Relations bet. Groups, from Relations between Resp. Presentations.

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between two groups, G and G', and their respective presentations. It is proposed that there is a relation between G and G' in the form of a short exact sequence, with G' being generated by the relations in G. However, it is suggested that the order of G and G' may need to be switched in the sequence. Additionally, the conversation mentions the use of free groups and their quotients in understanding this relationship.
  • #1
Hi, All:

I am given two groups G,G', and their respective presentations:

G=<g1,..,gn| R1,..,Rm> ;

G'=<g1,..,gn| R1,..,Rm, R_(m+1),...,Rj >

i.e., every relation in G is a relation in G', and they both have the same generating


Does this relation (as a S.E.Sequence) between G,G' follow:

0---> Gp{ R_(m+1),...,Rj }--->G'--->G-->0 ,

where Gp{R_(m+1),...,Rj} is the group generated by the relations (more precisely, by

elements defining the relations) ?

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  • #2
I believe this is true, but you'll have to switch G and G' around in you short exact sequence.

The reason is, if you have a group G and a normal subgroup N, then there is a short exact sequence

[tex]0\rightarrow N\rightarrow G\rightarrow G/N\rightarrow 0[/tex]

What you do in your case is work with the free group. A quotient of the free group is exactly a presentation of the group.

FAQ: Relations bet. Groups, from Relations between Resp. Presentations.

1. What are group relations?

Group relations refer to the ways in which individuals interact and form relationships within a group. This can include communication patterns, power dynamics, and social norms within the group.

2. How do group dynamics affect relationships?

Group dynamics can greatly influence the quality and dynamics of relationships within a group. For example, a group with positive dynamics and strong communication may have healthier and more productive relationships compared to a group with negative dynamics and poor communication.

3. What is the role of responsibility in group relations?

Responsibility plays a crucial role in group relations as it helps establish expectations and boundaries within the group. A sense of responsibility allows individuals in a group to understand their roles and contributions, and can promote accountability and trust among group members.

4. What are some common challenges in group relations?

Some common challenges in group relations include conflicts, power struggles, and communication barriers. These challenges can hinder the development of positive and productive relationships within a group and may require active effort to address and overcome.

5. How can presentations enhance group relations?

Presentations can enhance group relations by providing a platform for individuals to share their ideas, perspectives, and expertise with the group. This can promote understanding and collaboration among group members, leading to stronger and more cohesive relationships.

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