Calculating energy released during fusion reactions

In summary, a Sun-like star can convert carbon to oxygen near the end of its life. To determine the energy released per fusion reaction, one can use the equation e=mc2 by first calculating the difference in mass of the oxygen from the total mass of the carbon and alpha particle. This difference in mass is equivalent to the difference in binding energy.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A Sun-like star may convert some carbon 12C (nuclear mass 1.998 ×10-26 kg) to oxygen 16O (nuclear mass 2.657 ×10-26 kg) towards the end of its life. Approximately how much energy is released per fusion reaction?

Homework Equations

c+he = o + energy

The Attempt at a Solution

I know you have to work out the mass of the energy lost then use e=mc2 to determine the energy in joules but I can't seem to get a correct answer?
Physics news on
  • #2
It looks to me like you are interpreting the problem as if the extra 2 protons are being created just from energy. I assume in this problem the reaction is a carbon 12 atom combining with an alpha particle to make oxygen. You just have to calculate the difference in mass of the oxygen from the total of the carbon and alpha particle, and that difference in mass should be the difference in binding energy according to e = mc^2.
  • #3
Oh I see! Thankyou so much! I don't suppose you have time to look at my other 2 posts and help me out do you? I'm struggling with applying jeans mass?

FAQ: Calculating energy released during fusion reactions

1. How is energy released during fusion reactions?

Energy is released during fusion reactions when two smaller nuclei combine to form a larger nucleus. This process releases a tremendous amount of energy because the mass of the resulting nucleus is slightly less than the combined mass of the two smaller nuclei. This difference in mass is converted into energy according to Einstein's famous equation, E=mc^2.

2. How is the amount of energy released calculated during fusion reactions?

The amount of energy released during fusion reactions can be calculated using the mass defect, which is the difference between the mass of the reactants and the mass of the products. This mass defect is then multiplied by the speed of light squared (c^2) to determine the amount of energy released.

3. What factors affect the amount of energy released during fusion reactions?

The amount of energy released during fusion reactions is affected by the masses of the reactants, the amount of mass lost during the reaction (mass defect), and the speed of light (c). The type of nuclei involved in the reaction also plays a role in determining the amount of energy released.

4. How is the mass defect calculated during fusion reactions?

The mass defect is calculated by subtracting the mass of the products from the mass of the reactants. This difference in mass is due to the conversion of some of the mass into energy during the fusion reaction.

5. Can the amount of energy released during fusion reactions be controlled?

Currently, the amount of energy released during fusion reactions cannot be controlled in a practical and sustainable way. Scientists are still working on developing fusion reactions that can be controlled and used as a source of energy. Most current fusion reactions require extreme conditions and are not yet efficient enough to be used as a viable energy source.
