US Military Serving Overseas: Math Degree Online Options

In summary, the conversation discusses the challenges of completing a degree in math or physics while serving in the US military overseas. The military only pays for schools in the US, making it difficult to attend a UK college. However, there are options for online courses from universities such as Stanford and the University of Illinois. The conversation also explores the possibility of using independent study through a previous university or the military's own distance education system. Ultimately, it is determined that the military will only pay for schools that are regionally accredited, which may limit options for completing a degree while stationed overseas.
  • #1
I'm currently in the US military and stationed overseas in the UK. I'd like to finish my math degree while I'm in the military since they pay for it, but I've run into a wall. They will only pay for schools that are in the United States, so I can't go off-base to a UK college and earn credits. So I was curious if there are any schools that offer online courses for math and/or physics?

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Physics news on
  • #2
I haven't been able to find anything past integral calculus online.
  • #3
Jeff Ford said:
I haven't been able to find anything past integral calculus online.

Same here.

Like in one of the past threads, a user said...

"The internet is a mile wide, but an inch thick."
  • #4
But I think since the OP is willing to pay for the course, he's not just limited by general Internet online courses. I know that Stanford has an extensive set of TV and Internet courses that are offered for employees of companies to take as "extended education". I would think that there would be other universities that would offer courses via the Internet to enrolled extension students. I'll see if I can find more info and check back in...
  • #6
You can get a waiver for just about anything in the military. I would try going to your Education Assistance NCO or Officer and asking him/her if any such waiver is available.

If they: a) don't give you a solid answer, b) don't know, or c) blow you off (any of these are likely), try contacting these guys for help:"

For your reference, here's a link to DoD Instruction 1322.25, which is the implementing policy for DoD Tuition Assitance programs:

I believe what's likely holding you up is Paragraph E5.1.1.2 on page 16. Maybe there's a way around it.

Hope this helps.
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  • #7
Thanks for trying to help y'all.

Apost8, I talked to the education office and they made some calls back to the states. It turns out, the government will only pay for schools that are regionally accredited and other countries do not have a regional accreditation system like the states.
  • #8
Cod said:
Thanks for trying to help y'all.

Apost8, I talked to the education office and they made some calls back to the states. It turns out, the government will only pay for schools that are regionally accredited and other countries do not have a regional accreditation system like the states.

At least you got an answer out of them, albeit not the one you'd hoped for. I wonder what tuition would cost if you just covered it yourself (easier said than done, I know). I'm not positive, but I think that tuition in the UK might be less than it is in the US. Anyway, I hope you can figure something out while you're there.
  • #9
Also -- where did you do your previous coursework... is there a chance that you could do long-distance, independent study through that university/college? If you know a few professor in the department really well, they might be ameniable to being your offical instuctor/mentor for some of the course you have remaining. This works better at smaller schools, where small number of majors often means independent study anyways for the upper levels.
  • #10
Phyics girl phd, I never thought about that. I went to a small engineering college and they offered distance learning of upper level courses in just about all majors offered. That was a few years back, so I'll have to look into it, but I'm sure the program is still up and running.

Thanks again everyone.
  • #11
also doesn't the military offer some sort of distance education system? I'm not surebut I thought I saw a brochure on that back when I was thinking of going into the military

FAQ: US Military Serving Overseas: Math Degree Online Options

1. What are the benefits of pursuing a math degree online while serving in the US military overseas?

Pursuing a math degree online while serving in the US military overseas offers several benefits. Firstly, it allows you to continue your education and advance your career while fulfilling your military duties. Secondly, online programs offer flexibility in terms of scheduling and location, allowing you to complete coursework from anywhere in the world. Additionally, online programs may offer reduced tuition rates for military personnel.

2. Are there any accredited online math degree programs that cater specifically to military personnel serving overseas?

Yes, there are several accredited online math degree programs that cater specifically to military personnel serving overseas. These programs often offer flexible schedules, support services for military students, and may even have partnerships with military organizations to provide additional resources and support.

3. How can I manage the workload of an online math degree program while also being on active duty overseas?

Managing the workload of an online math degree program while being on active duty overseas may seem daunting, but it is possible with proper time management and organization. You may need to prioritize your coursework and allocate specific times for studying and completing assignments. Additionally, communicate with your professors and academic advisors about your military duties and any potential conflicts that may arise.

4. Will completing an online math degree while serving overseas be viewed differently by employers compared to a traditional degree?

No, completing an online math degree while serving overseas should not be viewed differently by employers compared to a traditional degree. As long as the program is accredited and you have gained the necessary knowledge and skills, employers will not differentiate between an online or traditional degree. It is important to highlight your military experience and the challenges you faced while completing your degree, as it demonstrates your dedication and resilience.

5. Is financial aid available for military personnel pursuing an online math degree while serving overseas?

Yes, there are several financial aid options available for military personnel pursuing an online math degree while serving overseas. You may be eligible for tuition assistance through your branch of service, as well as federal financial aid programs such as the GI Bill. Additionally, many online programs offer scholarships and grants specifically for military personnel. It is important to research and apply for all available financial aid options to help cover the costs of your education.

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