Spectrum Analyzer + PC: Interface & Contact Info

In summary, a spectrum analyzer may exist that can analyze a 100-180GHz signal. They are expensive and rare, and usually accessed by graduate students or defense contractors.
  • #1
Hi everyone,
i want to operate spectrum analyzer by pc or laptop. Is there such interface of spectrum analyzer and pc possible? If yes, then how? Tell me the name and contact detail of person who have make such interface..
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2

Most pieces of sound recording software also usually have spectral analysers.
  • #3
What's the frequency range you want to measure?
  • #4
waht said:
What's the frequency range you want to measure?

frequency 100-180 Ghz
  • #6
Does a scope or spectrum analyzer even exist that can analyze a 100-180GHz signal?! I suspect not even close, the top-of-the-line Tektronix and Agilent scopes barely reach 20-50GHz and cost well over $100,000...
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  • #7
Mech_Engineer said:
Does a scope or spectrum analyzer even exist that can analyze a 100-180GHz signal?! I suspect not even close, the top-of-the-line Tektronix and Agilent scopes barely reach 20-50GHz and cost well over $100,000...

I didn't even know people manufactured electronics that operated at those frequencies let alone logic analyzers.
  • #8
Topher925 said:
I didn't even know people manufactured electronics that operated at those frequencies let alone logic analyzers.

Maybe he meant 100-180 MHz, in which case he can buy any number of units to analyze the signals...
  • #9
What you need is a waveguide harmonic mixer adapter for a spectrum analyzer. Agilent manufactures harmonic mixers up to 325 GHz in various ranges.

VA Diodes makes harmonic mixers up to 1.5 THz

In either case, they are absurdly expensive. Expect to fork out 20K for just the adapter, and 100K for a spectrum analyzer.
  • #10
Mech_Engineer said:
Does a scope or spectrum analyzer even exist that can analyze a 100-180GHz signal?! I suspect not even close, the top-of-the-line Tektronix and Agilent scopes barely reach 20-50GHz and cost well over $100,000...

Agilent has sampling oscilloscopes that work up to 100 GHz and has recently rolled out real time scopes that work up to 30 GHz, but they cost like 250K. Spectrum analyzers covering 100 GHz have existed for more than 30 years.
  • #11
waht said:
Agilent has sampling oscilloscopes that work up to 100 GHz and has recently rolled out real time scopes that work up to 30 GHz, but they cost like 250K. Spectrum analyzers covering 100 GHz have existed for more than 30 years.

I'm not up to speed on what the differences are between a sampling o-scope, real-time o-scope, and spectrum analyzer... Nonetheless, it sounds like a spectrum analyzer may exist for the sort of frequencies the OP is looking for, although possibly not something cheap and easy that he can plug into his computer.
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  • #12
Mech_Engineer said:
...it sounds like a spectrum analyzer may exist for the sort of frequencies the OP is looking for, although possibly not something cheap and easy that he can plug into his computer.

yes, and based on OP's other threads, it sounds like OP is actually working on something advanced without having so much a clue of the basics which leads me to believe the OP is a troll. This kind of equipment can be accessed in graduate schools, in defense contractor and other types of research labs.
  • #13
Analysers covering that range are extremely rare and extremely expensive (it would be considered a major investment even for a big research institute).
But I agree with Waht, the OP is probably is troll.
Anyone working with equipment that operates in that frequency range will know how to do something as basic as connecting measurement equipment to a PC( since anyone who needs analyser will presumably already have the source, waveguides/quasioptics etc so we are talking about quite sophisticated and expensive equipment, not something that would be used by a total novice without supervision).

Although I guess it is possible that he really meant kHz (not GHz).,..

FAQ: Spectrum Analyzer + PC: Interface & Contact Info

What is a Spectrum Analyzer?

A Spectrum Analyzer is a scientific instrument used to display and analyze the frequency spectrum of electronic signals. It measures the amplitude of signals at different frequencies, allowing for the identification of frequency components and analysis of signal characteristics.

How does a Spectrum Analyzer work?

A Spectrum Analyzer works by taking an input signal and breaking it down into its individual frequency components using a technique called Fourier analysis. The resulting spectrum is then displayed on a graph, with frequency on the horizontal axis and amplitude on the vertical axis.

What is the benefit of using a Spectrum Analyzer with a PC interface?

A Spectrum Analyzer with a PC interface allows for more advanced analysis and processing of signals. It also allows for easier data storage and sharing, as well as the ability to automate measurements and perform real-time analysis.

How do I set up a Spectrum Analyzer with my PC?

The exact setup process may vary depending on the specific Spectrum Analyzer and PC interface being used. However, in general, you will need to connect the Spectrum Analyzer to the PC using a USB or Ethernet cable and install any necessary software or drivers. Consult the user manual or contact the manufacturer for specific instructions.

What is the contact information for the manufacturer of my Spectrum Analyzer + PC interface?

The contact information for the manufacturer can typically be found on the device itself or in the user manual. You can also visit the manufacturer's website or contact their customer support team for assistance.

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