single photon into other photons is impossible by a kinematical argument, discussed in this thread. The details of the kinematic argument are summarized in this post. I didn't discuss the collinearity constraint in detail there. That is the point that, since the initial photon has no center of mass frame, all of the photons in the process must have their momenta on the same line.
  • #7
Very interesting. It should be possible to describe this in terms of a classical picture drawing cute little rotating arrows, don't you think so?
  • #8
DrDu said:
Very interesting. It should be possible to describe this in terms of a classical picture drawing cute little rotating arrows, don't you think so?

This would be a one-loop effect, so I don't think there's a purely classical version of the argument. It is true that the Euler–Heisenberg Lagrangian vanishes for a sum of collinear EM waves, since ##\mathbf{E}\cdot \mathbf{B} = \mathbf{E}^2 - \mathbf{B}^2 =0##.
  • #9
fzero said:
This would be a one-loop effect, so I don't think there's a purely classical version of the argument.
There's a classical limit in which photon-photon scattering is described by adding quartic terms to the usual Lagrangian, such as FαβFβγFγδFδα.
  • #11
Bill_K said:
Delbruck scattering is something slightly different - photon scattering in a Coulomb field.

Of course, but the relevant Feynman diagram is drawn in the article.
  • #12
A single photon cannot downshift to 2 because of something called Furry's Theorem. proved by Wendell Furry. This generalizes to any even number of photons.

If you have an odd number of photons, you will discover that spin-statistics sets all the amplitudes to zero: you end up with terms like the momentum of one photon dotted into the difference of the other two, which spin-statistics will force to be zero.

In matter, the premises of these arguments are no longer strictly true, and non-linear effects can produce them.

FAQ: Can UV photons spontaneously convert into IR photons, and vice versa?

1. Can UV photons spontaneously convert into IR photons?

Yes, UV photons can spontaneously convert into IR photons through a process called "photon upconversion." This occurs when two or more low-energy photons are absorbed by a material, and their energies are combined to produce a higher-energy photon, such as an IR photon.

2. Can IR photons spontaneously convert into UV photons?

No, IR photons cannot spontaneously convert into UV photons. This is because the energy of an IR photon is too low to produce a higher-energy UV photon through photon upconversion. However, IR photons can be converted into higher-energy photons through other processes, such as stimulated emission.

3. What factors influence the conversion of UV photons into IR photons?

The conversion of UV photons into IR photons is influenced by several factors, including the type of material the photons are interacting with, the intensity of the UV light, and the temperature of the material. Additionally, the energy levels and electronic structures of the material's atoms and molecules can also play a role in the conversion process.

4. Is the conversion of UV photons into IR photons a common occurrence?

The conversion of UV photons into IR photons is not a common occurrence in nature. It typically requires specific materials and conditions to facilitate photon upconversion. However, scientists are actively researching and developing materials and technologies that can induce this conversion for applications in fields such as renewable energy and medical imaging.

5. Can the conversion of UV photons into IR photons be reversed?

Yes, the conversion of UV photons into IR photons can be reversed through a process called "photon downconversion." This occurs when a high-energy photon, such as a UV photon, interacts with a material and splits into two or more lower-energy photons, including an IR photon. This process is also known as anti-Stokes fluorescence and is commonly used in fluorescent imaging techniques.

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