Help in taking an extra math course

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  • Thread starter jcsolis
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In summary, the individual is a Mechanical Engineering major and is unsure of their class schedule for next semester. They have completed their required math and engineering courses and are considering taking an extra math course, specifically Statistics, which is not required for their degree. They have been advised by a professor that Statistics would be useful for potential future graduate school and thesis writing. Other suggested courses include Partial Differential Equations, Vector Calculus, and Mathematical Methods for Engineers. It is also mentioned that all engineers may be required to take a Statistics course.
  • #1
Hello, I am a Mech. Engineering major and I have not solved yet my class schedule for next semester. Most of the classes I am already registered are general classes (History, Government, Economics) no math or engineering courses because I will transfer to another school and I don't know if I can get credit for them later, but I already completed my required mat courses (Calculus I, II, III, Diff. Equations) and basic engineering courses like Statics and Dynamics.

Since I don't have any math related course, I was thinking in take an extra math course, something like Statistics (this is not required in my degree). A professor told me that if I go to grad school one day, statistics will be a helpful tool for writing a thesis.

Do you think this is a good idea or is just a waste of time? You can suggest me other course to take

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  • #2
An intro course in probability and statistics can always be somewhat useful (and are often compulsory for engineering majors, at least here). I'd also look into taking a course in partial diff. eqs., as I'm sure that will come in handy in the future.
  • #3
Yeah, take PDEs. you will need it. also consider taking prior to PDE's vector calc. It presents theory that will build into the applications of heat transport,vibrations,etc.
Also, It might not hurt to consider a math modeling course concurrently with Vector Calc.
Then take PDE's.

If you want to wrap up your math skills in one semester, you could vouch to take a "mathematical methods for engineers" course. That would probably be your best bet, would cost less in time and money as well.
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  • #4
**take a stats course by all means. I think all engineers have to take it if I'm not mistaken.

FAQ: Help in taking an extra math course

1. How can taking an extra math course benefit me in my career?

Taking an extra math course can benefit you in many ways, especially in your career. It can improve your problem-solving skills, critical thinking abilities, and overall mathematical proficiency, which are highly sought-after skills in various industries such as finance, engineering, and data analysis.

2. Can I take an extra math course even if it's not required for my major?

Yes, you can definitely take an extra math course even if it's not required for your major. In fact, taking additional courses outside of your major shows that you are a well-rounded and motivated student, which can make you stand out to potential employers or graduate schools.

3. How much harder is an extra math course compared to a regular math course?

The difficulty level of an extra math course depends on the specific course and your own personal strengths and weaknesses in math. However, generally speaking, an extra math course may be more challenging than a regular math course as it requires additional time and effort from you. But with dedication and hard work, it is definitely manageable.

4. Will taking an extra math course affect my GPA?

Yes, taking an extra math course can potentially impact your GPA, both positively and negatively. If you do well in the course, it can improve your GPA, but if you struggle or do poorly, it can lower your GPA. It's important to carefully consider your workload and time management skills before enrolling in an extra math course.

5. Are there any resources available to help me succeed in an extra math course?

Yes, there are many resources available to help you succeed in an extra math course. Your school may offer tutoring services, study groups, or office hours with the professor. There are also online resources, such as practice problems and video tutorials, that can supplement your learning. Don't be afraid to ask for help when needed and utilize all available resources to succeed in your course.

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