1-D steady state heat conduction equation (Cartisian, Cylindrical and Sperical)

In summary: I was supposed to use the distributive law when plugging in x=0, but I accidentally used the commutative law instead)In summary, the one dimensional steady-state heat conduction equation in a medium with constant conductivity (k) with a constant volumetric heat generation in three different coordinate systems (fuel rods in a nuclear power plant) is given as:-\frac{d^2 T}{dx^2}=-\frac{\dot{q}}{k} T(x=0)=1 T(x=1)=2 Cartesian-\frac{1}{r}\frac{d}{dr}(r\frac{dT}{dr})=-
  • #1

Homework Statement

The one dimensional steady-state heat conduction equation in a medium with constant conductivity (k) with a constant volumetric heat generation in three different coordinate systems (fuel rods in a nuclear power plant) is given as:

[tex]\frac{d^2 T}{dx^2}=-\frac{\dot{q}}{k}[/tex] T(x=0)=1 T(x=1)=2 Cartisian

[tex]\frac{1}{r}\frac{d}{dr}(r\frac{dT}{dr})=-\frac{\dot{q}}{k}[/tex] T(r=R)=1 Cylindrical

[tex]\frac{1}{r^2}\frac{d}{dr}(r^2\frac{dT}{dr})=-\frac{\dot{q}}{k}[/tex] T(r=R)=1 Sperical

a. Find an expression for the temperature distribution in a solid for each case
b. What is a temperature distribution if the heat generation is zero?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

[tex]T(x)=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}b_n x^n[/tex]

[tex]T'(x)=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}nb_n x^n^-^1[/tex]

[tex]T''(x)=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}n(n-1)b_n x^n^-^2 [/tex] so n=0, n=1





Am I at least on the right track?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
What is the derivative of [itex]b_0x^0[/itex]?

...Doesn't that mean that the first term in the series drops out and hence:

[itex]T'(x)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}nb_n x^{n-1}[/itex]


[itex]T''(x)=\sum_{n=2}^{\infty}n(n-1)b_n x^{n-2}=-\frac{\dot{q}}{k}[/itex]

Which means that if [itex]\dot{q}[/itex] is not a function of x, the only non-zero coefficient would be [itex]b_2[/itex].
  • #3
Ok, so:





I am unable find a pattern in the even and odd b subscripts as the powers will simply continue to increase.

So I guess my next step is to find a solution to [tex]b_{n}[/tex].


Is the next step just to sum the first few even and odd [tex]b_{n}[/tex]'s or am I way off base?
  • #4
You are way off base. Is [itex]\dot{q}[/itex] a function of x?
  • #5
q, heat generation, is a constant. [tex]\dot{q}[/tex] will change with distance, x. So no [tex]\dot{q}[/tex] is not constant.

Edit: Scratch that, [tex]\dot{q}[/tex] is the rate of heat transfer so it is a constant in this condition.
  • #6
If q is constant in x, then [itex]\dot{q}=\frac{dq}{dt}[/itex] will be constant in x as well. This means that [itex] \frac{\dot{q}}{k}[/itex] is just some constant.

Meanwhile, your solution for T gives

[itex]T''=\sum_{n=2}^{\infty} B_n n(n-1)x^{n-2}=2B_2 + 6B_3 x+ 12B_4 x^2+...[/itex]

but this must equal a constant, so shouldn't [itex]B_3=B_4=\ldots B_{\infty}=0[/itex] so that you are left with [itex]2B_2= \frac{-\dot{q}}{k}[/itex]
Do you follow this?

What does that make T(x)? (remember, you don't have any restrictions on b_0 and b_1 yet)
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  • #7
Not quite. In [itex]2B_2 + 6B_3 x+ 12B_4 x^2+...[/itex] where are the 2, 6, 12, etc comming from?

And why is this [itex]B_3=B_4=\ldots B_{\infty}=0[/itex] true especially when [itex]B_2[/itex] is equal to some real number?

Isn't it true that as n increases [itex]B_n[/itex] decreases? Are we just assuming [itex]B_3[/itex] and on to be too small to be worty of counting?
  • #8
the 2,6,12 are coming from n(n-1)...2(2-1)=2, 3(3-1)=6, 4(4-1)=12...etc.

Suppose that B_3,B_4,...etc weren't zero...wouldn't that mean that T'' was a function of x?

For example, if B_3 were equal to 1 and B_4,B_5,...=0 then T'' would equal 2B_2+6x...how could this possibly equal a constant?
  • #9
Ah ha! Ok I get that part. Now what do I with the [itex]2B_2= \frac{-\dot{q}}{k}[/itex]?
  • #10
Well, that means that [itex]B_2= \frac{-\dot{q}}{2k}[/itex] right?...So what does that make your series for T(x)?
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  • #11
  • #12
1st, your missing a negative sign...2nd why have you set b0 and b1 equal to zero?
  • #13
Ok: [tex]T(x)=-\frac{\dot{q}x^2}{2k}[/tex]


bn => n(n-1)*bn*x^(n-2)
b0 => 0(0-1)*b0*x^(-2)=0
b1 => 1(1-1)*b1*x^(-1)=0

I'm assuming this is wrong, but that's my logic for it.
  • #14
The sum for T'' starts at n=2...it says nothing about the n=0 and n=1 terms, so just leave them as unknowns:


(Remember [itex] \frac{d^2}{dx^2}(B_0+B_1 x)=0[/itex] for any B_0 and B_1 not just for B_0=B_1=0)

But you are also told that T(x=0)=1 andT(x=1)=2, so you can use these two conditions to determine B_0 and B_1.
  • #15

Thanks so much!

I should be able to figure out the other two on my own now.
  • #16
are you sure about this answer...when i plug in x=0 i get T=2/0=infinity!...perhaps you should show me your steps for finding B_0 and B_1.
  • #17

(I found an algebra mistake as I was recopying it.)
  • #18
That looks much better! :0)

If you post your solutions for the other two cases, I'll be happy to check them for you.
  • #19
Ok now were going back to some of my more fundamental problems in this class.



  • #20
Where does the ln|r| come from?

Start with your 1st equation and multiply both sides by r:

[itex]\frac{d}{dr}(r \frac{dT}{dr})=\frac{-\dot{q}}{k} r[/itex]

Then integrate each side of the equation over r...what does that step give you?
  • #21
  • #22
Not quite...

[itex]\frac{d}{dr}(r \frac{dT}{dr})=\frac{-\dot{q}}{k} r \Rightarrow \int \frac{d}{dr}(r \frac{dT}{dr})dr=\int \frac{-\dot{q}}{k} r dr[/itex]


What is [itex]\int \frac{d}{dr}(r \frac{dT}{dr})dr[/itex]?

What is [itex]\int \frac{-\dot{q}}{k} r dr[/itex]?
  • #23
[itex]\int \frac{-\dot{q}}{k} r dr[/itex] => [itex]\frac{-\dot{q}r^2}{2k}[/itex]

[itex]\int \frac{d}{dr}(r \frac{dT}{dr})dr[/itex] => Tr

The dT is throwing me off, I'm not quite sure about it.
  • #24
Your first integral is correct, but your second one is not...try writing [itex]f(r)=r\frac{dT}{dr}[/itex], then [itex]f'(r)=\frac{d}{dr}(r\frac{dT}{dr})[/itex]

and so you can rewrite the integral as [itex]\int f'(r)dr[/itex]...what does the fundamental theorem of calculus tell you about this integral?
  • #25
Doesn't that reduce to [tex]r\frac{dT}{dr}[/tex]?
  • #26
yes...plus a constant of integration.

So, you now have :


divide each side of the equation by r and integrate again...what do you get?
  • #27
Ahhhh, I feel silly, here I was thinking it was first order.

Ok so:


  • #28
Yes, looks good...you also know that T(r=R)=1, so you can eliminate one of your constants of integration.
  • #29


So now this mess again: [tex]T(x)=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}b_n x^n[/tex] ?
  • #30
You could also argue that C_1=0 on physical grounds because the ln(r) terms blows up as r approaches zero and physically, you would expect the temperature to be finite everywhere inside the cylinder.
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  • #31
There is no need for a power series here...see my last post ^^^
  • #32
Ok so I'm on the last one and have:

Now [tex]T(x)=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}b_n x^n[/tex] ?
  • #33
I think you should have:


Again, you would expect the temperature to be finite everywhere inside the sphere; so you can set C_1=0 since the 1/r blows up at r=0.

PS. don't forget to answer part (b) of the question for each case ;0)
  • #34
b. T(r)=1 when q_dot=0 for all three cases right?

Edit: Except the first one where T(r)=1+x
  • #35
Schmoozer said:

Homework Statement

The one dimensional steady-state heat conduction equation in a medium with constant conductivity (k) with a constant volumetric heat generation in three different coordinate systems (fuel rods in a nuclear power plant) is given as:

[tex]\frac{d^2 T}{dx^2}=-\frac{\dot{q}}{k}[/tex] T(x=0)=1 T(x=1)=2 Cartisian

[tex]\frac{1}{r}\frac{d}{dr}(r\frac{dT}{dr})=-\frac{\dot{q}}{k}[/tex] T(r=R)=1 Cylindrical

[tex]\frac{1}{r^2}\frac{d}{dr}(r^2\frac{dT}{dr})=-\frac{\dot{q}}{k}[/tex] T(r=R)=1 Sperical

a. Find an expression for the temperature distribution in a solid for each case
b. What is a temperature distribution if the heat generation is zero?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

[tex]T(x)=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}b_n x^n[/tex]

[tex]T'(x)=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}nb_n x^n^-^1[/tex]

[tex]T''(x)=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}n(n-1)b_n x^n^-^2 [/tex] so n=0, n=1





Am I at least on the right track?

LOL. Navaz's class? MECH522? Awesome!

FAQ: 1-D steady state heat conduction equation (Cartisian, Cylindrical and Sperical)

1. What is the 1-D steady state heat conduction equation?

The 1-D steady state heat conduction equation is a mathematical representation of the flow of heat through a one-dimensional object, such as a rod or a pipe. It describes how the temperature changes along the length of the object, taking into account factors such as the material's thermal conductivity and the temperature difference between the two ends of the object.

2. What is the difference between Cartesian, Cylindrical, and Spherical coordinates in the 1-D steady state heat conduction equation?

Cartesian coordinates refer to a system where the object is represented on a flat, rectangular grid. Cylindrical coordinates use a cylindrical grid, and spherical coordinates use a spherical grid. The choice of coordinate system depends on the shape of the object and the direction of heat flow.

3. How is the 1-D steady state heat conduction equation solved?

The equation is typically solved using numerical methods, such as the finite difference method or the finite element method. These methods involve dividing the object into small sections and using an iterative process to calculate the temperature at each point. The solution is then refined until it reaches a desired level of accuracy.

4. What are the boundary conditions in the 1-D steady state heat conduction equation?

The boundary conditions refer to the temperature or heat flux values at the ends of the object. These values are typically known or specified based on the physical properties of the object and the surrounding environment. They are used to solve the equation and determine the temperature distribution along the length of the object.

5. What are some real-world applications of the 1-D steady state heat conduction equation?

The 1-D steady state heat conduction equation is used in many engineering and scientific fields, including heat transfer, thermodynamics, and materials science. It is applied in the design of thermal insulation, heat exchangers, and electronic devices. It is also used in studying the Earth's climate and understanding the thermal behavior of planets and stars.
