Help me compute numerically this integral

  • Thread starter bayes
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In summary: ID=407476 In summary, the integral defined in 2) is extremely important to the author and any help is greatly appreciated. However, the integral cannot be evaluated using the notation of mathematica.
  • #1

Can anybody with a powerful computer help me compute numerically the following integral:

1) k[x_, y_] :=
Exp[-Integrate[(Cosh[2 t] Cos[
2 t (ArcSinh[Cot[x]] - ArcSinh[Cot[y]])/Pi] - 1) Exp[
t]/(t Sinh[2 t] Cosh[t]), {t, 0, Infinity}]]

2) NIntegrate[k[x, y], {x, -PI, 0}, {y, -PI, 0}]

I'm using the notation of mathematica. I am interested in in the integral defined in 2)

This is extremely important to me and any help is highly appreciated.

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  • #2
What happens when you plug-in the NIntegrate command into Wolfram Alpha? Do a google search on it if you're not familiar. It's a internet interface to (some of) the features of Mathematica.
  • #3
Thank you for your reply but Mathematica alpha does only single integrals whereas mine involves 3 integrals. Moreover mathematica isn't capable of computing this integral.
  • #4
bayes said:

Can anybody with a powerful computer help me compute numerically the following integral:

1) k[x_, y_] :=
Exp[-Integrate[(Cosh[2 t] Cos[
2 t (ArcSinh[Cot[x]] - ArcSinh[Cot[y]])/Pi] - 1) Exp[
t]/(t Sinh[2 t] Cosh[t]), {t, 0, Infinity}]]

2) NIntegrate[k[x, y], {x, -PI, 0}, {y, -PI, 0}]

I'm using the notation of mathematica. I am interested in in the integral defined in 2)

This is extremely important to me and any help is highly appreciated.


What is the context of this integral? Where does it come from? What is the application? Is this a school project?
  • #5
This integral shows up in a research project in physics. Unfortunately I can't give you more details than that.

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  • #6
I think you need to more analyze the integrand in the domain of integration. For example, if I just choose a point (x,y)=(-pi/4,-pi/4) and then attempt to numerically integrate over t this is what Mathematica reports:

myk[x_, y_, t_] := 
  ((Cosh[2*t]*Cos[(2*t*(ArcSinh[Cot[x]] - ArcSinh[Cot[y]]))/Pi] - 1)*

myx = -Pi/4
myy = -Pi/4
NIntegrate[myk[myx, myy, t], {t, 0, Infinity}]



During evaluation of In[3]:= NIntegrate::inumri:
The integrand (E^t (-1+Cosh[2 t]) Csch[2 t] Sech[t])/t has 
evaluated to Overflow, Indeterminate, or Infinity for all 
sampling points in the region with 
boundaries {{0.,4.64782*10^14}}. >>

NIntegrate[myk[myx, myy, t], {t, 0, Infinity}]
  • #7
Thanks jackmell for your help but I think mathematica is not able to evaluate this integral. I know for a fact that when x = y then the integral over t is zero so I don't understand your result when x=y = -PI/4. If anyone knows another numerical method such as Gauss quadrature or Monte Carlo that would be great.
  • #8
Wait a minute dude. Let's just plot it then:

Plot[myk[-Pi/4, -Pi/4, t], {t, 0, 100}, PlotRange -> {{0, 100}, {0, 2}}]

and also, use FindInstance to see if it ever goes below the x-axis:

In[23]:= FindInstance[
 myk[-\[Pi]/4, -\[Pi]/4, t] == 0 && t > 0, t, Reals]

Out[23]= {}

so at least initially, these results are suggesting the integrand when (x,y)=(-pi/4,-pi/4) is always positive and note if I just start integrating it from t=0, 100, then 1000, then 10000, then 100000, the value of the integral grows larger and larger. These results are leading me to believe the integral that I have input to Mathematica may indeed not converge but there is still a slight chance that Mathematica is wrong but it's not often.


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  • #9
Yes I think when x = y your integral goes to +Infinity and therefore Exp[-Integral] goes to 0 and that's what I mean when I said I expect it to go to zero when x = y. I really meant the exponential of minus the integral. So our calculations agree when x = y. Thanks for your help.
  • #10
bayes said:
Yes I think when x = y your integral goes to +Infinity and therefore Exp[-Integral] goes to 0 and that's what I mean when I said I expect it to go to zero when x = y. I really meant the exponential of minus the integral. So our calculations agree when x = y. Thanks for your help.

Ok, sorry. Forgot about the Exp. Yeah, looks like a challenging integral but I have confidence the Mathematica experts at Drexel could do it. So if you really need more help, then send them an e-mail about it:

FAQ: Help me compute numerically this integral

1. What is the purpose of computing an integral numerically?

Computing an integral numerically is useful when the integral cannot be solved analytically or when the function is too complex to be integrated by hand. It allows us to approximate the area under a curve or the value of a definite integral with a high degree of accuracy.

2. How do I determine the limits of integration for a numerical integral?

The limits of integration for a numerical integral depend on the specific problem or function being evaluated. They can be determined by considering the context of the problem or by using mathematical techniques such as substitution or integration by parts.

3. What are some common numerical methods for computing integrals?

Some common numerical methods for computing integrals include the trapezoidal rule, Simpson's rule, and the midpoint rule. These methods involve dividing the interval of integration into smaller subintervals and approximating the integral using the values of the function at certain points within each subinterval.

4. How do I know if my numerical integral is accurate?

The accuracy of a numerical integral can be determined by comparing it to the exact value of the integral, if known. Otherwise, the accuracy can be estimated by using a smaller step size or by using a more precise numerical method. Additionally, some numerical methods have built-in error estimations that can be used to assess the accuracy of the integral.

5. Can I use a computer program to compute integrals numerically?

Yes, there are many computer programs and software packages that have built-in functions for computing integrals numerically. These programs allow for a high degree of accuracy and can handle complex functions and multiple integrals. However, it is important to understand the underlying principles of numerical integration before relying solely on computer programs.

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