Finding a frequency to create a given amplitude in a spring

In summary: Yes, that's exactly what I am getting. It is still marked as wrong though.Yes, that's exactly what I am getting. It is still marked as wrong though.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Damping is negligible for a 0.155 kg object hanging from a light 6.30 N/m spring. A sinusoidal force with an amplitutde of 1.70 N drives the system. At what frequency will the force make the object vibrate with an amplitude of 0.440 m?




Homework Equations

So a given equation is:

[tex]A = \frac{\frac{F}{m}}{\sqrt{\beta^2 - \beta o^2 + (\frac{b\beta}{m})^2}}[/tex]


[tex]\beta o = \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}}[/tex] so [tex]\beta o = \sqrt{\frac{6.30}{0.155}} = 40.6452 rad/s[/tex]


[tex]f = \frac{\beta}{2\pi}[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Damping is negligible so [tex](\frac{b\beta}{m})^2}} = 0[/tex]
Rearranging the first equation for [tex]\beta[/tex]:

[tex]\beta = \sqrt{\frac{(\frac{F}{m})^2}{A^2} + \beta o^2[/tex]

Plug in all the values:

[tex]\beta = \sqrt{\frac{(\frac{1.70}{0.155})^2}{0.440^2} + 40.6452^2}

= 47.6799 rad/s[/tex]

Now using the formula for frequency:

[tex]f = \frac{\beta}{2\pi}

= \frac{47.6799}{2\pi}

= 7.5885 Hz[/tex]

It seems my answer is wrong, and I cannot find out where I am going wrong. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Physics news on
  • #2
You made a mistake here:

[tex]\beta o = \sqrt{\frac{6.30}{0.155}} = 40.6452 rad/s[/tex]

You forgot to take the square root.
  • #3

Thank you for pointing that out.

Hmmmmm...turns out that when I take the square root, the answer is more wrong. I'm really stumped.
  • #4
ViXXoR said:

Thank you for pointing that out.

Hmmmmm...turns out that when I take the square root, the answer is more wrong. I'm really stumped.

do you know the answer?

I get 4.095Hz. is that what you're getting?
  • #5
Yes, that's exactly what I am getting. It is still marked as wrong though.
  • #6
ViXXoR said:
Yes, that's exactly what I am getting. It is still marked as wrong though.

And they want the answer in Hz?
  • #7
Yes, they want the answer in Hz.

It seems they want 2 frequencies, a "Lower" one and a "Higher" one.
  • #8
Ah... I think I see the problem now... the square root shouldn't be there:
[tex]A = \frac{\frac{F}{m}}{\beta^2 - \beta o^2}[/tex]
  • #9
If I use that equation, how will I get 2 frequencies out of it? Also, the square root is in the equation in my textbook...
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  • #10
ViXXoR said:
If I use that equation, how will I get 2 frequencies out of it? Also, the square root is in the equation in my textbook...

Are you sure?

The formula I'm seeing online is:

[tex]A = \frac{\frac{F}{m}}{\sqrt{(\beta^2 - \beta o^2)^2 + (\frac{b\beta}{m})^2}}[/tex]

which isn't what you had... you didn't have the extra square inside... when there's no damping... the square root and square cancel each other.

Maybe the 2 values are the plus/minus square root...


[tex]\beta = +/-\sqrt{\frac{(\frac{F}{m})}{A} + \beta o^2[/tex]

[tex]\beta = +/- 8.0976 rad/s[/tex]

Frequency = +/- 1.289Hz ?
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  • #11
Awesome, you're right! One thing, can you have a negative frequency? Can I have my higher frequency at 1.289hz, and my lower one at -1.289Hz?
  • #12
If High frequency is:

f_high = ([tex]\beta[/tex])/(2*pi)

In order to find the low frequency:

f_low = ([tex]\beta[/tex])/(4*pi)

I got mine right that way.

FAQ: Finding a frequency to create a given amplitude in a spring

1. What is the relationship between frequency and amplitude in a spring?

The frequency and amplitude of a spring are inversely proportional - as the frequency increases, the amplitude decreases, and vice versa. This means that a higher frequency will result in a smaller amplitude, and a lower frequency will result in a larger amplitude.

2. How can I calculate the frequency needed to create a specific amplitude in a spring?

The formula for calculating frequency in a spring is: f = 1/(2π√(k/m)), where f is frequency, k is the spring constant, and m is the mass attached to the spring. To find the frequency needed for a given amplitude, you can rearrange this formula to solve for f.

3. What factors affect the frequency of a spring?

The frequency of a spring is affected by the spring constant, mass attached to the spring, and any external forces acting on the spring. Additionally, the length and thickness of the spring can also impact its frequency.

4. Can I change the frequency of a spring without changing its amplitude?

Yes, you can change the frequency of a spring without changing its amplitude by altering the spring constant or the mass attached to the spring. This will result in a different frequency while keeping the amplitude constant.

5. Does the material of the spring affect its frequency and amplitude?

Yes, the material of the spring can affect both its frequency and amplitude. Different materials have different spring constants, which can impact the frequency. Additionally, stiffer materials may have a smaller amplitude at a given frequency compared to more flexible materials.
