How is the Lagrangian Derived for a Two-Mass Spring System?

In summary, we discussed a system with two masses, m1 and m2, connected by a spring and m1 also connected to a wall by a spring with spring constant k. The system's kinetic energy can be expressed as T = m/2 [x1'^2 + x2'^2] where x1' and x2' are the velocities of m1 and m2, respectively. The potential energy is given by U = 1/2 m k^2 (x1 - b)^2 + 1/2 m k^2 (x2 - x1 - b)^2, where x1 and x2 are the positions of m1 and m2, respectively, and b is the unstretched
  • #1
The system examined in the problem is depicted below:
m1 and m2 are connected by a spring and m1 is connected to the wall by a spring. The spring constant is k.

T = m/2 [ x1'^2 +x2'^2 ] kinetic energy of system (x1' is velocity of m1, x2' is velocity of m2)
U = 1/2 m k^2 (x1 - b)^2 + 1/2 m k^2 (x2-x1-b)^2 potential energy of system (x1 is position of m1, x2 is position of m2, b is the unstretched length of the spring)
Is m the reduced mass?
Also, could someone explain how the equation for U is derived? Why is it k^2 and not just k (i.e. potential energy for spring = 1/2 kx^2)? Also, why is there a mass term in the potential energy? Or is this the wrong expression for potential energy altogether?

I known then that the Lagrangian for the system is L = T - U. I can then take derivatives and substitute into the Euler-Lagrange equation. I should have two E.L. equations, correct? But what should I solve for -- x1 and x2?

Any guidance/hints greatly appreciated!
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  • #2
Hi don,

The general form of the potential energy for a linear spring is [tex] \frac{1}{2} k (x - d)^2 [/tex] where [tex] k [/tex] is the spring constant,[tex] x [/tex] is the distance between endpoints of the spring, and [tex] d [/tex] is the unstreched length. Why did you put [tex] m k^2 [/tex] in front of the displacement squared? Perhaps you were thinking of [tex] k = m \omega^2 [/tex], the definition of the frequency for a single spring system.

Also, the differential equations you obtain are two coupled linear second order equations. There are several ways to proceed, one would be to see if you can make a useful separation into the relative and center of mass motion. Alternatively, are you familiar with the theory of coupled oscillations? You can obtain the normal modes (there are two of them) for your system without too much trouble.

FAQ: How is the Lagrangian Derived for a Two-Mass Spring System?

What is the Lagrangian for a system with springs?

In simple terms, the Lagrangian for a system with springs is a mathematical function that describes the energy of the system in terms of its position and velocity.

How is the Lagrangian related to the equations of motion for a system with springs?

The Lagrangian is used to derive the equations of motion for a system with springs. It is a central concept in the field of classical mechanics and is essential for understanding the behavior of physical systems.

What are the advantages of using the Lagrangian in analyzing systems with springs?

The Lagrangian approach offers several advantages over other methods in analyzing systems with springs. It allows for a more elegant and concise formulation of the equations of motion, and it also takes into account the conservation of energy and momentum in the system.

How do you determine the Lagrangian for a specific system with springs?

The Lagrangian for a specific system with springs can be determined by first identifying the kinetic and potential energy terms of the system. Then, using these terms, the Lagrangian can be expressed as a function of the generalized coordinates of the system.

Can the Lagrangian approach be applied to systems with multiple springs?

Yes, the Lagrangian approach can be applied to systems with multiple springs. In fact, it is often used to analyze complex systems with multiple degrees of freedom, such as systems with multiple springs and masses.

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