Dark Matter/Dark Energy Question

  • Thread starter nuke_c
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In summary, Joe Carron suggests that the accelerating expansion of the Universe may be due to the influence of matter falling into black holes, which changes space in some way. However, this is a speculative idea that has not been well-supported by evidence.
  • #1
First off, let me apologize if this is in the wrong area, I will happily move it if it is.

I realize Dark Matter and Dark Energy are not assumed to be the same thing.
Here is my question.

Can Dark Matter / Dark Energy be a result of Black Holes?

Our Universe didn't start accelerating in it's expansion until about 5 Billion years ago, according to current studies. (Unless something new has came about that I am unaware of). It is assumed that the Gravity of the Universe itself kept Dark Energy from accelerating the expansion of the Universe..but as it expanded enough, the power of Dark Energy is forcing the Universes expansion to accelerate.

Now this is said to be due to more Space actually being created, evenly between the Galaxies. It is also said that our Solar System nor the Galaxes themselves seem to be expanding, only the space between them.

Therefor..is it possible that Black Holes take the Matter they are sucking down and feeding it into another dimension that is actually causing our Universe to expand...from the inside. Like, our Universe is on the outside of a Balloon, and the Black Holes are feeding the inside of the balloon..much the same way you blow up a ballon..causing this accelerated expansion?

Is it plausible that matter is changed in such away by going through a black hole that it actually either creates or stretches our space/time somehow?
Thank you,

Joe Carron
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  • #2
Hi Joe,

The expansion of the Universe is a natural consequence of General Relativity, ie there is nothing surprising about it in terms of what we know about gravity. The accelerating expansion of the Universe is surprising but could be caused by Dark Energy. One interpretation of Dark Energy is that its the energy density of the vacuum. This means it is everywhere and the amount is proportional to the volume you consider.

Black Holes are also well described by General Relativity (as long as you don't ask questions about what happens inside the event horizon). The idea that matter that falls into black holes causes the accelerating expansion of the Universe is a creative one, but just doesn't fit into the established framework.

For one, even though it is not understood exactly what happens to matter inside an event horizon, it is in some sense not gone because the event horizon grows. It is therefore OK to think of it as localized at the position of the black hole for our discussion. It would be hard to construct a theory that explains uniform expansion through the action of a lot of localized masses (which would have a tendencey to slow expansion)
  • #3
nuke_c said:
Now this is said to be due to more Space actually being created, evenly between the Galaxies. It is also said that our Solar System nor the Galaxes themselves seem to be expanding, only the space between them.
I'm not sure about the "space being created" part: the thing most cosmologists think of when they talk about universe expansion is the distance between objects in the universe expanding. Galaxies and solar systems do not expand, since they are gravitationally bound systems.

Therefor..is it possible that Black Holes take the Matter they are sucking down and feeding it into another dimension that is actually causing our Universe to expand...from the inside. Like, our Universe is on the outside of a Balloon, and the Black Holes are feeding the inside of the balloon..much the same way you blow up a ballon..causing this accelerated expansion?

Is it plausible that matter is changed in such away by going through a black hole that it actually either creates or stretches our space/time somehow?

Well, this is pretty speculative and, to be honest with you, I don't think anyone knows enough about black holes/wormholes etc. However, it is definitely possible that something going on in other compactified dimensions could be causing an accelerated expansion of the universe.
  • #4

Here’s the thing. I am not a physicist, just an interested and curious fellow. Some times things do occur to me, such as the fact that you could talk to computers due to the fact that any thing that can be represented mathematically can be dealt with by a computer and the human voice, speech patterns, sound produced can all be voice printed and turned into sine waves thus rendering human speech, individual characteristics included into a method of speaking to a computer.
I say this as an introduction to the way that my mind works when I let it go into wondering mode. I take bits and pieces of knowledge from many fields and wind up combining them into what can sometimes be useful representations of thought. I thought of how you could talk to computers long before it was put into production, none of which I had anything to do with.

Now along those lines it has occurred to me that not only has a major event occurred but also it could lend itself to answering some questions. The event is the detectable occurrence of something happening faster than the SOL, speed of light. I refer to the splitting of a photon (particle of light) in half and the fact that the two halves respond to each of instantaneously, even at great distance, thus resulting in an action occurring faster than SOL.

It had previously occurred to me that if something happened faster than SOL you would not be able to see it, how could you, it is traveling faster than light.
Now if you take this and apply it to the missing matter in the mass of the universe and the assumption (or more) that dark matter would account for this missing factor, could it not be a possibility that dark matter is composed of actions, elements and particles all acting and reacting at speeds greater than SOL?

Now to get more specific to your query of could this be the result of Black Holes.
In the newer versions of cosmological, physical speculation and the advent of the theory of the Multi-verses is it not a possibility that the Big Bang began as an infinitesimally small rupture in the structure of a Black Hole thereby leaking the compressed matter of another Universe into the space that was to become this, our own present Universe. If all the matter that passes the event horizon into the extreme compression of the intense gravitation of Black Holes simply were to break down into the basic structure of the elements is it not possible that it would revert back to its initial state and once again become the building blocks of Hydrogen and some Helium, the stuff of the origin of stars and the igniter of the engines that produce the elements?

Would not such a rupture present the force and energy that went into the event that we refer to as the Big Bang and supply the matter in its infant form to what it was to become as time progressed from that event forward?

Just some thoughts for you to think about and kick around in this thread. I would be very interested in following any thoughts that you lend yourself to expressing. I know that it is not presented in a qualified technically proper form, but I have dashed this off and it is not intended to be a thesis, just a topic for some fun daydreaming. Consider it for a while and then kick back with some more technical rebuttals and responses.
  • #5
dark matter and dark energy were there before there were any black holes from collapsed stars

FAQ: Dark Matter/Dark Energy Question

What is dark matter and dark energy?

Dark matter and dark energy are two mysterious substances that make up the majority of the universe's mass and energy. They are called "dark" because they do not interact with light and therefore cannot be observed directly.

How do we know dark matter and dark energy exist?

Scientists have observed the effects of dark matter and dark energy through their gravitational influence on visible matter and the expansion of the universe. However, their exact nature and composition are still unknown.

What is the difference between dark matter and dark energy?

Dark matter is a type of matter that makes up about 85% of the universe's mass and is responsible for holding galaxies and galaxy clusters together through its gravitational pull. Dark energy, on the other hand, is a repulsive force that makes up about 70% of the universe's energy and is causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate.

Why is it important to study dark matter and dark energy?

Understanding dark matter and dark energy is crucial for understanding the structure and evolution of the universe. It may also hold the key to solving some of the biggest mysteries in physics, such as the nature of gravity and the ultimate fate of the universe.

How are scientists studying dark matter and dark energy?

Scientists are using a variety of techniques, including gravitational lensing, galaxy rotation curves, and cosmological observations, to study the effects of dark matter and dark energy. They are also conducting experiments with particle accelerators and detectors to try to directly detect and study these elusive substances.

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