What are the shapes of molecular orbitals?

In summary, the conversation discusses the different types of hybrid orbitals and their shapes, as well as the existence of d3sp3 orbitals. The conversation also clarifies that these are atomic orbitals and not molecular orbitals. Molecular orbitals are defined as the orbitals of electrons in a molecule and are different from the hybrid orbitals discussed in the conversation.
  • #1
Neha Sanghvi
Please, can someone answer my question? I know the shape of sp hybrid orbital, but want to know about the others ( sp2,sp3,dsp2,dsp3,d2sp3,d3sp3 ). And are there any other type of molecular orbitals?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Okay, an sp hybrid orbital looks pretty much like one of the p-orbitals. It has 2 lobes directed at 180 deg from each other. The other hybrid orbitals too take on shapes that reflect the symmetry of the hybridisation.

sp2 orbitals have 3 such lobes pointing out towards the vertices of an equilateral triangle centered on the nucleus.

sp3 orbitals have 4 lobes pointing out towards the vertices of a regular tetrahedron centered on the nucleus.

dsp2 orbitals have 4 lobes pointing out towards the vertices of a square centered on the nucleus.

dsp3 orbitals have 3 lobes pointing out towards the vertices of an equilateral triangle centered on the nucleus and the other 2 pointing normal to this plane, one upwards and one downwards.

d2sp3 orbitals have 4 lobes pointing out towards the vertices of a square centered on the nucleus and the other 2 pointing normal to this plane, one upwards and one downwards.

I've never come across a d3sp3 orbital, but if that were to exist, I would imagine that it would have have 5 lobes pointing out towards the vertices of a regular pentagon centered on the nucleus and the other 2 pointing normal to this plane, one upwards and one downwards. (I wouldn't extend this beyond 5 though; the in-plane angle will become significantly smaller than the out of plane angle, and that wouldn't be very stable).

Oh, and by the way, none of these are molecular orbitals. They are all hybridized ATOMIC orbitals.
  • #3
You can see (and construct) such orbitals with the program "Atom in a Box" (macintosh only).
Some examples are on the web page:
  • #4
Gokul43201 said:
I've never come across a d3sp3 orbital, but if that were to exist, I would imagine that it would have have 5 lobes pointing out towards the vertices of a regular pentagon centered on the nucleus and the other 2 pointing normal to this plane, one upwards and one downwards. (I wouldn't extend this beyond 5 though; the in-plane angle will become significantly smaller than the out of plane angle, and that wouldn't be very stable).
Well, thanks for everything, but u know d3sp3 does exist. Examples are PCl5, PF5, SbCl5. By the way, yes, your imagination is correct. I found out its shape. It's what you described. Thanks.

So, what are molecular orbitals then?
  • #5
Neha Sanghvi said:
Well, thanks for everything, but u know d3sp3 does exist. Examples are PCl5, PF5, SbCl5. By the way, yes, your imagination is correct. I found out its shape. It's what you described. Thanks.
So, what are molecular orbitals then?

Atomic orbital is the orbital of electron in an atom.Molecular orbital is the orbital of electron in a molecule.

Orbitals that you wrote form molecular orbitals (in the approximation of EV). In the approximation of OM, molecular orbitals are completely different and there is not any thing like sp3 etc.

Your orbitals are valid for semiempirical questions and, in chemistry, only used in basic courses of organic or inorganic chemistry.
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FAQ: What are the shapes of molecular orbitals?

What are molecular orbitals?

Molecular orbitals are mathematical functions that describe the behavior and location of electrons in a molecule. They are derived from the combination of atomic orbitals from the individual atoms in the molecule.

What determines the shape of molecular orbitals?

The shape of molecular orbitals is determined by the number and relative energies of the atomic orbitals that combine to form them. Other factors such as electron repulsion and symmetry also play a role in shaping molecular orbitals.

What are the different types of molecular orbitals?

There are two main types of molecular orbitals: bonding and antibonding. Bonding orbitals have lower energy and contribute to the stability of a molecule, while antibonding orbitals have higher energy and contribute to the destabilization of a molecule.

What is the difference between sigma and pi molecular orbitals?

Sigma and pi molecular orbitals differ in their orientation and electron density. Sigma orbitals have electron density along the axis connecting the nuclei of the atoms, while pi orbitals have electron density above and below this axis.

How are the shapes of molecular orbitals visualized?

The shapes of molecular orbitals are typically visualized using molecular orbital diagrams or 3D models. These representations show the distribution of electron density in the orbital and can help predict the reactivity and properties of a molecule.
