How Does Water Pressure Vary in Different Shaped Tanks?

In summary, the three tanks shown above are filled with water to an equal depth and have an equal height. Tank A has the middle surface area at the bottom, tank B the least, and tank C the greatest. The force on the flat bottom of tank B is less than the weight of the water in the tank, the force exerted by the water on the bottom of tank C is greater than the force exerted by the water on the bottom of tank B, the water in tank B exerts a force with an upward component on the sides of the tank, the pressure exerted on the bottom of tank C is equal to the pressure at the bottom of tank A, and the force exerted by the water on the
  • #1
Tank A


Tank B


Tank C


The three tanks shown above are filled with water to an equal depth. All the tanks have an equal height. Tank A has the middle surface area at the bottom, tank B the least and tank C the greatest.

(Select T-True, F-False, G-Greater than, L-Less than, E-Equal to. If the first is F the second L and the rest G, enter

A) The force due to the water on the flat bottom of tank B is ... the weight of the water in the tank.
B) The force exerted by the water on the bottom of tank C is ... the force exerted by the water on the bottom of tank B
C) The water in tank B exerts a force with an upward component on the sides of the tank.
D) The pressure exerted on the bottom of tank C is greater than for the other tanks.
E) The pressure at the bottom of tank C is ... the pressure at the bottom of tank B
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  • #2
i don't see why my answers: LGTFG and LGTTG can't be correct?
  • #3
Welcome to PF p0ink,

Perhaps if you defend your answers, we could point out where you have gone wrong? It may be a more beneficial process than us simply telling you where you have gone wrong.

  • #4
Hootenanny said:
Welcome to PF p0ink,

Perhaps if you defend your answers, we could point out where you have gone wrong? It may be a more beneficial process than us simply telling you where you have gone wrong.


here is my thinking for the forces on the bottom of each tank, which made me come to those answers.

A: F=m*g
B: m*g - the upward force of the sides of the tank
C: m*g + the downward force of the sides of the tank
  • #5
p0ink said:
A: F=m*g

So why shoud the force on the base of the tank be less than the weight (mg) of the water?

  • #6
Hootenanny said:
So why shoud the force on the base of the tank be less than the weight (mg) of the water?


it would be less for tank B, because the sides are pushing with an upwards force.

for tank C, it would more, since the sides of the tank are pushing with a downward force.
  • #7
And tank A would have an equal force on the base of the tank, since the side forces are not significant.
  • #8
Remember that pressure does not equal force and is simply a function of density and height, P=d*h, thus for the water of equal heights in this example, wouldn't the pressure be the same at the bottom of all tanks?

Also, if the volume of the tanks are equal, then the force from the weight of the water will be equal
  • #9

i see. the pressure was what was throwing me off. i kept thinking p=f for some odd reason.

  • #10
All u need to know here is that pressure in a liquid depends upon depth and the weight of a liquid depends on the volume and ur all set!:cool:
  • #11

what was the final answer to that question?
  • #12
A & B were correct. The reasoning for it was also OK. You can also see it if you see that all tanks have the same pressure on the bottom, and the Force on the bottom = pressure * (bottom area).

you should really have had C correct as well, you probably just got confused with the force of the water on the walls of the tank and that of the walls of the tank on the water.
D & E were already discussed by civil_dude
  • #13
Help please!

my questions was a little different but has the same tanks and wording, just asks stuff about different tanks.

A) The force due to the water on the bottom of tank C is... the weight of the water in the tank.
B) The water in tank C exerts an upward force on the sides of the tank.
C) The pressure at the bottom of tank C is... the pressure at the bottom of tank A.
D) The pressure exerted on the bottom of tank B is smaller then for all the other tanks.
E) The force exerted by the water on the bottom of tank C is ... THe force exerted by the water on the bottom of tank B.

For A won't the force due to water be greater then the weight of the water in the tank?

For B would'nt it be false cause the water is pushing down on the walls not up?

I know for C the pressures are going to be equal because P=(Density)(height) and there at the same height right?

For D it's going to be false right because all the tanks have the same pressure at the bottom because what i just said before.

And for E Wouldn't the force be less on tank C than Tank B

So I put GFEFL still won't come out right
  • #14
B is wrong. The Force that the fluid exert on the walls must be perpendicular to the walls.

for E: if you have a pressure of 1 pound per square inch on the bottom, The force this will exert is one pound for EVERY inch of the bottom. So if the bottom area is larger ...
  • #15
moniquert said:
B) The water in tank C exerts an upward force on the sides of the tank.
For B would'nt it be false cause the water is pushing down on the walls not up?
As kamerling says, the pressure of the water is always perpendicular to the walls. So the water pushes out and up against the walls. (Definitely not down!) So I'd say the answer they want is true.

It probably should have been written as:
B) The water in tank C exerts a force with an upward component on the sides of the tank.

FAQ: How Does Water Pressure Vary in Different Shaped Tanks?

1. What is water pressure?

Water pressure is the force exerted by water on an object or surface. It is typically measured in pounds per square inch (psi) and is caused by the weight of the water above the object or surface.

2. How is water pressure calculated?

Water pressure is calculated by dividing the force of the water (in newtons) by the area over which the force is applied (in square meters). This calculation gives the pressure in pascals, which can then be converted to psi if desired.

3. What factors affect water pressure?

Water pressure can be affected by several factors, including the depth of the water, the density of the water, and the force of gravity. Other factors that can impact water pressure include changes in elevation, changes in temperature, and the presence of obstacles or blockages.

4. How is water pressure used in everyday life?

Water pressure is used in everyday life in a variety of ways. It is used to supply water to homes and buildings through plumbing systems, to power water-based appliances like washing machines and dishwashers, and to create water features like fountains. Water pressure is also important for fire protection and irrigation systems.

5. How can water pressure be increased or decreased?

Water pressure can be increased or decreased by adjusting the flow rate of the water, changing the diameter of the pipes or opening/closing valves, or by using pumps to increase the force of the water. Additionally, factors like changes in elevation or the presence of blockages can also impact water pressure.
